Treat your body better than your car – Please

Treat your body better than your car – Please

Treat your body better than your car – please ’ b.x 

Think of your body as your vehicle around our life  – just like a car – our body requires the same things – proper fuel, regular driving, a good scrub, wash and polish, vacuum the inside and caution taken when driving it around so not to crash or damage it. 

We save for it, we insure it and we pay ridiculous amounts weekly to secure it or show it off. Many treat their car as their biggest asset and some even forget their body. 

Yet, our life body gets us everywhere while our car sits on a carpark. 

Our face being our most valuable reflection and readable asset. It’s more valuable than anything we own however we often leave it til last. 

The fact is our epidermis is a pure reflection of self. The best news is that it require a simple combination of four ingredients to boost and truly glow up…

  1. You literally are ‘what you eat or consume’ – our fuel to our blood is reflected in our epidermis and of course in our body. My must eat daily, blueberries, oats, raw carrots, spinach, almonds and vegetables & fish 
  2. Ensure cleansed pores through sweating and hydration with pure water. 
  3. Add an exterior polish with high quality skin care products and definitely a suncream. My must have in: @priori skincare, a drop in LED light 
  4. Secure your  mental self talk – look in the mirror – look at you stare and choose two positive things daily to speak aloud – to self. Make one – I believe in ….(insert your name) 

Health and Happiness,


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