When Your Children Grow, So Do YOU.

When Your Children Grow, So Do YOU.

When Your Children Grow, So Do YOU.

June bug got me! Feeling much better this week and ready for a new month!

Keeping your immune system strong for allergy season is key.

Are you excited for summer or dreading the heat?

Find your reasons for the seasons. Feeling energetic and healthy will make your summer days pleasant and adventurous. Make a plan and do your best to stick to it.

For the parents, teachers, and principals, the end of the year can be bittersweet. The end of the school year is always jam-packed with so much to accomplish.

Way back when I had my third miracle baby, I dreamed of these milestone moments. I wondered what it would be like when we started high school.

I know as my children get older, so do I.  I envision myself being healthy, fit, strong, and energetic as we make these milestones. Well, one of those milestones is here and I can’t believe it!

We had a promotion dance with so many “firsts” and now a graduation ceremony coming up this week. I think I may need a few tissues when the reality of this moment hits me. Here I am feeling strong and living in the moment. 

I really look forward to our yoga classes. Maybe this is the summer you take up YOGA as a regular practice. It’s never too early or too late to incorporate this healthy habit. I know yoga has really helped to increase my longevity. 

How do you see yourself in 10 years, 20 years?
The time is NOW! Get going! Keep Going! Just like you would never give up on your kids, never give up on your dreams, your health.

Be honest, you try not to, but deep down do your dread summer? The thought of the kids home all summer, the gatherings, putting on summer clothes, the heat? Well, that’s okay and don’t you dare feel guilty about it. Watch for my blog this month to get my summer tips!

Motivation comes extrinsically and intrinsically. 
When planning your summer routine, cultivate intrinsic motivation, which is to motivate yourself from within. Do you want to sail ⛵ through the season feeling your best? Pack your bag with motivation, a sensible schedule, accountability, and let’s go.

Stay Strong All Summer Long! 
Time is running out for sign-ups for Small Group Training!
Hitting the weights 2 times per week to keep you in peak condition all summer. TIME IS RUNNING OUT TO JOIN JUNE TRAINING. I don’t want you to miss out on this training opportunity. 

Bring on summer!
Yours in health,
Kathy Dolan


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