Transforming Our Brothers Health: The Power of Community in The Men’s Room

Transforming Our Brothers Health: The Power of Community in The Men’s Room

Transforming Our Brothers Health: The Power of Community in The Men’s Room
Left to Right Sitting: Emmanuel Key Treasurer for the 100BMWPA and MR Lifestyle Coach Pete Rome Director of Health and Wellness Program, Program Mgr. MR, Life Style Coach MR and CYL2 Urban Health Resource (UHR) Vann Williams Participant 100BMWPA
Standing Left to Right: Anthony Robinson Ast. Program Mgr. MR, Will Thompkins Participant 100 BMWPA Al Valentine President 100 BMWPA Philip Hamilton COO Urban Health Resource (UHR)

Imagine a space where Black men gather not just for camaraderie, but for a profound purpose: to conquer health challenges together. This is the essence of The Men’s Room—a groundbreaking initiative that gives Black men the permission and space to discuss everything from weight loss to erectile dysfunction and more, transforming personal health into a communal journey.

The Men’s Room, powered by The Black Women’s Health Imperative and delivered by Urban Health Resource, is gaining momentum quickly. The first of the four existing groups was established through a partnership with 100 Black Men of Western PA whose president, Al Valentine, considers it a valuable contribution to the chapter, fostering open dialogue in an area that has traditionally been shrouded in silence.

The Men's Room
Left to Right Sitting: Emmanuel Key, Pete Rome in the middle, Al Valentine

The Men’s Room program focuses on critical health behaviors such as eating healthy food, engaging in 150 minutes of physical activity weekly, managing stress, getting sufficient sleep, and staying hydrated. Our group set ambitious goals. The program initially sets a target for participants to lose 5 to 7% of their body weight. However, the 100 Black Men of Western PA decided to elevate this objective, aiming for a 10% body weight reduction among participants to achieve an even more substantial health impact.

Accountability is a cornerstone of The Men’s Room. Participants track their physical activities and dietary habits, allowing personalized coaching that fosters behavior change and lifestyle enhancements. This has led to remarkable outcomes: participants have not only lost substantial weight and lowered their A1c levels but have fundamentally changed their lifestyles for the better. We are also seeing that as the men achieve their health goals, they are actively sharing their newfound knowledge with younger men, helping to prevent chronic diseases and promote lifelong healthy habits across generations.

The success of the Western PA Men’s Room group that has collectively shed over 100 pounds, showcases the program’s potential. It fosters a spirit of brotherhood where men support each other through physical activity sessions, shared meals, and regular check-ins with their coach and each other. Through partnerships with other national and community-based organizations including churches and alumni chapters of Black Greek organizations such as Kappa Alphs Psi Fraternity, inc., additional groups are starting each month and the positive impact of the program continues to ripple through communities reaching families and local congregations.   Many of these organizations’ members have been inspired to also become lifestyle coaches and are eager to share their lessons learned to help others on their health journey.

I am deeply grateful to the Black Women’s Health Imperative and its staff for their support, which has been instrumental in the success and expansion of The Men’s Room. Their commitment to health equity and community empowerment are paving the way for a healthier tomorrow for Black men across the country.

Stay tuned, as the best is indeed yet to come. For more information about the Men’s Room visit:


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