The End of Diets – For Good – Amodrn

The End of Diets – For Good – Amodrn

Ladies, grab your favorite snacks and gather around because we’re about to spill some piping hot tea on the diet industry. It’s a billion-dollar industry, and we’re all stuck in a never-ending cycle of trying one diet after another. But guess what? We keep returning for more, and it’s not because these diets work. 97% of dieters regain the weight and then some.

Brace yourselves for real talk about the diet industry’s dirty secrets and why it’s time for a change.

The End of Diets – For Good – Amodrn

Why Yo-Yo Dieting and Weight Regain Can Do More Harm Than Good

Raise your hand if you’ve ever embarked on a diet journey, only to find yourself back at square one a few months (or weeks) later. It’s called yo-yo dieting, and it’s the ultimate rollercoaster ride that none of us signed up for. Here’s the kicker: it might do more harm than good.

Yo-yo dieting messes with your body, mind, and confidence like no other. It’s like a cruel joke where you lose weight, gain it all back, and then some. But why does this happen, and what’s going on behind the scenes?

When you crash diet or follow overly restrictive plans, your body freaks out. It’s like a survival mode switch flips, and your metabolism slows down to conserve energy.

And when you inevitably give in to irresistible hunger and cravings (because, come on, who can resist chocolate forever?), your body stores those extra calories as fat, just in case the next famine hits. It’s a lose-lose situation that leaves you feeling defeated and frustrated.

Despite successfully losing the last 15 pounds for his wedding, co-author of The Ultimate Nutrition Bible, Matt Gallant’s aggressive approach led to chronic hunger and weight regain over two years. His hunger persisted until his weight returned to beyond its previous level.

Multiple studies confirm that when people yo-yo diet, they regain most or even more of their weight no matter what diet they follow.

Moreover, yo-yo dieting takes a toll on your mental health. You might beat yourself up for “failing” yet another diet. And the constant cycle of restriction and binging creates an unhealthy relationship with food. Your confidence takes a nosedive as you watch the number on the scale fluctuate like a yo-yo.

But here’s the real kicker: yo-yo dieting can mess with your body on a cellular level. It messes with your hormones, making it even harder to shed those pounds next time. So, it can even leave you worse off than if you never dieted.

People on yo-yo diets tend to have increased belly fat and triglyceride levels and become more insulin resistance.  All of these make the diet cycle even harder to break.

So, here’s the takeaway: yo-yo dieting isn’t just ineffective; it harms your physical and mental well-being. It’s time to break free from this cycle and discover a better way to nourish your body and soul. Not by giving up your goal of looking and feeling great for the rest of your life, but rather by abandoning short-term diet culture thinking for evidence-based long-term strategies.

The Ultimate Nutrition Bible Book
The Ultimate Nutrition Bible Book

After witnessing the diet industry shortfalls throughout their collective 60+ year careers as fitness professionals, Matt Gallant and Wade T. Lightheart decided to write The Ultimate Nutrition Bible, coming out Tuesday, September 26th, 2023.

They both have delivered epic transformations for hundreds of clients at all levels from morbidly obese and rehabbing addicts to physique competitors, professional athletes, and CEOs. Their evidence-based holistic approach considers things most diets ignore, such as personal nutritional needs, psychospiritual needs, nutrigenomics, gut flora, and even emotional traumas.

Although they’ve been best friends for 3 decades, Gallant started out as a keto devotee, while Lightheart is a lifelong vegan. They spent 15 years debating on whose diet is best until they realized that personalization truly is the key for anyone to long-term results on any diet.

No diet is best for everyone. Instead, choosing the right nutritional strategies for you, based on your current health status and goals, is a crucial piece.

The Ultimate Nutrition Bible distilled their collective wisdom, lessons from their mistakes and wins, and evidence-based findings from over 800 studies.

Here are some golden nuggets from the book:

1) Think Long-Term

You need to think long-term to find the right solution for your weight loss. Forget those quick fixes that promise to shed ten pounds in a week (because, spoiler alert, they WILL backfire in the long run). It’s all about shifting your perspective and making choices that set you up for success not just today but for a lifetime.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is going too aggressive with weight loss. You want results, and you want them fast, but that’s where you go wrong.

Extreme diets and drastic approaches activate the starvation survival mechanism in your body. It’s like your body’s way of saying, “Hey, I’m not getting enough food here! Time to slow down the metabolism, shut down reproductive functions, and store fat for the apocalypse.”

And let’s talk about those diets you don’t even enjoy. Why put yourself through the misery of eating foods you hate? The Ultimate Nutrition Bible encourages us to find a diet that we genuinely enjoy and can stick with. Spoiler alert: staying on track is much easier when savoring your meals.

So, think long-term, ditch the extreme approaches, and find a diet that sparks joy.

2) Ultimate Personalization

Okay, here’s where things get exciting. The Ultimate Nutrition Bible introduces you to the concept of ultimate personalization. It’s like having a tailor for your diet – no more one-size-fits-all nonsense.

In a world where no single diet fits everyone, the BiOptimizers Pyramid of Nutritional Decisions offers a roadmap to personalization. We’re all unique, with diverse physical, mental, and spiritual needs. This pyramid starts by honoring these individual aspects, providing a solid foundation for your personalized journey.

Next, you focus on your goals, whether it’s weight loss, muscle gain, increased energy, or overall well-being. The Ultimate Nutrition Bible unfolds the key diet optimizers to help you on your journey.

It begins with finding the right balance of calories and macros without obsessive counting. Nutrigenomics and your own health data become your guide, aligning your diet and supplements with what your body really needs.

Your gut microbiome takes center stage as you learn to support its health, while supplements provide additional nutritional support beyond food. Navigating food sensitivities, allergies, and intolerances empowers you to make choices that minimize food-related inflammation.

The ultimate goal is a sustainable diet tailored to you throughout your lifetime. So, if you’ve ever felt like diets don’t “work” for you, it’s time to embrace ultimate personalization and make your diet truly your own.

3) Diet Fail-Safe Strategies

the Ultimate Nutrition Bible Book with Reader

See also

Health tips

Alright, let’s talk about those moments when you’re THIS close to raiding the fridge and downing the whole ice cream bucket. We’ve all been there, right? The Ultimate Nutrition Bible has your back with a set of fail-safe strategies to keep you on track.

One strategy is to harness the power of dopamine for unparalleled success. By creating your personalized dopamine-driven reward loops, you can multiply your ability to achieve your goals and push yourself to superhuman levels of effort and endurance.

Another game-changer is to reframe your challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and wins. Instead of quitting when faced with weight loss plateaus or minor setbacks, embrace guidance to find your resilience and stay on course. This mindset shift allows you to extract valuable lessons from your experiences, even the ones that didn’t go as planned.

And let’s not forget shifting from self-judgment and shame to absolute self-acceptance. It’s a crucial step in breaking free from emotional eating and diet abandonment. Many individuals fall into a destructive cycle of self-criticism when they veer from their short-term goals, leading to a cascade of negative choices.

Embrace Matt’s journey, who transitioned from self-criticism to self-love, and recognize that beating yourself up offers no benefits. Instead, it’s time to focus on growth opportunities, lessons, gifts, and wins.

These are just a few examples of the strategies covered in the book, and there are many more where those came from. The key takeaway here is that it’s not about being perfect; it’s about having tools in your toolbox to navigate the challenges of dieting.

4) Always Having Post-Diet Goals and Plans

Alright, so what happens after you reach your goal weight? Spoiler alert: it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Too many people promptly revert to their old habits only to undo all their progress and then some. Gallant and Lightheart have tried-and-true solutions.

The Ultimate Nutrition Bible reminds us that it’s crucial to have post-diet goals and plans. It’s not just about reaching that magic number on the scale; it’s about what happens next. You need to shift your focus from losing weight to maintaining your progress and setting new goals.

Think about it like this: you’ve trained for a marathon, and once you cross the finish line, you don’t stop running, right? You set new goals, improving your time or conquering a more challenging race. The same principle applies to nutrition.

Post-diet goals keep us motivated and prevent us from slipping back into old habits. It’s about celebrating our achievements and leveling up for the next challenge.

The Ultimate Nutrition Bible guides you through creating a master plan based on your unique goals. You’ll learn about effective techniques like diet cycling, refeeds, and reverse dieting to bring your metabolism back to pre-diet levels.

Conclusion: Your Ultimate Nutrition Journey Starts Here

Ladies, if you’ve ever felt trapped in the diet industry’s web of deceit and yo-yo dieting, it’s time for a change. The Ultimate Nutrition Bible is here to rescue you from this vicious cycle and help you build a healthy, sustainable relationship with food.

This isn’t just another diet book; it’s a guide to a better way of living. It’s about:

  • Thinking long-term
  • Personalizing your nutrition
  • Having fail-safe mental and nutritional strategies in place
  • Setting the right goals and having after-goal plans

Ready to quit the diet spinning wheels for good? Check out The Ultimate Nutrition Bible book and the accompanying course here. It’s time to slay that nutrition game and ditch the diet industry’s nonsense for good. Take control of your nutrition journey and live your best, healthiest life.


  1. Anderson JW, Konz EC, Frederich RC, Wood CL. Long-term weight-loss maintenance: a meta-analysis of US studies. Am J Clin Nutr. 2001;74(5):579-584. doi:10.1093/ajcn/74.5.579
  2. Quinn DM, Puhl RM, Reinka MA. Trying again (and again): Weight cycling and depressive symptoms in U.S. adults. PLoS One. 2020;15(9):e0239004. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0239004
  3. Zou H, Yin P, Liu L, et al. Association between weight cycling and risk of developing diabetes in adults: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. J Diabetes Investig. 2021;12(4):625-632. doi:10.1111/jdi.13380


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