Should You Bring the Hostess a Gift?

Should You Bring the Hostess a Gift?

Should You Bring the Hostess a Gift?

I love you for coming and I love you for leaving.

Should You Bring the Hostess a Gift?

I chose to continue many of the traditions handed down to me by my family including saying please and thank you, sending thank you notes in some form, and when invited into someone’s home, to bring a hostess gift. 

I had a visitor a few weeks back from the east coast. He arrived at our door with a box of chocolates. I love this tradition! Is it an east coast thing? Dorinda from the New York Housewives is an East Coast girl! Do you bring a hostess gift? 

I do this as a rule. My daughter attended a gathering at her friend’s house and I sent her with a little something. She was hesitant and pitched “Mom, are you sure?” Although her friend made an awkward comment (teens😉), his mom was so gracious as she accepted our token of appreciation. I told my daughter that it was okay if her friend thought it was weird, we will continue to do it anyway!

So recently I wanted to give one of the families in our carpool something. Thinking about it, I knew they were avoiding sugar and trying to keep things on the healthy side.

I sent over a pineapple!🍍🍍🍍🍍 The Symbol of Hospitality When I asked my daughter how they liked it she said: “they LOVED IT, MOM!” Just something so small but thoughtful can really show gratitude, and gratitude never goes out of style.

It’s one thing to say “I’m grateful,” but taking it another step to perform acts of gratitude is a whole new level. 
Acts of gratitude big or small. I can say with certainty if you make it a habit to carry out acts of gratitude daily it will change your life. My yoga  students will often hear me end class with a reminder: “A grateful soul is a happy soul.” 

Granted, there are some traditions that maybe we should let die! What are some traditions that you are perfectly fine with letting go? Maybe the one about having only the bride’s family pay or calling someone on the phone instead of sending a text message? 

Which ones have been handed down and will continue with your family? What are some of the new traditions you have started with your own?

I love this grateful Pumpkin idea! To actually see the notes as a daily reminder is so sweet. I may just start this new tradition for November!

Share in the comments! 

Kathy Dolan, ACE Fitness Pro, Health Coach, Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, is a self-employed business owner. Kathy Dolan is a master trainer with years of experience with the secrets to real results! You will find her teaching and training clients at a gym in the San Diego area or on the Class It Up Virtual Studio, and writing health and fitness programs for clients of all ages. She enjoys spending time with her three kids whether it’s in the mountains or on the seashore. 


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