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Top-Rated Brand Strategy Agency in Melbourne – Boost Your Brand Identity – Lazy Girl Fitness

Top-Rated Brand Strategy Agency in Melbourne – Boost Your Brand Identity – Lazy Girl Fitness

đŸ„‡Achieve success with Melbourne’s top-rated brand strategy agency🔝. Boost your brand identity and outshine your competition💡. Join us today!🚀

In an era where the market is saturated with brands vying for consumer attention, the role of a brand strategy agency has become increasingly pivotal. Melbourne, known for its vibrant business landscape and innovative spirit, is home to a number of such agencies that excel in helping businesses craft distinctive and compelling brand identities. This essay explores the multifaceted role of brand strategy agency Melbourne, their significance in today’s competitive environment, and the unique contributions they bring to the table.

Top-Rated Brand Strategy Agency in Melbourne – Boost Your Brand Identity – Lazy Girl Fitness

The Essence of Brand Strategy

At its core, brand strategy is more than just a marketing tactic; it is the blueprint for a brand’s long-term vision. It encompasses the essence of what a brand stands for, including its values, mission, and unique selling propositions. A well-devised brand strategy helps businesses differentiate themselves from competitors, resonate with their target audience, and build lasting relationships.

Brand strategy agencies in Melbourne specialize in creating these comprehensive plans. They delve deep into market research to understand consumer behavior, industry trends, and competitive dynamics. This research is crucial for developing a strategy that not only aligns with a company’s goals but also addresses the evolving needs of the market.

Understanding Melbourne’s Market Dynamics

Melbourne’s market is characterized by its diversity and dynamism. As a major economic hub in Australia, the city hosts a range of industries from finance and technology to creative arts and hospitality. This diversity necessitates a nuanced approach to brand strategy, as each industry has its own set of challenges and opportunities.

For instance, in the tech sector, where innovation is key, brand strategy agencies in Melbourne focus on emphasizing cutting-edge solutions and thought leadership. On the other hand, in the
hospitality industry, where customer experience is paramount, these agencies may concentrate on crafting a brand narrative that highlights unique experiences and personalized services.

Melbourne’s cultural richness also plays a significant role. The city’s appreciation for art, fashion, and design influences how brands communicate their identities. Agencies must therefore integrate local cultural elements into their strategies to ensure authenticity and relevance.

Tailoring Strategies to Business Needs

One of the primary functions of a brand strategy agency is to tailor strategies to meet specific business needs. This involves a thorough analysis of the company’s current market position, competitive landscape, and internal capabilities. Agencies work closely with businesses to identify their strengths and weaknesses, opportunities for growth, and potential threats.

For example, a startup may require a brand strategy that establishes its presence and credibility in a crowded market. This could involve developing a strong brand narrative, visual identity, and a comprehensive digital presence. Conversely, an established company might seek a rebranding strategy to revitalize its image and connect with a new audience segment.

Innovative Approaches to Brand Building

Melbourne’s brand strategy agencies are known for their innovative approaches. They leverage a range of tools and techniques to create impactful brand strategies. This includes digital marketing, content creation, design thinking, and consumer engagement strategies.

Digital marketing is a critical component of modern brand strategies. Agencies use data-driven insights to optimize digital campaigns, enhance online visibility, and drive engagement. This involves SEO, social media marketing, and content marketing—all aimed at building a strong online presence.

Design thinking is another area where Melbourne agencies excel. This approach involves empathizing with the target audience, defining the problem, ideating solutions, prototyping, and testing. It ensures that the brand strategy is grounded in real consumer needs and behaviors.

Building Lasting Brand Relationships

One of the key outcomes of a well-executed brand strategy is the establishment of lasting brand relationships. Agencies in Melbourne focus on creating emotional connections between brands and consumers. This involves crafting compelling brand stories, engaging content, and memorable experiences.

Brand storytelling is a powerful tool in this regard. It allows businesses to communicate their values, vision, and mission in a way that resonates with their audience. Agencies help businesses develop a narrative that not only captures attention but also fosters loyalty and trust.

Measuring Success and Adapting Strategies

An effective brand strategy is not static; it requires continuous evaluation and adaptation. Melbourne’s brand strategy agencies emphasize the importance of measuring success and making data-driven adjustments. This involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), analyzing consumer feedback, and monitoring market trends.

Agencies use various tools and methodologies to assess the impact of their strategies. This includes web analytics, social media metrics, and customer surveys. Based on these insights, they refine strategies to enhance performance and ensure alignment with evolving market conditions.


In the bustling business environment of Melbourne, brand strategy agencies play a crucial role in helping companies navigate the complexities of brand building. Their expertise in market analysis, innovative approaches, and focus on long-term success enables businesses to create compelling brand identities and forge meaningful connections with their audiences.

As the market continues to evolve, the need for strategic brand management will only grow. Melbourne’s brand strategy agencies are well-equipped to meet these demands, offering businesses the insights and tools they need to thrive in a competitive landscape. By partnering with these agencies, businesses can ensure that their brand strategies are not only effective but also aligned with their vision for the future.

How to Stop Being Lazy and Workout » Julia Buckley Fitness

How to Stop Being Lazy and Workout » Julia Buckley Fitness

Want to stop being lazy and workout?

You’re here reading this so obviously, you care about getting fitter and you’d like to workout more – that’s some strong evidence that you’re not actually a lazy person.

So, first up, stop thinking of yourself that way.

Calling yourself lazy, even just in your own thoughts, will only make it harder for you to get your workout done.

You don’t need to stop being lazy, you need to stop procrasting.

That’s the real problem, continually putting it off.


When Life Gets in the Way

No matter how much you scream at yourself to stop being lazy and workout there’s always something getting in the way, right?

Seems like it’ll be a lot easier to get your workout done later, or tomorrow, or if you start on Monday
 but the right time never actually comes and the weeks just keep flowing by.

Procrastination creeps up on us for a few different reasons.

But the common thread is always letting ourselves believe it will be better to do the workout later.

Obvioulsy there are totally legit reasons not to workout, that’s not what I’m talking about here.

Procrastinating is not the same thing as taking a needed rest day or  time off because of illness or injury. If you need to rest for whatever reason, rest. You’re doing the optimal thing by giving your body time to recover – you won’t increase your fitness by not taking proper care of your body. You should feel perfectly OK about this – it makes no sense to feel guilty or lazy for doing what’s best for your health and fitness.How to Stop Being Lazy and Workout » Julia Buckley Fitness

What I’m talking about is a habit of continually putting off your workouts because you feel lazy or let yourself believe lame excuses.

It doesn’t feel good to procrastinate does it? Have you noticed how you feel kind of icky about it?

And deep down, even as you make the decision not to workout, you know how much better you’ll feel if you just get up and do your exercise.

But it’s a pattern that keeps repeating and you can’t seem to stop it – which is why you end up thinking of yourself as lazy.


Breaking the Habit

The good news is you can break this habit. It’ll take a bit of practice, but it’s really not that hard.

The first step to beating procrastination is to get woke to it – be aware when you’re doing it. Once you start to recognise what procrastination looks like for you, it gets easier to beat. It gets easier to talk yourself into working out, instead of talking yourself out of it.

Next time you’ve planned to workout and those excuses start creeping into your mind or you suddenly start feeling inexplicably tired (that lazy feeling) simply notice this. Even if you don’t get your workout done this time, learning to see procrastination for what it really is will be a powerful step forward.

The next step is to remind yourself how good you’re going to feel about getting the workout done.

Personally, I say things like this to myself: “Not one part of me will regret doing this workout when it’s done, in fact I’ll feel really good, I don’t want to miss out on that!”

Frame it as something that’s going to feel great. Stop thinking about the effort involved and instead think how much better you’ll feel in just however many short minutes it takes to do your planned workout.


Getting it Done

From there, don’t give that excuse generator in your mind any more time to talk to you out of it. Ignore the chatter and get it done.

It helps to think of this as a sort of brain training. The more times you ignore that voice in your head telling you it’ll be better to do your workout later the easier it becomes.

Eventually, although the urge to procrastinate may still be there, ignoring that urge becomes an unconscious habit.

Trust me I’ve been there, just keep ignoring it and that chatter in your head trying to convince you to stay in bed or by lazy on the coach gets quieter and quieter, until it’s barely a faint whisper.

Be ready for it to always take effort though. There’ll always be days when you struggle and don’t want to exercise. We’ve all been there. But the more you are used to pushing through it and getting that workout done anyway, the easier it becomes, even on rough days.


How to Hack it

To recap, here’s your plan:

đŸ’„ Notice procrastination when it’s happening
đŸ’„ Remind yourself how much better you’ll feel if you workout vs if you don’t
đŸ’„ Remind yourself that getting your workout done now will make it easier to keep getting your workouts done in the future
đŸ’„ Ignore the excuses and lazy chatter and do it anyway
đŸ’„ Allow yourself to feel amazing after your workout, really lap up that great feeling!

Got it?


Need some workouts or pre-planned schedule to help you crack on with this? I’ve got you!

Forget faffing around with PDF guides or books or wasting valuable workout time getting to a gym and come workout with me via my videos!

All you need to do is show up in front of your screen, hit play on the video and I’ll keep you motivated and guide you every step of the way. My online gym is free to join – I’ve told you how to stop being lazy and workout, now let’s get it done!
Join here.





Despite having woken at some ungodly hour for countless years as a Personal Trainer, I am not, nor have I ever been, a morning person – but I have my tricks! If you too are a regular human being and struggle with your daily breakup from that cozy sanctuary known as ‘bed’, I might be able to help you turn those dreaded early mornings from snooze mode to cruise mode! This post contains my favourite 5 universal methods to unlock some more of your morning potential! As a busy multi-tasking butterfly, I’m forever rushing to get out of the house, so grabbing something healthy, quick and easy is somewhat of a saviour. Tropicana, with whom I’ve partnered for this post, is a great option, and is a juice I’ve been drinking regularly since my youngest days in Sweden. Their new Whole Fruit juice is filling (the texture is velvety and rich), and it delivers an even greater knockout punch of nutritional value. Click MORE to see why I grab this on a busy morning, as well as my 5 key tips to help you live your best morning!


Hydration is critical since our bodies are c.70% fluid; very often when we’re hungry, we’re actually thirsty; the brain often mistakes dehydration for hunger, so by eliminating the former (by drinking up), the latter may also subside. We lose alot of water during the day, especially in the dry air-conditioned office environment! A regular swig helps keep me alert and focussed.

For me, starting my day hydrated and combining that with natural fruits and fibre is a key tactic. Consider that you’ve been in mini-hibernation zone for a good 7-8 hours and at this point, your body has depleted its short-term reserves just ticking over through the night; it’s in need of some serious hydration, and the metabolism could use kick-starting too.

Fitness On Toast Faya Blog Girl Healthy Workout Breakfast On The Go Training Snack Hydration Rehydrate Juice Fresh Orange Tropicana Fibre New London-5

The Tropicana Whole Fruit in the ‘On The Go’ size I’m using has 50% more fibre than smoothies and juices on average. Moreover, this shot of goodness is made up of more of the edible parts of the fruit giving a richer thicker texture, making it a whole new way to drink fruit, and an easy way to get one of your 5 a day (given that about 2/3 of us Brits don’t make the 5-a-day goal*). As a result, I get more of the nutrition from the whole fruit, more of the fibre, and basically everything but the pips & peel!

Whilst I’m a traditional ‘OJ’ kind-of-girl, I am partial to the delicious apple flavour for its wonderful velvety-smooth textural consistency, which for whatever reason, transports me right back to my young carefree days growing up in Sweden on a farm! Apple juice can be surprisingly evocative 🙂

Fitness On Toast Faya Blog Girl Healthy Workout Breakfast On The Go Training Snack Hydration Rehydrate Juice Fresh Orange Tropicana Fibre New London-8


The morning brings a stiff frame, so it’s time to maximise mobility! Essentially, I’d advocate regular stretching in as much depth as possible along with regular, hourly walking breaks to encourage a more consistent change in position, as well as some motor locomotion! If you’re training (and even if you aren’t but spend hours each day sat at a desk) there are vast benefits of stretching.

  • It can help to reduce the risk of injury, and keep the body mobile as it grows older.
  • It can help to improve the flexibility
  • It can help to speed up muscle recovery after an intense workout.

For a full ‘why to’ of stretching, check out my post HERE, but to add to that, why not:

  • Take the stairs rather than the lift at work; every little helps when it comes to moving well
  • Go for a walk mid-morning and you’ll be helping to develop stronger bones, to clear the mind, to energise the body by stimulating oxygen flow, and to tone up the muscles!

Fitness On Toast Faya Blog Girl Healthy Workout Fashion Fitspo Selfridges Body Studio 3rd Floor London Athleisure Fashion Vogue Trends OOTD


This is one of my favourite ways to lift the morning fog. Everyone’s daily pressures differ, and mine come in the form of juggling personal training clients, meetings pertaining to this blog, and a few other projects I have on the go. For me, seeking a moment of tranquility to escape the relentless chaos to come, is best served through a moment of meditation. Spending 5 minutes a day meditating can help to achieve a slower heart rate, less muscular tension, reduced stress and a better outlook on life. More on the how-to HERE!



A well planned cleansing ritual to start the day can help me stay focussed later on; it is a relaxing, modest indulgence in the self, and promotes a clear, gentle mindset before the stresses of the day can intrude. Starting with the teeth is always my go-to; flossing, picking, brushing and washing. Thereafter I cleanse the face and gradually apply some light makeup. The daily ritual, accompanied by some gentle Jazz or Classical music, is a crucial way for me to generate more mental bandwidth to allow my mind to wander.

Fitness On Toast Faya Garnier Blog Healthy Workout Healthy Instagram Takeover Ambassador Competition Winners-13


Leaving meal decisions to the last minute, or perhaps just forgetting to eat, all have consequences; from experience with clients, it most likely means you’ll be eating lower quality foods and/or overeating, whereafter only delicious snacking will help. That’s a vicious cycle
 instead, set aside 30-60 minutes each week to plan your weekly food blueprint (ideally before heading to the supermarket). Know what you’ll need and want, so that you eliminate the guesswork and statistically reduce the possibility of wavering

If you’re time-poor (who isn’t?!) then cooking in bulk is a more efficient and a way more affordable way to stay on track with healthy eating through the week. Prepping for healthy mornings is especially important, as they’re your starting point for the day, and set you up for the coming adventures! I like to prep things like a fresh bircher muesli which can stew overnight, or a batch of coconut quinoa porridge as well as other high-quality foodstuffs which can be refrigerated, in big-batch Tupperware, then be dipped into through the week as needed.

Fitness On Toast Faya Blog Girl Healthy Recipe Nutrition Quorn Protein Collaboration Fatoush Salad Main-14

Fitness On Toast Faya Blog Girl Healthy Recipe Nutrition Quorn Protein Collaboration Fatoush Salad Main-5

Fitness On Toast Faya Blog Girl Healthy Workout Breakfast On The Go Training Snack Hydration Rehydrate Juice Fresh Orange Tropicana Fibre New London-4

Fitness On Toast Faya Blog Girl Healthy Workout Breakfast On The Go Training Snack Hydration Rehydrate Juice Fresh Orange Tropicana Fibre New London-3

Next time you’re running out of the house, why not try one of the delish flavours from Tropicana. It’s both a morning treat, and daily nourishment for me!


Faya x

Fitness On Toast Faya Blog Girl Healthy Workout Breakfast On The Go Training Snack Hydration Rehydrate Juice Fresh Orange Tropicana Fibre New London-1



This post is a sponsored collaboration with TROPICANA. For more about why I take on such projects, please see my DISCLOSURE page. Thank you.

What Are Endocrine Disruptors? – HealthyWomen

What Are Endocrine Disruptors? – HealthyWomen

What Are Endocrine Disruptors? – HealthyWomen

Hormones, which are chemicals in your body, act like messengers to help control your cells and organs. And endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the way hormones work.

Some endocrine disruptors occur naturally and others are made by humans. The Endocrine Society estimates that there are nearly 85,000 human-made chemicals in the world — and 1,000 or more of them may be endocrine disruptors.

Endocrine disruptors can block normal hormonal functions or mimic them so that they “trick” the body to overproduce or underproduce the hormones it needs to function normally.

These chemicals are thought to be linked to several developmental or biological issues, including endometrial cancer.

The link between endocrine disruptors and endometrial cancer

Endometrial cancer, which grows in the lining of the uterus, is the most common cancer that affects women’s reproductive systems. And some types of endometrial cancers are driven by estrogen.

“Recent research has shown that endocrine disruptors appear to be associated with endometrial cancer in women by increasing the amount of estrogen in their bodies,” said Dana M. Chase, M.D., a gynecologic oncologist at UCLA Health.

Exposure to estrogen can cause the endometrial lining to grow too much and eventually turn cancerous.

Endocrine disruptors are everywhere

Many research studies have shown that we all have contact with endocrine disruptors in multiple ways, including through the:

  • Air we breathe
  • Food we eat
  • Water we drink
  • Things we touch

Endocrine disruptors are found in many everyday products. Common types of endocrine disruptors and where they’re used include:

BPA – Used to help manufacture plastic products like shatter-proof windows, eyewear, water bottles; also coatings that line some metal cans and bottle tops.

Dioxins – Released into the air during wildfires, backyard fires and industrial processes like herbicide manufacturing and paper bleaching. Most exposure comes from eating animal fats in meat, dairy products and fish.

PFAs – These coatings are used to make cookware non-stick and clothing stain-resistant and waterproof.

Phthalates – Known as “plasticizers,” these compounds make cosmetics, fragrances, nail polishes, hair sprays, aftershave lotions, cleansers and shampoos last longer.

PCBs – Banned in the United States since 1979, products made before the ban may still contain PCBs, including electrical equipment, oil-based paint, plastics, adhesives and caulking.

Triclosan – Used to prevent bacterial contamination in products like antibacterial soaps, body washes and toothpastes.

Phytoestrogens can also be endocrine disruptors

Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring estrogens from plants that we eat. They are considered endocrine disruptors because they may have a similar effect as estrogen produced by the body. Therefore, phytoestrogens can upset the balance between estrogen and progesterone by acting on the endometrial lining.

However, the effect of phytoestrogens on the body has not been determined. It was once thought that phytoestrogens might contribute to certain cancers. However, research has indicated that there is no increased risk if you get your phytoestrogens from naturally occurring plant sources rather than from synthetic sources.

In fact, plant-based phytoestrogens may even have protective benefits against certain conditions, like osteoporosis, heart disease, breast cancer, endometrial cancer and vasomotor symptoms of menopause.

Foods that may contain phytoestrogens include:

  • Soy products like tofu and soy milk
  • Peanuts and peanut butter
  • Flax seed
  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Beer

Avoiding endocrine disruptors

Because endocrine disruptors are literally everywhere, there’s no way to remove them from your environment or avoid them completely.

However, the Endocrine Society suggests simple steps to reduce your family’s exposure:

  • Drink filtered — not bottled — water.
  • Minimize consumption of processed foods as much as possible.
  • Don’t store canned foods in areas where excessive heat can cause endocrine disruptors to leach into the can’s contents.
  • Reduce pesticide use in your home and yard.

The alphabet soup of endocrine disruptors

A 2022 review article examined possible connections between endometrial cancer and endocrine disruptors, including bisphenol A (BPA), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

The authors concluded that links exist between these chemicals and endometrial cancer on a molecular level. However, it is not currently possible to know how much exposure individual people are getting to these chemicals and what amount is dangerous.

More recently, a different group of researchers compared the total estrogen load in the blood of more than 300 women. Approximately half the women had endometrial cancer and half did not. The researchers were able to determine how much estrogen each woman’s body made versus estrogen that came from several types of endocrine disruptors.

Women who had higher estrogen levels from endocrine disruptors were more likely to have endometrial cancer than those with the lowest levels. This study has identified, for the first time, a positive association between estrogen levels from outside the body and endometrial cancer risk.

These conclusions are what Chase expected, at least for now. “Correlation is not causation so, at this point, the link between endocrine disruptors and endometrial cancer is just an interesting association,” she said. “We do know that excess estrogen in the body puts women at risk for endometrial cancer and that we have products in our environment that alter the amount of estrogen in our bodies. But it’s important for people to understand that they won’t avoid endometrial cancer just because they stop drinking out of plastic bottles. It’s not that simple.”

This educational resource was created with support from Merck.

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Chia-Almond Smoothie Bowl with Pumpkin Seed Crunch

Chia-Almond Smoothie Bowl with Pumpkin Seed Crunch

Chia-Almond Smoothie Bowl with Pumpkin Seed Crunch

Recharge your body with this vibrant Chia-Almond Smoothie Bowl topped with roasted pumpkin seeds. The creamy base of almond milk and chia seeds delivers a powerful punch of magnesium to support muscle recovery, while the roasted pumpkin seeds and fresh fruits provide a satisfying crunch and burst of flavor.

Health Goal:

This refreshing smoothie bowl aims to support muscle recovery and reduce cramps after exercise, thanks to its high magnesium content. It also provides antioxidants and healthy fats for a balanced, nutrient-dense meal.

  • Ingredients:
    • Almond milk
    • Chia seeds (soaked)
    • Almond butter
    • Roasted pumpkin seeds
    • Fresh fruits (berries, banana)
  • Cooking Process:
    1. Blend almond milk, almond butter, and soaked chia seeds until smooth.
    2. Pour into a bowl, top with roasted pumpkin seeds and fresh fruits.
    3. Add a drizzle of honey for sweetness if desired.

Magnesium boost: This energizing breakfast bowl provides around 170 mg of magnesium, giving your muscles the support they need to recover after a workout.

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Here’s Why Invisible Braces Are Better Than Traditional Braces

Here’s Why Invisible Braces Are Better Than Traditional Braces

Dental hygiene is crucial for our health. Teeth alignment has also become an issue for most people. Therefore, people have to opt-in for braces so that their teeth are correctly aligned. Getting your braces is a significant lifestyle change.

Therefore, it is essential to reconsider your choices before you decide on what kind of braces you should get. The two most commonly used type of braces available in the market is Metallic braces and Invisible braces.

The dentist invisible braces are increasingly becoming popular because of the features it comes with. They are replacing metallic braces all around the globe. Let’s know more about these braces so that you can make an informed decision.

Traditional braces are made of metals. These are attached to the surface of your teeth. These metallic braces come with metallic brackets, wires, and dental rubber bands. These are fixed to your teeth to help in the teeth alignment treatment. You can contact your dentist. They will help you out with the entire process.

Different options are now available in the market. These options include braces made from ceramic, behind the teeth braces, etc. Invisible braces are the most popular kind among all the newly developed varieties of braces.

Here’s Why Invisible Braces Are Better Than Traditional Braces

These braces are being used since the inception of dental braces. Though traditional, these braces do come with great utility. Some of the advantages of these braces are:

These braces work even in complex cases of teeth alignment. Some people have multiple dental issues. They prefer these braces over other kinds. They make use of arc wires and anchors. These structures pull the teeth back to their original place. They are considered to be quite useful in terms of pushing the teeth back to the initial or desired position.

Traditionally, these braces were made out of stainless steel. New varieties have come into the picture in recent times. Lingual and ceramic braces are also metallic, but they give a more natural look to your teeth.

As you cannot remove these metallic braces yourself, they are always stuck to your teeth. This makes the treatment faster and more effective. The speed of the treatment also depends on how good your dentist is.

They are effective. However, they do not have answers to modern problems.

The look and feel of metallic braces are not entirely pleasant. A lot of people feel conscious of their metallic braces.

Brushing your teeth becomes a significant problem in the case of metallic braces. The major surface of your teeth gets hidden by the metallic brackets. Therefore, only a little surface is left, which is accessible for people to brush. With metallic braces, tooth decays can become a problem.

Brushing and flossing are quite impossible while you have your braces on. People will have to contact their dentist and understand how to take care of their teeth with metallic braces.

If you choose to opt for metallic braces, you will have to visit your dentist quite frequently. Dentists have to keep checking your progress. The changes have to be made in the shape of the braces according to the changes in the teeth alignment during the treatment process.

You will have to be conscious of things you drink or eat when you have your metallic braces on. Sticky food can create a problem. Food with hard texture can lead to the breakage of the arc wires.

These braces are almost invisible. Therefore, your natural teeth are visible. You will not have to go through significant lifestyle changes if you opt for invisible braces. Also, you can carry along that bright smile of yours. These braces will not make you conscious. You can easily smile in your pictures without the fear of being judged.

You can easily remove your invisible braces while eating. You can also remove them while playing for your comfort. The easy removal process makes it the best option for teeth alignment treatment.

Brushing and flossing your teeth is not a problem when you opt for invisible braces. You can remove the braces and brush your teeth like a regular day. You can also continue with your home teeth whitening remedies. After proper brushing and flossing your teeth, you can put back your invisible braces. These braces make the whole process hassle-free.

The dentist’s main work is to prep your teeth before you start using invisible braces. The retainers are made according to the shape of your teeth. You can easily manage these braces if you follow the instructions given by your dentist.

These braces are very comfortable. Unlike metallic braces, these feel very light on your jaw. With invisible braces, your gums are not affected.

There are few disadvantages of invisible braces too:

Some people tend to remove the invisible braces and do not put them back for days. Such behavior disrupts the treatment. Therefore, it is imperative to stick to the guidelines prescribed by your doctor.

These braces are a little more expensive than traditional braces. Due to the use of flexible materials, these braces become a little pricey. However, these braces come with high utility and are worth the price.

Taking your braces out and putting them back in can be a little inconvenient at times. Also, people sometimes tend to lose them in the process. Therefore be careful while using them.

Both of these braces are unique in different aspects. The choice would depend upon the condition of your teeth. However, when it comes to utility, invisible braces are a clear choice.

Originally posted 2021-06-22 21:59:57.

Post Views: 1,037

How the Quality of Attachment Affects Security in Relationships – Women’s Health Today

How the Quality of Attachment Affects Security in Relationships – Women’s Health Today

Kimberley D. Thompson, PhD looks at how the quality of attachment in parent-child relationships affects a child’s security into adulthood, in an excerpt adapted from  Perfect Mothers Get Depressed.

The quality of parent-child attachment relationships impacts a child’s development and the influence can pass from generation to generation. The quality of attachment relationships is a primary component of family life and influences the other aspects of parenting. This exploration may help you understand how a parent’s inner experience is transferred and transformed into the child’s experience.

Secure attachment

How the Quality of Attachment Affects Security in Relationships – Women’s Health Today
Courtesy Lena Ostroff

Healthy attachments tend to promote adaptation and resilience even in the face of hardship. When these healthy attachments are absent or spotty, this adaptation and resilience become harder to come by (e.g., Perry, Sigal, Boucher, & Paré, 2006). Experience with attachment figures becomes embedded in our psyche early in life in the form of internal working models, which are well developed systems of belief about ourselves in relationships with others (e.g., Johnson, Dweck, & Chen, 2007). Our underlying patterns of thought, feeling, and action flow from these internal working models, informing everything we do (e.g., Dimaggio et al., 2003).


The quality of the attachment relationship between baby and mother can be classified as either secure or insecure. As they grow and become more mobile, securely attached babies are emotionally free to explore their environment, discovering everything that babies are supposed to discover about the world. Secure babies check back with mother when they become distressed, but in general, they expect that the mother is present to keep them safe and will be there whenever she is needed. She is a comforting presence and a safe harbor as the baby explores the world. Fortunately, most babies appear to have secure attachment to at least one person (Bokhurst et al., 2003).

Watch attachment pioneer Mary Ainsworth’s research in the video clip.

Insecure attachment

Insecure babies don’t have the same level of confidence that they have a safe harbor. An insecure-avoidant baby is disturbed about separation, but does not check in with her mother appropriately and shuts down emotionally in times of stress. Mothers of insecure-avoidant babies tend to be uncomfortable with the child’s emotional neediness. These young children learn that the best way to keep the mother physically close is to suppress an indication of distress or need.

attachmentChildren with insecure-avoidant attachment styles tend to develop patterns that keep others at a distance. These children begin coping at an early age with their mother’s discomfort with closeness by keeping their natural needs for closeness turned off. Insecure-avoidant individuals continue to keep this system turned off by distraction, which manifests as inattention and hyperactive behavior in early childhood and as defiance and conduct problems later (Chen & Li, 2009; Sroufe, 2013). These behavior problems keep others at arm’s length, which is the level of closeness within these individuals’ comfort zone.

Insecure-anxious babies, by contrast, are clingy and anxious about any separation. They spend a lot of time and effort seeking contact with the mother and not enough time exploring and learning. Mothers of insecure-anxious babies tend to be unpredictable and only sporadically responsive to the child’s needs. Sometimes such a mother is appropriately nurturing and sometimes not. The child learns to exaggerate signs of emotional neediness to get the mother’s attention. Anxiously attached children will later tend towards internalizing problems, such as anxiety and depression. This is because they are excessively preoccupied with monitoring and controlling the mother’s responses, which also requires a preoccupation with controlling and monitoring themselves. To control an attachment relationship requires you to stay one step ahead of the other person.

There are also some insecure babies that never develop reliable strategies to ensure their own safety. Known as insecure-disorganized, these babies become confused and chaotic when stressed. These children usually have a mother who is either abusive or who has unresolved wounds from being abused herself. She may have periods in which she dissociates, becomes enraged and violent, or otherwise behaves in an extremely frightening manner. Later in childhood, these insecure, disorganized babies may gravitate to either an anxious or an avoidant coping style, or may fluctuate depending on many factors (Lecompte & Moss, 2014).

Adult life

It is relatively easy to see how these attachment patterns can be carried into adult life, causing relationship difficulties. Strategies for navigating close relationships may change according to factors, such as age, gender roles, and the emergence of new attachment figures, but it appears that the underlying security or insecurity usually remains stable (Del Giudice, 2008).

If you have recognized some of your own experience in this post, you are likely becoming more aware of your habitual patterns of experiencing relationships. Find out more about how these patterns can manifest themselves in your adult relationships in my book,  Perfect Mothers Get Depressed


Bokhorst, C. L., Bakermans-kranenburg, M. J., Pasco fearon, R. M., Van ijzendoorn Marinus H., Fonagy, P., & Schuengel, C. (2003). The importance of shared environment in mother-infant attachment security: A behavioral genetic study. Child Development, 74(6), 1769–1782.

Chen, B.-B., & Li, D. (2009). Avoidant strategy in insecure females. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32(01), 25–26.

spiral notebook
Jot it down

Del Giudice, M. (2008). Sex-biased ratio of avoidant/ambivalent attachment in middle childhood. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 26(3), 369–379.

Dimaggio, G., Salvatore, G., Azzara, C., Catania, D., Semerari, A., & Hermans, H. J. M. (2003). Dialogical relationships in impoverished narratives: From theory to clinical practice. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 76(4), 385–409.

Johnson, S., Dweck, C., & Chen, F. (2007). Evidence for infants’ internal working models of attachment. Psychological Science, 18(6), 501–502.

transformed-by-postpartum-depressionLecompte, V., & Moss, E. (2014). Disorganized and controlling patterns of attachment, role reversal, and caregiving helplessness: Links to adolescents’ externalizing problems. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 84(5), 581–589.

Perry, J. C., Sigal, J. J., Boucher, S., & ParĂ©, N. (2006). Seven institutionalized children and their adaptation in late adulthood: The children of duplessis (les enfants de duplessis). Psychiatry, 69(4), 283–301.

Sroufe, L. A. (2013). The promise of developmental psychopathology: Past and present. Development and Psychopathology, 25(4pt2), 1215–1224.

Protecting ourselves the natural way

Protecting ourselves the natural way

Protecting ourselves the natural way

   Healthy habits and self care has always been important, but as our nation and the rest of the world is grappling with the spread of Covid19 everyone is longing for a solution, a cure, a vaccine. Many companies are working towards that, but we need to focus on what we can do to protect ourselves and our families in the mean time.
   The first line of defense is having a strong immune system. Covid19 is very infectious; so one of the first things that I did when I learned that was to head straight to the natural food store. I loaded up on vitamins and supplements to boost my immune system, and I also got some organic and raw produce. I know that some health food stores can have pricey products, but I found a lot of affordable options and I just bought smaller quantities of the more expensive items that I wanted.

Here are some natural ways to boost your immune system:

1.) Sleep well (Sleep atleast 6 to 8 hours a day. Getting good rest can improve how your body fights illnesses.)

2.) Eat well (Make sure that you’re getting your fruits, vegetables and whole grains.)

3.) Exercise (30 minutes of physical activity a day is a great start. Ex: Walking, Running, bicycling , hiking etc. The whole point is to maintain a healthy weight.)

4.) Avoid smoking  (I understand that smoking is addictive but it does weaken your immune system which makes it harder for it to fight off infections and disease.)

5.) Avoid drinking too much alcohol For example: Drinking 8 or more drinks in a week for women and 15 or more in a week for men. Drinking in moderation is not harmful to your cells and won’t break down your immune system.

Foods that boost your immune system

Citrus Fruits (Grapefruits, Lemons, Limes, Tangerines, Oranges)
Red Bell Peppers
Green tea

Eat a lot of Green leafy vegetables raw is fine or add to a smoothie or salad! there are so many options.


Vitamin D (Helps your white blood cells, lowers your risk of getting respiratory infections.

Vitamin C (Replenishes cells and enhances their ability to fight off infections)

Zinc (Strengthens your immune system by helping fight off bacteria and viruses)

Elderberry extract is good too because it is antibacterial and antiviral. I recommend elderberry tea because its tasty and soothing.

And last but not least just practice the healthy hygiene habits that we’ve been taught all of our lives:

Shower daily

Practice good hand hygeine (wash your hands every 30 to 20 minutes if possible)

Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. (Do it into a tissue if available, and if not then do it into your sleeve)

Sanitize surfaces in your workspace, at home, countertops,light switches, door knobs etc.

Sanitize and disinfect often!

 It will take a while to recover from this Pandemic, but lets do everything that we can to protect ourselves and give ourselves a fighting chance against it.

15 Celebrities Who Have Lyme Disease

15 Celebrities Who Have Lyme Disease

Celebrities like Yolanda Hadid and Alec Baldwin have opened up about their struggles with Lyme disease, but if you’ve ever wondered what this health condition actually is, you’re not alone. According to the CDC, Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread to humans through bites from infected ticks. It is the most common vector-borne illness in the U.S., the CDC notes, affecting about 30,000 Americans each year and causing symptoms like fever, headache, fatigue, or a rash at the site of the tick bite.

15 Celebrities Who Have Lyme Disease

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While Lyme infections can be treated with antibiotics, the disease can be difficult to diagnose because it shares so many symptoms with other illnesses. If left untreated for too long, the infection can spread throughout the body, resulting in chronic health issues. This form of Lyme, called Post-Treatment Lyme Disease (PTLD), is believed to be the result of an autoimmune response to the initial infection. (It’s sometimes referred to as Chronic Lyme Disease, or CLD, although experts typically don’t use this term.) PTLD symptoms range in severity, from brain fog to full-body exhaustion, and while treatments are available, the illness itself is incurable.

Living with an invisible illness like PLTD can be lonely and terrifying, which is why many celebrities with Lyme disease have chosen to use their platforms to spread awareness about treatment and prevention. Keep reading to learn more about how Lyme has affected the lives of celebs like Bella Hadid, Shania Twain, and Justin Bieber, among others.

What Are Anal Dilators, Types, and How to Use Them with Instructions – Vuvatech

What Are Anal Dilators, Types, and How to Use Them with Instructions – Vuvatech

Anal dilators are medical tools used to help with conditions that affect the rectum and anal canal. These tools come in different types and sizes to meet the specific needs of patients. In this blog, we shall discuss what anal dilators are, various conditions they can be used for, and how to use them. Additionally, we shall provide instructions on how to move up to the next size dilator. If you’re thinking of using dilators, this comprehensive guide will answer all the questions you have.

What Are Anal & Rectal Dilators?

Anal dilators are tools designed to help stretch and strengthen the anal muscles. They are made of silicone or plastic and come in different shapes and sizes. Plastic dilators create more resistance, which is the purpose of dilating. Typically, dilators are used to treat conditions such as anal stenosis, levator ani syndrome, anal fissures, and hemorrhoids. Dilators are also helpful for people who have undergone colorectal surgery or radiation therapy, which can scar the tissues in the rectum and affect the patient’s ability to have bowel movements.

Types of Anal and Rectal Dilators

Rectal dilators are specialized medical anal dilators that are designed to treat conditions involving the rectum. They are made of metal, silicone, or plastic and come in various shapes and sizes. Sturdy medical grade plastic dilators create tension against the muscles.  Rectal dilators are widely used to treat conditions such as rectal prolapse, fecal incontinence, and  to break up scare tissue. Additionally, they can help improve bowel movements, reduce rectal pain and discomfort, and increase the muscle tone of the rectum.

What are Neodymium Magnetic Anal Dilators?

VuVa Neodymium Magnetic Dilators are a safe and effective home therapy solution for pelvic floor therapy. When you use a VuVa Magnetic Anal Dilator, soft tissue lengthens, relaxing muscles and ligaments. As the tissue relaxes, the Neodymium magnets increase blood flow to the painful area calming nerves. VuVaℱ Rectal and Anal Dilators are the only patented dilators available with Neodymium magnets. VuVa has very small rectal dilators to huge rectal dilators.

What Are Anal Dilators, Types, and How to Use Them with Instructions – Vuvatech

Rectal Dilators and Their Use in Rehabilitation and Treatment

Rectal dilators are medical devices used to gently stretch and widen the anal canal and rectal muscles. While they can also be used for pleasure, their main purpose is to assist with physiotherapy and rehabilitation for various anorectal conditions. 

Managing Chronic Pelvic Pain

Chronic pelvic pain is a common symptom of gynecological issues such as endometriosis, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), vaginismus, or previous cervical cancer surgery. In conjunction with pelvic floor physiotherapy, rectal dilators can be highly effective in relieving chronic pelvic pain by relaxing and stretching tight pelvic muscles. This can make sitting more comfortable and improve overall quality of life.

Soothing Hemorrhoids or Fissures

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, and anal fissures are common conditions that cause pain in the anus. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower rectum while anal fissures are tears or cuts in the anal skin. An anal fissure is a small tear in the thin, moist tissue that lines the anus. The anus is the muscular opening at the end of the digestive tract where stool exits the body. Common causes of an anal fissure include constipation and straining or passing hard or large stools during a bowel movement. Anal fissures typically cause pain and bleeding with bowel movements. You also may experience spasms in the ring of muscle at the end of your anus, called the anal sphincter. Both can be painful and uncomfortable, but rectal dilators can help to relax tight muscles and tissues to provide relief.

Relief for Levator Ani Syndrome

Levator ani syndrome is a condition characterized by chronic pain in the anus caused by tight muscles in both the pelvic and anal regions. Symptoms include recurring rectal pain, intense tenderness in the puborectalis muscle, difficult bowel or bladder movements, and pain during sex for women. Using rectal dilators can gradually stretch and relax these muscles to alleviate symptoms.

LAS is a relatively common condition, with an estimated 7-15% of the population experiencing symptoms at some point in their lives. It is more common in women than men, and tends to occur in individuals between the ages of 30-60 years old.

Managing Strictures or Stenosis

Anal stricture, also known as anal stenosis, is a condition where the anal canal becomes narrowed and causes severe pain during bowel movements. This can occur after surgery or radiation treatment for cancer, or as a symptom of Crohn’s disease. Rectal dilators can help to prevent this narrowing by relaxing tight anal muscles and allowing the rectum to function properly.

Treating Functional Constipation

Traditionally, physicians have defined constipation as three or fewer bowel movements per week. Having fewer bowel movements is associated with symptoms of lower abdominal discomfort, distension, or bloating. Functional constipation is a chronic condition that involves difficulty passing stool due to an underlying issue. While the cause of functional constipation should be addressed, rectal dilators can provide temporary relief and help heal the anal and rectal muscles.

Post-anorectal Cancer Surgery Rehabilitation

After surgery for anal or colorectal cancer, rectal dilators are often used to rehabilitate the rectal muscles and widen the anal canal. This is important for smooth bowel movements and can also help to massage scar tissue and adhesions caused by radiation treatment.

By gradually stretching the anal and rectal muscles, dilation therapy with rectal dilators can be a beneficial part of rehabilitation and treatment for various anorectal conditions. Consult with a medical professional to determine if rectal dilators may be helpful for your condition.

How To Use Anal Dilators:

The first step in using anal dilators is to consult with a medical professional to ensure that they are suitable for you. Once you have the go-ahead, start by cleaning the dilator using mild soap and water. Lubricate the dilator using a water-based lubricant to make insertion easier. Start with the smallest dilator and gently insert it into the rectum as far as you can tolerate.

Rectal Dilator/Anal Dilator Instructions: 

Please consult with a medical professional before beginning any type of treatment or rectal health therapy. You might need different instructions for you condition.

  1. Wash rectal dilators before use with a mild hypoallergenic soap and warm water.
  2. Find a comfortable position.
  3. Many patients prefer to lie on their left side. However, any comfortable position is appropriate.
  4. Lubricate both the anal canal and the tip of the dilator. Proper lubrication will help prevent potential tearing or discomfort due to dryness. Do not use a petroleum-based lubricant because it will increase your risk of infection and be more difficult to wash off.

  5. Insertion. The tip of the dilator should be positioned lightly and at a right angle to the rectum. Exhale and gently ease the dilator into the anal canal. Breathing deeply and inching the dilator deeper with each exhalation will aid penetration.
  6. Do not continue if you become tense. Practice controlled breathing and attempt to relax. Remove the dilator if there is any chance you might become hurt or injured.
  7. The dilator is fully inserted once the cuff (the flat end) is in contact with the skin.
  8. Warning: DO NOT insert dilator completely into rectum. 
  9. Please leave dilator in for recommended time your physician or therapist recommends for your specific condition.
  10. Wash and dry the dilator thoroughly. Hygiene is important to avoid risk of infection during the next use of the rectal dilator. Use a mild hypoallergenic soap and warm water. 

Moving up to the Next Size Dilator:

If you’re having difficulty with the next size dilator, try going back to the smaller size and repeating the process. Keep practicing until you can comfortably tolerate the larger diameter dilators. It’s crucial to note that the rate at which you increase the size of the dilators varies depending on your body’s response. Some people may move up faster than others, while some may take longer.

Physical therapy is an effective treatment option for individuals experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction. This can include a variety of symptoms such as pain, discomfort, urinary or fecal incontinence, and sexual dysfunction. However, the exact treatment plan will vary depending on each person’s specific presentation.

One of the first steps in physical therapy for pelvic floor dysfunction is treating any connective tissue restrictions in the area through connective tissue manipulation. This helps to relax the pelvic floor, increase blood flow, and calm the nervous system. It also lays a foundation for further treatment of underlying trigger points and muscle tightness.

In a typical therapy session, about half of the time will be spent on external work such as trigger point release, and the other half will be dedicated to internal work such as trigger point release and muscle lengthening. Appointments usually last for one hour and patients typically attend 1-2 times per week.

In addition to in-office treatment, your physical therapist will also provide you with an individualized home program based on your specific needs. It is important to consistently follow this program in order to see the best results from your treatment.

It’s also important to note that physical therapists do not use a one-size-fits-all approach to pelvic floor rehabilitation. Each patient’s treatment will be tailored to their specific needs and may change and evolve as they progress through therapy. Additionally, patients will always have direct supervision from their physical therapist during appointments and will not be left alone with any equipment or exercises. With dedication and a comprehensive approach to pelvic floor rehabilitation, physical therapy can help individuals regain control and improve their quality of life.


In conclusion, anal dilators are medical tools used to treat various conditions that affect the rectum and anal canal. They come in different shapes and sizes and are made of silicone or plastic. Dilators work by stretching and strengthening the affected muscles, leading to improved bowel function. Using anal dilators requires patience, consistency, and a willingness to follow instructions. While choosing between silicone and plastic dilators, plastic dilators are a better option due to their affordability and ease of cleaning. Remember to consult with a medical professional before using dilators to ensure that they are suitable for you.

Shop for VuVa Rectal Dilators Here