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10 Concerns about HPV

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A Celebration of Beauty and Technology at Charlotte Tilbury and Elledgy Media Group Exclusive Breakfast

A Celebration of Beauty and Technology at Charlotte Tilbury and Elledgy Media Group Exclusive Breakfast

On September 4, during the famous Venice Film Festival, an outstanding breakfast hosted by Elledgy Media Group and its founder, Elvira Gavrilova, and Charlotte Tilbury, attracted 35 successful women worldwide. The event served as a unique platform to celebrate the intersection of beauty, science, and technology.

A Celebration of Beauty and Technology at Charlotte Tilbury and Elledgy Media Group Exclusive Breakfast

Charlotte Tilbury introduced the brand’s latest beauty products. At the same time, guests enjoyed a live makeup tutorial led by the brand’s expert artist, who shared professional insights and tips.

The breakfast also featured an exciting presentation by Meta Force Space DMCC, which unveiled its revolutionary life extension project. Combining genetics, AI, and the creation of digital avatars, this concept is set to redefine personalized biohacking and longevity strategies.

Addressing the future, Elvira Gavrilova remarked: “We are standing at the point of a new era where technology and health seamlessly blend. Our goal is to bring a future that’s both advanced and fulfilling.”

Actress Ornella Muti was among the notable attendees, voicing her fascination with the biohacking innovations presented. The event also showcased Austrian company Dayholi VR, which offers a fully immersive virtual travel experience in stunning 8K. Actor Kevin Costner expressed keen interest in the potential of this virtual technology.

This exclusive event highlighted the synergy between beauty, technology, and pursuing a longer, healthier life, inspiring attendees for the future.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Transforming Our Brothers Health: The Power of Community in The Men’s Room

Transforming Our Brothers Health: The Power of Community in The Men’s Room

Transforming Our Brothers Health: The Power of Community in The Men’s Room
Left to Right Sitting: Emmanuel Key Treasurer for the 100BMWPA and MR Lifestyle Coach Pete Rome Director of Health and Wellness Program, Program Mgr. MR, Life Style Coach MR and CYL2 Urban Health Resource (UHR) Vann Williams Participant 100BMWPA
Standing Left to Right: Anthony Robinson Ast. Program Mgr. MR, Will Thompkins Participant 100 BMWPA Al Valentine President 100 BMWPA Philip Hamilton COO Urban Health Resource (UHR)

Imagine a space where Black men gather not just for camaraderie, but for a profound purpose: to conquer health challenges together. This is the essence of The Men’s Room—a groundbreaking initiative that gives Black men the permission and space to discuss everything from weight loss to erectile dysfunction and more, transforming personal health into a communal journey.

The Men’s Room, powered by The Black Women’s Health Imperative and delivered by Urban Health Resource, is gaining momentum quickly. The first of the four existing groups was established through a partnership with 100 Black Men of Western PA whose president, Al Valentine, considers it a valuable contribution to the chapter, fostering open dialogue in an area that has traditionally been shrouded in silence.

The Men's Room
Left to Right Sitting: Emmanuel Key, Pete Rome in the middle, Al Valentine

The Men’s Room program focuses on critical health behaviors such as eating healthy food, engaging in 150 minutes of physical activity weekly, managing stress, getting sufficient sleep, and staying hydrated. Our group set ambitious goals. The program initially sets a target for participants to lose 5 to 7% of their body weight. However, the 100 Black Men of Western PA decided to elevate this objective, aiming for a 10% body weight reduction among participants to achieve an even more substantial health impact.

Accountability is a cornerstone of The Men’s Room. Participants track their physical activities and dietary habits, allowing personalized coaching that fosters behavior change and lifestyle enhancements. This has led to remarkable outcomes: participants have not only lost substantial weight and lowered their A1c levels but have fundamentally changed their lifestyles for the better. We are also seeing that as the men achieve their health goals, they are actively sharing their newfound knowledge with younger men, helping to prevent chronic diseases and promote lifelong healthy habits across generations.

The success of the Western PA Men’s Room group that has collectively shed over 100 pounds, showcases the program’s potential. It fosters a spirit of brotherhood where men support each other through physical activity sessions, shared meals, and regular check-ins with their coach and each other. Through partnerships with other national and community-based organizations including churches and alumni chapters of Black Greek organizations such as Kappa Alphs Psi Fraternity, inc., additional groups are starting each month and the positive impact of the program continues to ripple through communities reaching families and local congregations.   Many of these organizations’ members have been inspired to also become lifestyle coaches and are eager to share their lessons learned to help others on their health journey.

I am deeply grateful to the Black Women’s Health Imperative and its staff for their support, which has been instrumental in the success and expansion of The Men’s Room. Their commitment to health equity and community empowerment are paving the way for a healthier tomorrow for Black men across the country.

Stay tuned, as the best is indeed yet to come. For more information about the Men’s Room visit: mensroom.bwhi.org

Staying Fit at 53: Here’s What’s Working Now : The Fit Habit

Staying Fit at 53: Here’s What’s Working Now : The Fit Habit

As my 53rd birthday approaches, I am proud to say that I am feeling as good as I did when I turned 23. I’m fortunate to have a body that loves to move and have not encountered any major injuries.

While my memory may sometimes fail me (#ADHDproblems), my cognitive abilities are still running tickety-boo, and I am loving how I feel in my 50s. In this blog post, I want to share my personal journey towards staying fit and healthy as I enter my mid-50s, and hopefully inspire you to keep your own fitness and health a top priority.

At 53, My Fitness + Health Goals Have Changed

In the past, my focus has always been on aesthetics. Wanting to look my best is not a bad thing, and I still enjoy looking my best, but my focus has expanded to wanting to feel my best. I have moved away from being maniacal about my diet for the sake of maintaining a body fat percentage, and instead, my priorities have shifted towards what feels good, what’s easy and enjoyable, and what I can easily maintain.

Being Fit at 53 is Less About Aesthetics & More About Thriving

From a fitness standpoint, my focus has shifted away from physique sculpting towards expanding my mobility and flexibility because those are the things that will serve me in the long term. As a woman in her fifties without children, I need to ensure that I am as independent, strong, fit, and healthy as possible, so the quality of my life is as plentiful as the quantity of my life.

I am still focused on strength training, but I have leaned into low-impact, high-repetition movements such as barre workouts, Pilates, yoga, and yoga sculpt. My priority is how my joints feel and how my body feels immediately following my workout, rather than how many calories I burned.

I have also changed my expectations of how I push myself. I no longer push my body to extremes, but instead focus on invigorating workouts that make me feel better afterwards than before.

Being Fit at 53 is as Mental as it is Physical

My fitness journey has mostly been centered around how my body looks and feels, but in the past few years, I’ve started to truly understand how it impacts my mental health. I’ve mentioned before that my consistent fitness routine was the one thing that kept my undiagnosed ADHD under control.

As I entered menopause and my estrogen dropped, workouts where no longer enough to maintain my mental health. Post diagnosis, I now prioritize my brain health and emotional wellbeing because that has everything to do with the quality of my life.

I prioritize my mental health by getting outside and walking every day, being out in the sun and fresh air, and listening to uplifting podcasts or music. I also sleep like a BOSS. If I have a bad night’s sleep, it impacts my mood, my ability to workout and I tend to eat like crap.


I don’t obsess about macros and calories (because I already know them)

My priority around food and nutrition is to enjoy life, keep it simple and not get obsessed with counting anything. That said, this comes at the result of understanding what portion sizes and macro-breakdowns work for my body, so there is already a foundation of knowledge that I’m working from.

If you don’t know about macros and you’re unsure of what your portion sizes should be, then you might be interested in my Macro’s Made Simple program. It’s an easy breakdown of how to understand what your body needs in terms of calories.

Now, I’m not suggesting that you should get hyper-fixed on counting calories or macros, but having a basic understanding of what and how much to eat can go a long way to creating lasting results.

How I’m eating these days

My dietary approach is simple and sustainable, with a focus on vegetables and protein for meals. I do allow myself treats like wine or a built bar, but try to limit my intake of high-sugar or processed foods and I NEVER have things like chips in the house (because I will 100% eat them all).

Getting Fit Over 50 is About Small Steps and Sustainable Changes

If you’re looking to improve your health and fitness in your fifties or beyond, my advice is to focus on small steps and sustainable changes. Whether it’s going for a daily walk, trying a new workout routine, or making small dietary tweaks, every little bit counts.

The one thing I see that never works is big dramatic changes. These grand gestures never last because they’re way too hard to sustain. And when we invest tons of money into diet programs or fitness gurus we feel even worse when they don’t work out because we’ve wasted money and proved that we can’t follow through – I speak from experience here.

I’m not suggesting that it’s wrong to invest in your fitness journey. Just make sure it’s something that’s not over-the-top hard or that is too far out of your comfort zone. I’ve been using Beachbody workouts and supplements for years because they fit my lifestyle. It’s easy to do, and I find the workouts and trainers to be motivating. Mostly, I love online workouts because I don’t want to go to a gym. I’d never get myself to go.

How to keep yourself motivated to get fit after 50

If you want a really fun way to get yourself motivated, look for examples of what is possible at any age. I love following fitness influencers who are 20 or 30 years older than me who look amazing and vibrant in their 70s and 80s. I think that’s so inspiring!

woman over 50 fit

Another important thing to keep in mind is that your fitness routine shouldn’t feel like a slog, and if it hurts or feels dreadful, then you’re doing it wrong. Find something you enjoy doing. If Zumba lights you up, start there. If you prefer pickle ball or power walking with friends, awesome! You’ll probably find that the workout you start with will expand into other fitness-related activities because your confidence will increase as your strength and endurance improves.

10 Tips for Getting Fit After 50 (or Maintaining Fitness)

  1. Focus on prioritizing feeling good both mentally and physically, rather than just aesthetics or weight loss.
  2. Expand fitness priorities to include mobility, flexibility, and low-impact exercises that feel good.
  3. Prioritize mental health by incorporating daily walks in nature and finding uplifting podcasts to listen to.
  4. Change expectations of workouts to focus on sustainability and feeling better afterwards, rather than pushing to the limit and causing joint pain.
  5. Avoid getting wrapped up in obsessive thinking about food, and instead focus on enjoying life and finding balance.
  6. Look for inspiration from people who are older and still living a high quality life.
  7. Focus on the long term benefits for maintaining your health and fitness, rather than just aesthetics.
  8. Prioritize intentional movement every day, even if it’s just 25-30 minutes.
  9. Find simple and sustainable dietary habits that work for you.
  10. Take small steps towards improving your health and fitness, and don’t be afraid to ask for support from friends or online resources that resonate with you.

10 Best Wellness Apps and Tools, According to a Physical Therapist

10 Best Wellness Apps and Tools, According to a Physical Therapist

The best wellness apps can help you improve your mental health and live a healthier life.[*] But with so many different health and wellness apps to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you to help reach your health and fitness goals. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the 10 best wellness apps for 2024. So whether you’re looking to lose weight, get in shape, or just live a healthier life, these popular health apps can help you achieve your health goals.

10 Best Wellness Apps and Tools, According to a Physical Therapist

The Best Health and Wellness Apps and Tools for 2024

For all of us, living a healthy lifestyle is essential. However, it may be tough to figure out where to begin. That’s where health and wellness apps come in. They can help you make better choices, practice self-care, manage stress, and reach your goals. There is also a variety of pregnancy workout apps to help you with your journey!

Benefits of Using a Wellness App

There are a plethora of benefits that come along with using the best wellness apps. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that these apps can help you to better monitor your own physical and mental health. This, in turn, can lead to earlier detection of potentially serious health problems and also allow you to more effectively manage chronic conditions. That is why finding the best wellness tracker app is so important.

In addition, wellness apps can provide you with personalized feedback and recommendations based on your individual health data. This can be extremely helpful in terms of making lifestyle changes that may improve your overall mental well-being. Additionally, many of the best wellness apps also offer community support features, which can further motivate you to stick to your health goals.

Finally, it’s worth noting that using wellness apps can save you time and money. For example, you may no longer need to visit your doctor or health club as often, as you’ll be able to effectively monitor your health at home. In addition, many insurance companies are now offering discounts to policyholders who use these types of apps.

All in all, there are numerous advantages to using wellness apps. If you’re looking to improve your health and well-being, then definitely consider downloading one (or more!) of these helpful tools to help you form good habits this year!

Best Health and Wellness Apps and Tools for 2024

Fitbit health and fitness tracker
Yoga is a great way to reduce stress, lower blood sugar, and improve your flexibility and strength throughout the day.[**] But if you don’t have time to go to a yoga studio, or you’re not quite sure how to get started, YouAligned.com is a great option you can access on your phone or laptop.

With hundreds of online yoga, fitness, and wellness classes of varying lengths and difficulty levels, there’s something for everyone with this health app. YouAligned is more than a yoga app! It is the perfect wellness companion for your Apple watch!

Weight loss app, noom wellness app one of the best wellness apps for weight loss
This app is an effective health and fitness app for anyone who wants to lose weight, eat healthy food, and get in shape.[*] Noom provides users with personalized meal plans, workout programs, and health tracking.

Noom is a comprehensive nutrition and fitness program that focuses on changing behaviors rather than eliminating foods or adhering to intensive exercise routines – all of which are advised by a team of nutritionists, personal trainers, and behavioral psychologists to help with weight loss.

Ultimate Biomarker Blood test

InsideTracker Ultimate Plan is considered to be an “all-encompassing” wellness app. It provides personalized wellness recommendations while helping you track your progress over time. The solutions are science-backed and designed to facilitate longevity, improve athletic performance, and enhance overall health.

The process is simple. First, you have your blood drawn – either at home or in a lab. Next, you fill out a survey about your lifestyle and nutrition. Then you receive your recommendations and start your new health and wellness regimen.

So, if you are looking for a detailed action plan with nutrition, supplement, fitness, and lifestyle recommendations based on 44 biomarkers, InsideTracker is for you!

Headspace mental health, meditation app and sleep wellness app on of the best wellness apps for meditation
If you’re looking for a meditation app to help you de-stress and improve your self-care and sleep patterns, Headspace is a great option. With over 10 million users, it’s one of the most popular health and wellness apps on the market. And for good reason: it offers a wide range of features, including guided meditations, bedtime stories, relaxing music, and sleep sounds. Plus, it’s a free app to download and use.
Physique 57 wellness apple watch app on of the best wellness apps for barre and fitness

If you’re looking for one of the best health apps to stay motivated and improve your physical health, then Physique 57 is a great option. This fitness app provides a range of different cardio and strength barre workouts for its app users depending on their fitness level and what kind of exercise they’re looking for.

Having pilates equipment at home can elevate your workout experience, providing additional resistance and support for targeted muscle engagement. Physique 57’s versatile workouts can easily integrate with pilates equipment, offering a well-rounded approach to your fitness journey.

There are also options for beginners, so you can start slowly and work your way up. Plus, this physical well-being app provides meal plans and tracks your progress so you can see how much you’re improving over time.

my fitness pal wellness app one of the best free wellness apps that can be used with a apple watch
MyFitnessPal is a good choice if you need help with fitness tracking and creating good healthy eating habits. With over 100 million users worldwide, it’s one of the most popular health and wellness tools on the market. If you want to set goals, lose weight, track nutrition facts, or enhance your health, MyFitnessPal might be a good fit for you and your smart or apple watch.[*] It is one of the best free apps for your health and wellness.
Do you want to document changes in your life? Try writing down these changes through journaling.
health app wellness app one of the best wellness apps for overall health that can be used with an apple watch

HealthTap is one of the best mobile apps on the market because it offers a comprehensive approach to health and wellness. It not only provides you with access to doctors and health information but also allows you to book appointments and consult with doctors online. What makes HealthTap unique is its focus on offering a personalized experience.

calm wellness app one of the best wellness apps for mental health
Calm is the perfect mental health app for anyone looking to improve their emotional health and mental well-being and fall asleep faster. With a wide range of features including sleep stories, breathing exercises, and guided meditations, Calm is an all-in-one solution for a better sleep cycle, reduced stress, and improved mental focus.[*] And with a 7-day free trial, there’s nothing to lose by giving it a try.
sleep cycle wellness app sleep cycle is one of the best wellness apps for sleep
The Sleep Cycle app allows you to track your sleep cycles naturally, to help you improve your overall health. The app uses a microphone to listen to your breathing and movement as you sleep, to determine when you are in a deep or light sleep. You can set an alarm to wake you up at the most optimal time during your sleep cycle so that you feel rested and refreshed.
Beyond Body website homepage

Beyond Body is not a wellness app but a great tool for your health and wellness journey. This tool provides you with a personalized wellness book according to your health and wellness goals. It’s simple: you’ll take a questionnaire and once you have completed that, you’ll get a personalized plan based on your answers. If you are looking to achieve your fitness goals in a manner customized for you, Beyond Body may be something worth trying.

Dr. Dawn's Wellness Tools Etsy store
If you are looking to find more readily available tools, Dr. Dawn’s Wellness Tools is just for you. From printable planners to inspirational mugs, and workout tops, this shop has all of the tools you need to guide you through your wellness journey. With many different options, you are sure to find one that suits you and your goals best.

Final Thoughts About the Best Health and Wellness Apps

It’s all too easy to ignore your health while you’re following a busy schedule. There are only so many hours in a day. But with the help of these best health apps, you can focus on your health and wellness and create small changes that lead to a better life, and wake up feeling rejuvenated due to a regulated sleep cycle. Take your time and find the perfect wellness app for your physical and mental well-being.

Which wellness and fitness apps are best for your daily routine?

Medical Disclaimer: The information on this site, including text, graphics, images, and other material, is provided solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other healthcare professional with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your specific condition.

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What’s Normal and What’s Not – Amodrn

What’s Normal and What’s Not – Amodrn

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a unique perspective on women’s health and the menstrual cycle. According to TCM, the menstrual cycle is a reflection of the body’s health. Any disruptions are a sign of an imbalance. 

TCM has a detailed approach to diagnosing and treating menstrual issues. A TCM practitioner will pay attention to all of your symptoms, so it is important to give all the details. They will also feel your pulse for subtle details and look at your tongue. Depending on your practitioner they may do a superficial physical exam (no getting naked in this one).

Let’s explore the TCM view of women’s cycle phases. First we will take a look at what a healthy cycle actually is. Then we will discuss signs of imbalances and TCM treatments that help.

What’s Normal and What’s Not – Amodrn

Going With the Flow, the Menstrual Cycle According to TCM

Like Western medicine, the TCM explanation of the menstrual cycle has 4 phases. Each phase has a different TCM element. The cycle’s fluctuations make you feel different:

  • Menstruation (Water Element/Yin): This is when the party starts. The body is shedding the uterine lining and expelling blood. TCM sees this phase as a time of release and renewal, so get some rest and save your energy.
  • Follicular (Wood Element/Yang): Time for growth and expansion. The body is preparing for ovulation. The ovaries are developing and maturing follicles. Estrogen levels rise and your energy and activity increase. Nourish your blood and support your energy during this phase.
  • Ovulation (Fire Element/Yang): It’s getting hot in here. The mature follicle releases an egg that could get fertilized by sperm. Your estrogen levels surge, and you’re at your peak vitality. Promote blood flow and support your energy during this transformational time.
  • Luteal (Metal Element/Yin): The cycle is almost over. Your body is preparing for pregnancy or menstruation. If no pregnancy occurs, the uterine lining sheds and the cycle starts again. Progesterone levels rise, and your energy and activity decrease. It’s time to prepare for the next cycle. Nourish your Yin and conserve your energy.

Each phase has different physiological processes, hormonal changes, and energy shifts. So ladies, tune into your body and embrace the fluctuations through each phase of your menstrual cycle.

What a Normal Menstrual Cycle Looks Like According to TCM

What the heck is normal anyway?! According to TCM, a healthy menstrual cycle is an indicator of how balanced and healthy you are. Sometimes it’s hard to know what is “normal”. Here’s what you should look out for:

Cycle Length

A healthy menstrual cycle should last between 28-32 days. Even though this differs from woman to woman it should be pretty close to this.

Smooth Transition

Your menstrual cycle should flow, pun intended, with a smooth transition between the four phases. Spotting, pain, headaches, or moodiness that only happen during the same part of your cycle is a sign that something is off.

Menstrual Blood

Your flow should be bright red, without clots, and at a moderate volume. If you’re noticing clots or dark blood you should be talking with your TCM practitioner.

Healthy Ovulation

In TCM, ovulation is a key part of a healthy menstrual cycle. Your cycle length should be consistent, your basal body temperature should be stable, and you should be producing fertile cervical mucus during ovulation.

Feeling Good

TCM believes that a healthy menstrual cycle reflects a healthy body. If you’re feeling good and don’t have discomfort throughout the cycle, you’re on the right track.

It’s important to remember that everyone’s body is different. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what is “normal”. Some of you may have had menstrual issues since you started having a period. Talk to a TCM practitioner about your specific cycle and they will help you figure out what is normal and what is not.

When Things Are Just Not Right: Menstrual Disorders in TCM

Calendar with marked pms days

Ok let’s be real, sometimes things don’t go smoothly. At some point in your life, you are likely to have amenorrhea (no period), dysmenorrhea (painful period), irregular periods, heavy or light flow, or premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Life stress, illness, and changes in weight are some of the reasons your menstrual cycle goes out of whack. A TCM practitioner can help you get through life’s ups and downs.

Menstrual disorders in TCM all have an explanation. TCM practitioners diagnose and treat based on your symptoms, what your pulse feels like, and how your tongue looks. The way TCM practitioners look at your symptoms, pulse, and tongue is different from a regular doctor.

  • Amenorrhea: If Aunt Flo is a no-show, it could be due to stress, hormonal imbalances, or nutritional deficiencies. TCM considers amenorrhea to be a result of Qi and Blood deficiency.
  • Dysmenorrhea: If your period is a real pain, it could be due to hormonal imbalances, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids. TCM considers dysmenorrhea to be a result of Qi and Blood stagnation.
  • Irregular periods: If your cycle is all over the place, it could be due to imbalances in the body’s energy, blood, and organ systems. TCM considers irregular periods to be a result of these imbalances.
  • Heavy or light menstrual flow: If you’re either gushing or barely trickling. Hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, or stress could be at play. TCM considers heavy or light menstrual flow to be a result of imbalances in the body’s energy and Blood.
  • Premenstrual symptoms: If you have mood swings, bloating, or fatigue before your period, you’re not alone. These are some of the most common complaints. TCM considers PMS to be a result of imbalances in the body’s energy and Blood.

TCM practitioners get detailed with their evaluations. They look at you as a whole to diagnose the root cause of your menstrual issues. They will create a customized treatment plan. TCM treatment methods focus on restoring balance to the body’s energy.

Don’t be afraid to speak up and seek TCM treatments to keep your menstrual cycle on track.

TCM Treatment Methods for Menstrual Disorders

TCM offers a range of treatment methods for menstrual disorders, including:


This involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body. This stimulates energy flow and restores balance. Acupuncture promotes circulation, relieves pain, and balances hormones.

Some acupuncture points for menstrual disorders include:

  • Spleen 6 (SP6): This point is on the inner side of the lower leg, about four fingers above the ankle bone. It’s used to regulate menstrual cycles and relieve cramping.
  • Conception Vessel 4 (CV4): This point is on the lower abdomen, about two finger widths below the navel. It’s used to regulate menstrual cycles and treat menstrual pain.
  • Liver 3 (LV3): This point is on the foot, between the first and second toe, on the top of the foot. It’s used to regulate menstrual cycles and relieve menstrual pain.

Researchers conducted a study to determine the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment for premenstrual syndrome (PMS). They analyzed 15 studies involving 1103 participants to see how acupuncture compared to medications, sham acupuncture (a placebo procedure where needles aren’t inserted as deeply), or no treatment at all.

The results showed that acupuncture was more effective than both, medications and sham acupuncture, in treating PMS. Acupuncture seems to be a promising treatment for PMS. The timing of the treatment start doesn’t appear to be crucial for its effectiveness.

Researchers conducted another study to assess the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture in treating primary dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is a condition characterized by painful menstrual cramps. They analyzed data from 60 randomized controlled trials involving women with this condition.

The trials compared the effects of acupuncture to no treatment, placebo treatments, or common pain-relief medications known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The findings indicated that manual acupuncture and electro-acupuncture were more effective in reducing menstrual pain compared to no treatment.

Manual acupuncture and warm acupuncture treatments performed regularly over 3 cycles, were found to be more effective than NSAIDs. Studies suggested that the benefits of acupuncture continued after the treatment cycle ended. Some reported that the pain-relieving effects of the 3 cycle treatment plan (average 21 treatments) lasted from 3-9 months.

See also

In summary, for women experiencing primary dysmenorrhea, acupuncture might be a more effective and a safer alternative to traditional pain relief methods.

Young woman lying on a bed covered with blanket, holding her stomach in pain

Chinese Herbal Medicine

TCM uses a unique and detailed method to select herbs to promote healing and balance. Single herbs are rarely used by themselves. Herbal formulas for menstrual disorders are customized to your specific diagnosis and symptoms.

Herbal formulas are sometimes prescribed based on the specific phase of the menstrual cycle.

Each phase has energies, organ systems, and physiological changes in the body. TCM herbal formulas are often tailored to address these specific changes. This promotes balances in the eb and flow of the cycle.

  • Menstrual phase: herbal formulas nourish the blood, promote circulation, and reduce cramping.
  • Follicular phase: formulas aim to support the growth of the follicles as they mature. They also promote the development of healthy ovulatory cycles.
  • Ovulatory phase: herbal formulas support healthy ovulation, promote circulation, and regulate hormones.
  • Luteal phase: herbal formulas support the body’s energy and promote relaxation.

Specific herbal formulas and dosages may change depending on your symptoms. Your TCM practitioner may adjust the formula and dosage as needed throughout the menstrual cycle.

Some common formulas are:

  • Si Wu Tang: Si Wu Tang is a formula that nourishes blood and regulates menstrual cycles. It treats irregular periods, heavy menstrual bleeding, and menstrual cramps. The formula contains four herbs: Dang Gui (Angelica sinensis), Bai Shao (Paeonia lactiflora), Chuan Xiong (Ligusticum chuanxiong), and Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia glutinosa).
    • Scientists studied Si-Wu-Tang (SWT), a traditional Chinese remedy for menstrual issues. They compared two versions: a water-based one and a concentrated extract. They tested these on 23 healthy people and 25 women with fertility issues. Both versions were found to work similarly well in balancing hormones and improving menstrual problems. In short, both types of SWT were effective in helping with menstrual concerns.
    • Researchers studied Si-Wu Tang (SWT). They aimed to understand how the individual herbs in SWT work together to help menstrual problems. In their experiments on cell models, they found that the herb Rehmannia glutinosa, particularly its component catalpol, played a major role in balancing estrogen levels. Paeonia lactiflora, was found to have strong antioxidant effects, helping to protect the ovaries. Together, these two herbs seem to be the powerhouse duo in SWT. This suggests that SWT might be effective in treating menstrual issues by balancing hormones and protecting the reproductive system.
  • Jia Wei Xiao Yao San: Jia Wei Xiao Yao San regulates the Liver and promotes circulation. It treats premenstrual symptoms and menstrual irregularities. The formula contains several herbs, including Chai Hu (Bupleurum chinense), Dang Gui (Angelica sinensis), Bai Shao (Paeonia lactiflora), and Bo He (Mentha haplocalyx).
    • A study was conducted to investigate whether Xiao Yao San could effectively treat Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). PMDD is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome characterized by mental symptoms that significantly affect women’s lives. Researchers recruited 30 PMDD patients with liver-qi depression syndrome and 30 healthy participants. The treatment group received Xiao Yao San for three menstrual cycles. The control group did not. While the specific dosage and administration route weren’t mentioned, the results showed that Xiao Yao San had a positive impact on alleviating PMDD symptoms. This suggests that Xiaoyaosan could be a promising treatment option for PMDD and other mood related PMS symptoms.
  • Tao Hong Si Wu Tang: Tao Hong Si Wu Tang promotes Blood circulation and alleviates menstrual pain. It is often used to treat dysmenorrhea and irregular periods. The formula contains several herbs, including Dang Gui (Angelica sinensis), Bai Shao (Paeonia lactiflora), Tao Ren (Prunus persica), and Hong Hua (Carthamus tinctorius).

Researchers explored the potential benefits of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), specifically Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), for women suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This review centered on herbal remedies and practices like acupuncture, moxibustion, and dietetic therapies.

While exact dosages and duration varied across studies, results showed that these methods, especially herbal treatments, offered some relief for PCOS symptoms. The takeaway? Traditional Chinese Medicine might offer hope for women with PCOS.

These formulas are prescribed by a qualified TCM practitioner. You are unique and the herbs prescribed to you are just as unique. Dosages and ingredients are based on all your symptoms, not just menstrual symptoms.

Dietary Therapy

This TCM practice uses food as medicine to address imbalances in the body. Some recommended foods for menstrual disorders include:

  • Iron-rich foods: Dark leafy greens, red meat, and beans to nourish the blood and prevent anemia.
  • Essential fatty acids: Salmon, flaxseed, and walnuts to promote hormone balance and reduce inflammation.
  • Warm and cooked food: Soups and stews to promote blood circulation and support the digestive system.

Lifestyle Changes

TCM also recommends lifestyle changes to support a healthy menstrual cycle, including:

  • Stress reduction: Stress disrupts the body’s energy flow and leads to menstrual imbalances. Meditation, yoga, or tai chi helps you reduce stress and promotes relaxation.
  • Exercise: Regular exercise promotes blood flow and energy circulation. This helps support a healthy menstrual cycle. Gentle exercise like walking, yoga, or swimming is best during the menstrual cycle.
  • Self-care: Prioritizing self-care can help reduce stress and promote well-being. Take time for relaxation, rest, and things you enjoy.

TCM offers a detailed approach to women’s menstrual health. It can provide effective treatment options for menstrual disorders. Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and dietary therapy help address menstrual imbalances. Stress reduction, exercise, and self-care also support a healthy menstrual cycle.

TCM has an explanation for everything. Some people respond quicker to treatment than others. Your genetics, environment, past traumas, and willingness to apply treatment recommendations affect how much relief you get.

A qualified TCM practitioner will help you address the underlying imbalances and support you through your cycle.


The Little Book Of Sanuk is THE go-to summer read for a dose of happiness

The Little Book Of Sanuk is THE go-to summer read for a dose of happiness

Why The Little Book Of Sanuk is the go-to summer read for a dose of happiness – a new book that reveals the Thai secret to a joyful life

The past few years have seen us all looking to other cultures for guidance on how to live our lives. Now it’s time to meet the new happiness hero – Sanuk!

Sanuk is a Thai concept that can loosely be translated as meaning ‘fun’. Though sanuk is in fact much more than that; it’s about achieving pleasure, satisfaction, and togetherness in all aspects of life.

It’s a happier, more optimistic way of living, and it’s something we can all learn to embrace.

Being around friends and family is what makes an experience peak sanuk. But you can inject sanuk into all aspects of your life. Deeply ingrained in Thai culture, sanuk is a guiding principle in Thai people’s day-to-day lives.

Being around friends and family is what makes an experience peak sanuk

Everything should be as enjoyable as possible. Nothing is taken too seriously, and anything worth doing should contain some element of sanuk. You know sanuk when you feel it – and Thai people believe that it’s the little things that add up to a joyful life.

If hygge is snuggling under a cashmere blanket by the fire with a mug of hot chocolate as storms rage outside, sanuk is a laughter-filled picnic with friends, family and kids on a hot, sunny day.

The-Little-Book-Of-Sanuk-is-THE-go-to-summer-read-for-a-dose-of-happiness-group-of-friends-having-a-pic-nic-.jpg The Little Book Of Sanuk is THE go-to summer read for a dose of happiness

Here’s how to channel the spirit of Sanuk for your happiest summer yet…

Prioritise fun

When was the last time you had fun? Perhaps it was a catch-up with old friends over dinner as you retold familiar stories which still bring tears of laughter to your eyes, or maybe it was playing with your kids, giggling with a colleague over a work in-joke, singing along at a concert or helping neighbours to make your community a better place to live.

Whatever the occasion, chances are it sparked a feeling in you that you’d like a lot more of. The joy of being totally in the moment and free from anxiety is a magical state when we feel truly alive.

But what if you could bring that feeling of lightness into all areas of your life, every day?

There’s a famous Thai proverb which says: ‘Don’t seize the day. Just tickle its belly.’ It’s a reminder that joy and fun can be found in all elements of life.

Sanuk encourages us to bring more pleasure into our lives by reconnecting with loved ones, embracing new connections, and coming together to help make the world a better place, one smile at a time.

The impact of the pandemic on the mental health and wellbeing of us all has been huge. It’s never been more important to look at what brings us joy, so then we can actively try to create more playfulness and spontaneity in our lives.

It’s never been more important to look at what brings us joy

If you think it’s impossible to plan for fun, try this. Cast your mind back to when you last had the best time. Who were the people you were with? Make an effort to meet up with them. What were you doing? Schedule that activity. It really can be that simple.

In fact, the delicious thrill of anticipation can be as much fun as the event itself. Kids are masters at this; anyone who’s spent time with child under 10 in the weeks before Christmas knows that looking forward to the big day is all a big part of the excitement.

Looking ahead brings more joy than looking back, with one study into the connection between anticipation and happiness finding that when it comes to holidays, just planning or anticipating your trip can make you happier than actually taking it.

The ways in which we self-sabotage are familiar to clinical psychologist, Dr Jessamy Hibberd, whose area of expertise is in adult mental health. Hibberd believes we need to learn to prioritise pleasurable activities.

‘Not all time needs to be productive,’ says Hibberd.

‘It’s important to do things just for fun, with no expected outcome or greater purpose than enjoying yourself.

‘As kids we know the importance of fun, but somewhere along the line it gets lost as we go into adulthood and moved down the priority list.

‘Play is important for happiness and creativity and is something we should actively keep in our lives.’

READ MORE: 4 steps to happiness – from ancient yogic wisdom

friends-enjoying-board-game-the-little-book-of-sanuk.jpg friends-enjoying-board-game-the-little-book-of-sanuk.jpg

What the science says..

Studies have found some of the reasons why having a good time for its own sake can improve our emotional wellbeing. When we do pleasurable activities, it releases the feelgood hormone dopamine which boosts positivity and can counteract feelings of hopelessness and stress.

Doing fun stuff also provide a source of something called eustress, a type of positive stress that can contribute to feelings of optimism and excitement about life.

There are physical benefits too. Research by Professor Matthew Zawadzki, a health psychologist with the University of California, Merced showed that when people engage in leisure activity, they have a lower heart rate and more psychological engagement – that means less boredom, which can help avoid unhealthy behaviours.

Studies have found some of the reasons why having a good time for its own sake can improve our emotional wellbeing

Having fun also allows us the opportunity to connect and create bonds with others, one of the key drivers when it comes to sanuk.

Ten free ways to have fun:

1. Head to your nearest park with a pal (or 10), a ball and a frisbee.

2. Host a games night; board games, cards, trivia quizzes.

3. Invite friends over for dinner, everyone brings a dish.

4. Organise a clothes swap with your friends.

5. Check out a new neighbourhood.

6. Make a time capsule of things which sum up life as it is right now.

7. Have a mini spa day with friends; DIY facials, manicures, massages.

8. Offer to walk a neighbour’s dog.

9. Have a culture day; visit your local free museum, watch a classic movie.

10. Exchange homes for a night with friends who live somewhere completely different.

The Little Book of Sanuk The That Secret to a More Joyful LifeThe Little Book of Sanuk The That Secret to a More Joyful Life

The Little Book Of Sanuk: The Thai Secret To a More Joyful Life by Karen Sinotok (HarperCollins, 12.99) is on sale now and available to purchase on Amazon.

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Top 22 Tips on Exercise

Top 22 Tips on Exercise

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Top 22 Tips on Exercise

Photo by Óscar Aguilar Elías on Unsplash

In 2015, I hosted a podcast called Health Matters where I interviewed leading health experts. Believing that Bible study and prayer are to the spirit what eating healthy and exercise are to the body, I asked each expert their “quick tip” for the four disciplines of Bible study, exercise, eating healthy, and prayer.

I share excerpts from interviews with top health experts on exercise.

1. Add resistance training

“As women of a certain age, we might think that rapid physical decline is part of a given. It doesn’t have to be if we include regular cardio and resistance training in our regular schedules.” ~Steph Beth Nickel

2. Start small

“I would suggest starting small. Do whatever you can even if you can get 5–10 minutes in that’s great. And hopefully, you’ll learn to like it more down the road if you don’t like it already.” ~Barb Raveling

3. Be consistent

“Be consistent. And you don’t have to work out for an hour in the gym. If you find yourself there one day, that’s great. But maybe for you, it’s walking around the block a couple of times. That’s fine if that’s where you have to start. But consistent. I can go out and play badminton and get a workout. I can go out with my kids and play 4-square and call that my workout for the day. It doesn’t have to be some extreme workout that leaves you in a puddle of sweat. But something every day. Something consistent.” ~Rusty Nokes

4. Listen to your body

“My quick tip for exercise is to listen to your body. We have so many crazy exercise programs out there. They’re great for a lot of people, but they can cause a lot of injuries. When we’re starting our journey towards health keep it simple and really listen to our bodies. If something hurts our bodies, it’s not good for us. Even if everyone else on the block is training for a marathon if running hurts your knees, don’t do it. Really listen to your body and find a kind of exercise that is going to help your body get stronger and not injure it.” ~Rachel Almstedt

5. Every minute counts

“You know I don’t love exercise, so my tip is that every minute counts. For example, I’ll see how many jumping jacks I can do while my coffee is brewing. Or if something is in the microwave I can do leg bends or arm bends. I can walk up and down the stairs during the commercials when I’m watching TV. I think every minute counts when it comes to exercise.” ~Jennifer Waddle

6. Move every day

Move every day. You don’t necessarily have to belong to a club. You don’t have to do jumping jacks. I’m approaching a delicate age and there are certain things I don’t want to do anymore but I can move. Because if you don’t move you will lose it. You have to actually move your body in some way. Just a walk to the corner store. It’s not that bad. Half a block.” ~Brenda Wood

7. Set a goal

“I know we have many listeners out there that are into different forms of exercise, whether it’s cycling or swimming. But one thing that always keeps me going is I set a goal. I’m always setting a goal for something I want to compete in. For me, it’s running. So a good way to do that is to sign up for a race. And as you know when you sign up for something your accountability goes up big time because you’ve got this looming now. It’s on the calendar and if you don’t train for it, race day is going to show up and you’re going to be disappointed and think why didn’t I train more for this? You’ll stay a little more consistent with things. So I think just setting a goal, signing up for something.” ~CJ Hitz

8. Try 10–10–10

“Exercise three to five times a day. I know in this world we don’t have time, but if you can divide it into 10 in the morning, 10 at lunch, and 10 at dinner because it’ll help build a better, stronger foundation so we can help better serve God and others. So get in that exercise.” ~Renee Wiggins

9. Have proper motivation

“The key to exercise is having proper motivation. You’ve got to understand why you’re exercising. The purpose to be fit is God calls us to be fit. He’s got opportunities lined up for us to take action and serve and are we ready to do that? If we can answer that question and have proper purpose and motivation for exercise all the things we think we want exercise for from the standpoint of weight loss, medication reduction — things like that — that’ll all be taken of through faith if our purpose is on God. So having proper motivation is the key to exercise.” ~John Hayden

10. Start where you are

“For the one who is beginning, start today and start small. Don’t try to do a whole hour. Start where you are. If it’s a 10-minute walk around your neighbourhood, do that. And once you start an exercise plan, Lord knows, don’t stop. Because it’s hard to get back in the groove after you stop. So start small and keep going, be consistent.” ~Sabrina Memminger

11. Walk

“You have to do it. If you have a pair of tennis shoes that’s all you need. You can walk in front of the TV during your favourite program. I have women who’ve lost over 100 pounds just walking in front of the TV during a program that they liked. You can walk when you’re on vacation, you can walk the stairs in your home if you need more intense cardio.” ~Laurie Graves

12. Commit to something small

“Just do something small. Commit to something small. Doing 10 push-ups or 10 sit-ups every single night before bed. If you commit to something small and you stick with it every single day then you can always add to it when you feel the momentum and the motivation to do so. But if you at least commit to that one small thing.” ~Summer Breskow

13. Remember the positive things

“Good regular exercise is defined as two to three times per week for at least 30 minutes at a time. Good feeling endorphins, adrenalin, you feel better, your mood is better, your heart is working, lowering your sugar, lowering your blood pressure. Even if you don’t lose any weight remember that there are other good positive things to come out of regular exercise.” ~Nicole Swiner

14. Weight train

“Weight train, weight train, weight train. And I do 30×5. 30 minutes of cardio, 5 days a week. 30 minutes of weight training, 5 days a week.” ~Liz Faison

15. Become inefficient

“My quick tip for exercise would be to look for ways to move throughout your day. I like the gym but I actually tell most of my clients, forget the gym, go for a walk. What can you do throughout your day to find ways to move? Become inefficient. Take the laundry up the stairs one sock at a time. Get an inefficient habit so you can look for more ways to move throughout your day.” ~Cathy Morenzie

16. Do 30 minutes a day

“30 minutes a day, walking. I love walking. One of the things that my doctor shared with me is that at least 30 minutes per day, each day of the week will help increase your heart rate, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and all those things.” ~Angel Barrino

17. Find what works

“When you can fit it in, fit it in. I actually struggle with that because, with my different conditions, exercise usually flares something up for me so it’s finding the thing that works for you and not feeling like you have to keep up with everybody else.” ~Kimberly Rae

18. Play

“I like to use the word play so find something that you love that will feel like play for you. So you will actually want to go do it. If you hate the gym then that’s not what you should be doing. Maybe you love a good walk in nature or an awesome hike wherever you are. Whatever it is that you love that gets your body moving. Go play daily.” ~Casey Sollock

19. Do it to glorify God

“I consider exercise to be another way to worship God. To express to Him your joy and delight in the body that He’s given you to steward here on earth. First Corinthians 10:31 says that whatever we do can be done to His glory. So rejoice in Him. Choose an exercise that you love and do it to glorify God, praise Him.” ~Heidi Bylsma

20. Just do it

Just do it. Whatever it is, trust me, I was shocked I was doing 60-pound weights and step aerobics for a number of years and then was shocked at how much weight I lost just taking a leisurely walk.” ~Linda Williams

21. Do something

“Just start somewhere. Whether or not that’s simply going for a walk or going for a run. Because when you start small you are able to build momentum. So my tip for exercise — and there are a bunch of different types of exercise — is just do something. Whether that’s going for a walk, running, or going to the gym. You don’t need to overanalyze it. Sometimes you don’t need a personal trainer, and sometimes you do. You just got to get moving. So if you focus on doing the small things you’ll start building momentum and you’re going to be able to succeed in other areas of your fitness as well.” ~Adam Luckey

22. Find your tribe

“My quick tip for exercise is it’s time for you to find your tribe. Because I like to workout with people I really like to find my tribe and find others — for me, it’s ladies that can workout at the same time I do. I’ve been walking with the same women for 20 years on Thursday mornings. At 6:30 a.m. we walk. We meet at someone’s house, we sit and have a cup of coffee together and then we head out on our day. So find your tribe.” ~Julie Endl

Although the podcast is no longer available, if you’d like a copy of any of the full interview transcripts,  send me an email.

This has been an excerpt from the Health Matters Podcast, believing that prayer & Bible study are to the spirit what exercise and healthy eating are to the body.

Blessings on your journey to health.

You may also like How to Motivate Yourself to Like Exercise

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Why optimal micronutrient status in important for active individuals

Why optimal micronutrient status in important for active individuals

Training hard in the gym imposes immense physical demands on our bodies by depleting energy stores and micronutrients, which we need to fuel our efforts and support recovery.

That’s why we need optimal nutrition to maintain an adequate micronutrient status to meet the increased metabolic and biological demands of regular intense training.

These micronutrients, which include vitamins and minerals, support various bodily functions, including energy production, immune function, and muscle repair. As such, maintaining an optimal micronutrient status is essential for optimal performance, faster recovery, and lower injury risk.

READ MORE | What’s the best time of day to take vitamins?

Nutrient deficiencies

Despite their relevance and importance, active individuals are also susceptible to nutrient deficiencies, especially those who follow restrictive diets or fail to meet their daily calorie requirements.

Intense training may also cause gastrointestinal problems, which can affect nutrient absorption, while less stress adds to the exercise stress, further depleting nutrient stores.

The resultant energy deficit can lead to a range of health problems, including decreased bone mineral density, hormonal imbalances, menstrual irregularities, impaired immune function and decreased performance.

READ MORE | How to Choose High-Quality Vitamins and Supplements

Meeting nutritional needs

Eating a healthy, balanced diet that consists predominantly of natural whole foods is the foundation of optimal recovery and sporting performance.

Your diet should meet your daily calorie requirements, with sufficient protein, carbohydrates and fats to support muscle repair, replenish energy stores, and support hormone production, with a wide range of nutrient-rich foods with a focus on colourful plant foods to get sufficient essential vitamins and minerals.

READ MORE | Fuel your active lifestyle with nourishing nutrition

Potential role of supplements

Supplementing with a well-formulated multivitamin and mineral complex like Biogen Multi Vitamin Plus may help prevent or address the nutrient deficiencies that can result from limited dietary variety and the vitamin and mineral depletion that occurs from exercise.

In this regard, it is important to consider that individual needs may differ, often requiring expert guidance from a qualified sports nutritionist or consultation with a medical professional to address underlying deficiencies with individual products.

Your micronutrient status may also change based on your training, with periods of higher loads or competition seasons necessitating greater focus on certain nutrients.

Common essential vitamins required by athletes include:

Common essential minerals required by active individuals include:

While vitamin and mineral supplements offer potential benefits for active individuals, they should not replace or displace a nutritious and balanced eating plan.

With the right combination of whole foods and supplements, we can craft a holistic approach to nutrition to optimise our performance and minimise our risk of nutrient deficiencies.

Why optimal micronutrient status in important for active individuals

Author: Pedro van Gaalen

When he’s not writing about sport or health and fitness, Pedro is probably out training for his next marathon or ultra-marathon. He’s worked as a fitness professional and as a marketing and comms expert. He now combines his passions in his role as managing editor at Fitness magazine.

The Best Fertility Supplements – Knocked-Up Fitness® and Wellness

The Best Fertility Supplements – Knocked-Up Fitness® and Wellness

Everyone wants to know the magic secret to getting pregnant as quickly as possible, what to do, the best fertility supplements to take, and foods to eat (as if there’s a “one size fits all” solution for everyone). Unfortunately there’s no magic combination of those things to get you pregnant as soon as you start trying, but there are things you can do that can help the process along while you become a healthier version of yourself in the process! This is the first part in a 3-part series all about improving fertility.

Beginning Your Fertility Journey

It can be overwhelming when you and your partner make the decision to start trying to get pregnant. There’s so much information out there and you might not know where to start. A good starting point is to begin “prepping” your body about 6 months prior to wanting to become pregnant. This means your diet, exercise and overall lifestyle. Prepping your body can be helpful since your eggs go through cycles, which means the quality of your eggs cycle is about 120-150 days.

When beginning your fertility journey, egg health is something to be mindful of. Some people believe that if you’re over 35, it will be harder for you to get pregnant when in reality, your ability to get pregnant relates to your egg health. Taking care of your body at any age is important, but when beginning your fertility journey and trying to conceive, identifying the inflammation in your body and improving your overall health can make a in different in seeing that second line turn pink.

Best Fertility Supplements

Most of the time when preparing your body to conceive, women just grab a prenatal and that’s it. It’s a great start, but you need to make sure it’s a pharmaceutical grade prenatal, and the levels of ingredients are important and should be customized for you specifically. As far as other supplements go, it’s important to remember that supplements only assist in getting your cells to a healthy place, your lifestyle, diet and exercise are super important.

>>read more about How to Nourish Yourself Before Pregnancy here<< 

It’s also important to remember to not over-supplement because your body might not be able to metabolize everything you’re taking. That being said, here are a few other important supplements to be aware of when trying to conceive:

>>Find Your Top Quality Fertility and Prenatal Supplements Here<<

Testing to Improve Fertility

When you’re trying to conceive, you really want to be so in-tune with your body. Understanding what causes inflammation, where your hormone levels are at etc. Regardless of your age (under or over 35, it doesn’t matter), ask your doctor to do a full blood work panel and a full thyroid panel. Your thyroid is a huge part of your endocrine system. It’s crucial to know what is going on with your thyroid when trying to conceive! We also recommend testing for TPO (thyroid peroxidase antibodies) and TG (thyroglobulin) tests. These are autoimmune markers that could impact your ability to get pregnant.

You’ll also want to test for MTHFR genes with an endocrinologist or reproductive endocrinologist. A regular OB likely won’t do the test (but by all means ask). Having this gene doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant, it just means there are things you might have to do differently in your journey (specifically the form of B12 supplements you take)!

Lastly, make sure the doctor you currently have is the doctor you want to go on this journey with. Push to have this testing done so you know exactly what you’re working with. If you get pushback, find a doctor that will listen to you and order the testing.

For the full conversation with Elizabeth King, a certified international fertility coach, watch below!


Prepare Your Body

Trying to get pregnant can be stressful but it doesn’t have to be. We believe knowing and understanding your body, living a healthy lifestyle, along with the right mindset can help improve your fertility. While you are preparing your body for pregnancy you can begin to learn more about your body. You can slo learn about your core (including pelvic floor), nutritional needs and more with our Prenatal + Postnatal Knocked-Up Fitness and Core Rehab membership.

The Best Fertility Supplements – Knocked-Up Fitness® and Wellness