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Watch the Use of Colored Contacts this Halloween

Watch the Use of Colored Contacts this Halloween

Eye Injury Prevention Month is observed every October to promote awareness about eye safety and prevent injuries

Watch the Use of Colored Contacts this Halloween

“Wearing colored contacts may seem harmless. But beware: colored contact lenses can severely damage your eyes if you don’t buy them with a prescription. They can even cause permanent blindness if they’re not fitted by an eye specialist.” according to American Academy of Opthamology (AAO)

“Consumers need to know that permanent eye damage can occur from using non-prescription lenses,” says Thomas Steinemann, MD, an ophthalmologist at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, and member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. “I have seen far too many serious cases in both children and adults from using decorative lenses.”

Is It Safe To Wear Non-Prescription Colored Contacts?

It is not safe to wear contact lenses that were not prescribed especially for you. This includes contact lenses purchased without a prescription and contact lenses prescribed for someone else. Your eyes are at risk of serious harm — and potentially blindness — when you wear contact lenses that were not prescribed specifically for you.

Contact lenses advertised as ‘one size fits all’ or ‘no need to see an eye doctor’ are not safe. The ‘one size fits all’ claim is misleading and dangerous. Contact lenses must be tailored to each individual. Lenses that are not the correct size for your eye may result in serious harm and could destroy your vision.

Poorly fitting contact lenses can scratch your eye — or worse

  • Corneal abrasions,
  • Corneal ulcers, and
  • Bacterial infections like keratitis, which are painful and potentially blinding.

Colored contacts also might let less oxygen through to the eye. This is because the paints and pigments make the lenses thicker and less breathable.

Treating this damage can require eye surgery, like a corneal transplant. And treatment doesn’t always work. People have been blinded by colored contact lenses.

How to Buy Colored Contacts?

  • Get an eye exam from a licensed eye care professional. They will measure each eye and talk to you about proper contact lens care.
  • Get a valid prescription that includes the brand name, lens measurements, and expiration date.
  • Buy the colored contacts from a retailer who asks for a prescription.
  • Follow the contact lens care directions for cleaning, disinfecting, and wearing the lenses.
  • Never share contact lenses with another person.
  • Get follow-up exams as directed by your eye care provider.

For further details visit: https://www.aao.org/eye-health/halloween-cosplay-colorful-contacts-eye-safety

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Say Goodbye to Painful Intercourse After Menopause

Say Goodbye to Painful Intercourse After Menopause

Are you experiencing painful sex after menopause? If so, it can take a severe toll on sexual health. The dryness and pain from vaginal atrophy cause vaginal pain and lowers your sex drive while impacting your relationships. There’s no reason you have to glide into your golden years, leaving sexual pleasure behind. In this article, we’ll explain the connection between menopause and painful sex and explore treatment options.

Hormonal Changes

Postmenopausal women know a lot about hormone changes. In the 4-5 years before menopause, hormone levels fluctuate wildly resulting in a variety of menopausal symptoms, including: (1)

  • night sweats or hot flashes
  • weight gain
  • vaginal dryness
  • hot flashes
  • low sex drive
  • vaginal discharge 
  • dyspareunia or painful sex 
  • changed vaginal capacity

The biggest culprit for all these symptoms of menopause is low estrogen levels. Estrogen is the primary female sex hormone key for many bodily functions, including regulating the menstrual cycle and fertility.

While it’s normal for estrogen to fluctuate during a woman’s menstrual cycle, sustained low levels thrust a woman into menopause. Gynecologists and doctors consider a woman entering menopause after she hasn’t had her period for 12 months. Some women undergo hormone therapy by using a topical estrogen cream to balance levels.


Say Goodbye to Painful Intercourse After Menopause

Low estrogen levels and painful intercourse

Low estrogen levels reduce the amount of vaginal moisturizer produced. Without natural lubrication, penetration can be painful, possibly tearing the sensitive vaginal tissue. Also, a lack of estrogen may change the shape and size of the vagina. Hormones are critical messengers in the body, and any change has a physical and mental health result.

A woman may find sex painful after menopause, but there could be a lack of real sexual desire. Since estrogen, in conjunction with another essential female sex hormone progesterone, regulate fertility, optimal levels naturally result in a desire to have sex. Without the necessary vaginal estrogens, many women may find that physically it’s painful but also undesirable.

Dyspareunia and menopause

Dyspareunia is the medical term for painful sex. According to the Harvard Medical School, dyspareunia is pain before, during, or after sex. The cause may be known or unknown, and the sexual dysfunction intermittent or ongoing. (2)

It’s also not common for women to go for a long time without chronic pain, and then experience a painful flare-up. When the cause of dyspareunia is menopause, the good news is that it’s treatable.

Ways to stay sexually healthy

If you’ve stopped sex after menopause, you’re not alone. But that doesn’t mean you can’t resume healthy sexual activity. The following treatments are available for overcoming painful sex and menopause. (3)

Vaginal lubricants

Most of the time, sex hurts because of inadequate vaginal lubrication. The most obvious choice is to implement a high-quality lubricant. It’s recommended that you choose a water-based lubricant to ensure your body doesn’t react to the ingredients. Lubricants ease the pain with penetration, leading to pleasurable intimacy. Slippery Stuff Brand Lubricants are the number one choice of pelvic floor physical therapists for women with pelvic pain and atrophy. 

Vaginal moisturizers

Vaginal moisturizers are different from lubricants in that you use them when not engaging in sexual activity. They are vaginal inserts that infuse moisture into the tender tissue of the vulva and vagina. You put them in your vaginal cavity two or three times a week before bedtime.

Vaginal Estrogen therapy

ERT adds back the missing hormone naturally. The most common supplement form is applying a topical estrogen cream or taking an estrogen tablet. Although there is some controversy about ERT due to some evidence suggesting it puts older women at a higher risk for blood clots, cancer, and other health conditions.

However, a further scientific review showed that the slightly increased risk for postmenopause women depended on their age. For some, ERT  provides more benefits than risks. (4) Before beginning estrogen therapy, speak to your health care professional.

Engage in extended foreplay

Without penetration, you may feel as if you’re aren’t engaging in sex. Perhaps, it’s time to reconsider sexual intimacy. Foreplay can be equally exciting and ending in bliss for both people. Sometimes we rush to the climax when taking the time to enjoy each other makes all the difference.

As you age, a long kiss may be just what you need. Or work your way up to sex by cuddling first. The possibilities for sexual foreplay are endless.

Commit to regular sex

When you don’t have regular sex, especially after menopause, your vagina can change shape. It may become smaller, making penetration painful even if you’re aroused. One way effective treatment is regular sex. While this may not seem logical, you’ll start to see that your vaginal lining has gained elasticity, and you’re able to handle longer and deeper thrusting. If you are not in a sexual relationship, vaginal dilating can help to keep things relaxed. 

Try vaginal dilators

One proven treatment to cure dyspareunia or painful sex is to use vaginal dilators. Healthcare professionals have long prescribed pelvic floor physical therapy to help women with overcoming painful sex.

Vaginal dilators resemble sex toys, but are medical therapy devices that naturally stretch and strengthen pelvic muscles inside the vagina and in the vulvar region, which includes the outside genitals. Vaginal dilators are sometimes called vaginal trainers because you’re using them to “train” your vaginal tissue back into excellent shape.

Vaginal physical therapy increases blood flow into the tissues to rejuvenate and soften until they’re supple and robust. Like any kind of treatment, it may take weeks or months before your vagina is ready for pain-free penetration.

One of the frequently asked questions about dilators is, do they work? In a clinical trial, all participants reported an 80% reduction in pain after using VuVa™ magnetic vaginal dilators. Vaginal dilators improve sexual functioning with minor to no side effects. Each set comes in graduated sizes, making it easy to begin treatment at your comfort level in the privacy of your own home.

Enjoyable sex after menopause is possible for every woman. You can overcome painful intercourse and have a healthy and satisfying sex life. The first step is to speak to your doctor to discover if vaginal dilators are right for you.

  1. https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/menopause/sex-and-menopause-treatment-symptoms
  2. https://www.health.harvard.edu/a_to_z/painful-sexual-intercourse-dyspareunia-a-to-z
  3. https://www.menopause.org/docs/default-source/for-women/mn-vaginal-dryness.pdf
  4. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/womens-health-initiative-reaffirms-use-short-term-hormone-replacement-therapy-younger-women#:~:text=The%20Women’s%20Health%20Initiative%20studied,the%20trial%20of%20estrogen%2Dalone.

VuVa Helpful Links:

7 Reasons for a Tight Vagina and How to Loosen 

How to use Vaginal Dilators 

How to Relax Vaginal Muscles, Vaginismus & Sex 

Vaginal Stretching – Keeping in Shape with Dilators 

Do Dilators Really Work? Yes, and They can Improve Your Sex Life!

Shop for VuVa Vaginal Dilators

Everyday Sources of Heavy Metals & What You Can Do

Everyday Sources of Heavy Metals & What You Can Do

Have you ever wondered if those everyday items you rely on – the aluminum foil keeping your lunch fresh, the barium used in medical scans, or even the titanium in your dental implant – might harbor a hidden threat?

These seemingly innocuous elements paint a picture of progress and convenience. However, beneath their shiny surface lurks a hidden danger: heavy metals. Lead, mercury, and arsenic are well-known villains, but even common elements like aluminum, barium, and titanium can wreak havoc on our health when they accumulate in the body.

Here’s why you should be mindful of heavy metals:

  • Silent Invaders: Exposure to heavy metals can happen through various routes. Lead can be present in old paint and dust, while mercury can contaminate certain fish and is used for dental fillings. Aluminum can leach from cookware, food additives, and your personal care products like deodorant.
  • Bioaccumulation: Heavy metals do not readily break down. They tend to accumulate in our bodies over time, particularly in organs like the brain, kidneys, and bones. This build-up disrupts vital functions, leading to a cascade of health problems, including:
    • Autoimmune Conditions: Heavy metals can mimic the body’s own proteins, tricking the immune system into attacking healthy tissues. This can contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and inflammatory bowel disease. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.133147
    • Cardiovascular Disease: Heavy metals can damage blood vessels and increase inflammation, raising the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. For example, cadmium exposure can damage blood vessels and increase inflammation, raising the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. https://doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.120.018692
    • Neurological Issues: Heavy metals can impair brain function and nerve signaling, potentially leading to problems with memory, cognition, mood, and even an increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. For example, mercury disrupts the nervous system, contributing to neurological disorders like Parkinson’s and ALS, while aluminum toxicity plays a role in autism. doi: 10.3233/JAD-200282
    • Mental Health Concerns: Studies suggest a potential link between exposure to heavy metals and an increased risk of anxiety and depression. This connection might be rooted in two key areas. Firstly, heavy metals can disrupt the production and function of neurotransmitters in the brain. These chemical messengers regulate mood, sleep, and cognition, and their disruption can manifest as symptoms of anxiety and depression. Secondly, emerging research highlights the strong link between a healthy gut microbiome and mental well-being. Heavy metals can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, potentially affecting the gut-brain axis and contributing to anxiety and depression. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cotox.2021.04.003Get rights and content

Our exposure to heavy metals often comes from surprising places.

Here are a few examples:

  • Old Paint and Dust: Lead, a notorious neurotoxin, can replace calcium during bone development in children. Since lead paint was banned in the US in 1978, individuals born before this date are more likely to have been exposed through chipping paint and lead-contaminated dust in older homes. Alarmingly, lead deposits in bones replaces calcium and can remain dormant for decades, leaching back into the bloodstream as bone mass naturally begins to decline in our 30s and onwards.

    The ability of lead to pass through the blood-brain barrier is due in large part to its ability to substitute for calcium ions. Within the brain, lead-induced damage in the prefrontal cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum can lead to a variety of neurological disorders, such as brain damage, mental retardation, behavioral problems, nerve damage, and possibly Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and schizophrenia. doi: 10.1515/reveh.2009.24.1.15

  • Contaminated Water: Leaking pipes, wells, our reliance on aging infrastructure, potential industrial pollution of waterways, and agricultural runoff means even municipal supplies can harbor toxins like lead, arsenic, and more. Consider testing your home water, and checking your municipality’s water quality report at https://ismywatersafe.com/.
  • Fish High in Mercury: Certain fish species, like king mackerel, tuna (especially albacore tuna), and swordfish, accumulate mercury in their bodies through the food chain. Consuming these fish in large quantities (1-2 times per week) can lead to elevated mercury levels. However, there’s good news! Many fish options are lower in mercury. Salmon, sardines, cod, pollock, and tilapia are all amazing choices that allow you to enjoy the health benefits of seafood without the heavy metal concerns.

    The gastrointestinal tract absorbs approximately ninety five percent of ingested MeHg (methylmercury) where it can then enter the red blood cells and the brain by binding covalently to glutathione and cysteine protein groups. Because urinary excretion of MeHg is negligible, MeHg is primarily eliminated from the body in an inorganic form through the action of the biliary system at the rate of 1% of the body burden per day. doi: 10.3961/jpmph.2014.47.2.74

  • Dental Fillings: The European Union, recognizing the potential health risks, has actually banned the use of amalgam fillings beginning in 2025. It’s important to note that mercury also finds its way into our bodies through unexpected sources like tattoos, where certain pigments may contain the metal. Furthermore, mercury has a disturbingly long half-life of 32 years, meaning it can remain in the body for decades before being eliminated.

    Our current exposure to mercury comes from dental amalgam tooth restorations and from eating fish contaminated with mercury. In both cases, mercury is known to get into the brain in utero and at all ages. It remains in the brain for many years and is known to produce permanent neuropsychological deficits. Mercury toxicity can produce tremors and other Parkinsonian clinical symptoms. doi: 10.1155/2023/4709322

  • Unexpected Culprits: Aluminum can leach from cookware, certain food additives, and even antiperspirants. Barium (sulfate), while primarily used in medical imaging, can also be found in some industrial settings like paints, bricks, tiles, glass, and rubber.
  • Batteries, Especially in Electric Vehicles: While electric cars offer a greener alternative, a hidden cost emerges for workers in manufacturing plants, recycling facilities and electric car owners due to the exposure of cadmium.

    Cadmium has a significant impact on various health status, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cognitive dysfunction, Alzheimer’s disease, kidney injury, arthritis, and cancer. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1106732

But here’s some good news: our bodies are equipped with amazing detoxification systems! These systems work tirelessly to eliminate toxins and waste products, keeping us healthy. However, constant exposure to heavy metals can overload these systems.

So, how can we support our bodies’ natural detoxification efforts?

The Power of Drainage:

Imagine your body as a drainage system. Just like a clogged drain can lead to backups and problems, sluggish elimination pathways can hinder detoxification. Here’s where the concept of opening drainage pathways comes in. By supporting these key channels, we can help our bodies efficiently eliminate toxins, including heavy metals.

What Is The Body’s Drainage Funnel?

  • The colon (bowel movements)
  • The liver and bile ducts
  • The lymphatic system
  • The brain drainage to the lymphatic system: glymphatics
  • Kidneys (urine excretion)
  • Skin (sweating)

The Order of Priority is the key to optimal function.

Everyday Sources of Heavy Metals & What You Can Do
Photo by Cellcore Biosciences

As you look at this diagram, you can see there is an order of priority: On the left is a healthy drainage funnel. On the right is an unhealthy drainage funnel. We want to get your drainage funnel to work well.

The most important part of the funnel is the bottom, the colon. If the colon is backed up, then everything above gets backed up. The waste products from each system flow into the colon for the body’s waste removal process. Think of the way two roads merge into one. If there are too many cars, traffic gets congested. The same principle applies to the colon. Healthy bowel patterns involve having 2-3 bowel movements per day with stools that are formed but not hard to pass (soft or firm consistency is normal).

The next area is the liver and bile ducts. This area is a common one people have issues with and it is very critical to keep open.

Now the  lymphatic system needs to stay open to support the immune system and it moves dietary fats and toxins coming from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream for removal, metabolism or storage.

Finally, organs and tissues, such as the brain are included. To get the brain to drain, each drainage funnel system needs to be draining. This means the colon is working, the liver and bile ducts are open and draining, and the lymph system is moving the waste before the organs and tissues can be open and working as intended. If any one of these components isn’t working, there is a traffic jam, causing more delays at rush hour.

Powering Up Your Drainage Funnel

Mitochondria (cells): Think of mitochondria as a power switch that runs your drainage funnel 24/7!  I can help you support your  mitochondria so you can provide the energy needed to keep your drainage funnel running.

7.8 million Americans are Affected by Excessive Sweating

7.8 million Americans are Affected by Excessive Sweating

As per International Hyperhidrosis Association, approximately 7.8 million Americans are affected by excessive sweating. Usually, we produce sweat during a workout or in warm environments. But people suffering from excessive sweating often sweat more than normal, regardless of any physical need for it.

Apple cider vinegar has astringent property that controls the sweating process. It helps to balance the pH levels of the body, especially under the arms or feet, to get rid of the bacteria. Being an antiperspirant, it forms a coat on the skin which ensures the pores are closed.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Underarm Sweating

  • Using a cotton ball, apply apple cider vinegar to the armpits before going to bed.
  • Leave it for overnight and then wash it with water in the next morning.
  • Continue this process every night.

Note: Dilute acv with enough water, if you experience any irritation.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Sweaty Feet

  • Pour 1 liter of water and ½ cup of apple cider vinegar in a foot basin and stir well.
  • Place your feet in it and soak it for about 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Apple cider vinegar can also be added to your bath.
  • Follow this process regularly.

Alternative Method: Wash your feet with mild soap and water. Dry them thoroughly and apply acv using a cotton ball. Leave it to dry completely. Repeat the process daily.

ACV Drink

  • Add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to water and stir well.
  • Add honey to taste.
  • Stir it well and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Lemon is another effective remedy to control sweating. It has citric acid that eliminates the bacteria and its pleasant fragrance makes it as a natural deodorant.

Note: Do not step into the sun after using this method, so the best time is to apply is at night.

Lemon for Armpit Sweating

  • Mix 1 teaspoon each of lemon juice and baking soda in a small bowl.
  • Apply this paste on the armpits thoroughly by using cotton pad.
  • Let it sit for about 20 – 30 minutes and then wash it with water.
  • Continue doing this regularly.

Alternative Method: Rub half lemon on the underarms by gently squeezing it. Leave it overnight or if you cannot, leave it for 15 – 30 minutes and rinse off with water. If you are sensitive to lemon juice, dilute it with some water and apply it using a cotton ball.

Caution: Try the above treatment only before going to bed as lemon juice can make your skin photo sensitive. Apart from treating excessive sweating, it can also whiten your underarms or any other part of the body.

Lemon for Armpit Sweating

  • Mix 1 teaspoon each of lemon juice and baking soda in a small bowl.
  • Apply this paste on the armpits thoroughly by using cotton pad.
  • Let it sit for about 20 – 30 minutes and then wash it with water.
  • Continue doing this regularly.

Sweat contains certain acids that encourage bacteria to thrive. Baking soda is alkaline in nature which effectively lowers the pH level of the sweat prone areas in our body by simply counteracting with the acids. It will also act as a natural deodorant.

  • Combine enough amounts of baking soda and cornstarch.
  • Clean the underarms thoroughly and apply the mixture on them.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse it off with water.
  • For more effective results, add any essential oil into the mixture.
  • Follow the process regularly.

Note: Make sure to wear loose fitted clothes

Alternative Method: After taking bath, apply some baking soda on the sweat prone areas. Discard the excess amount of baking soda and leave it to dry without rinsing off.

Sweating maintains the body temperature and flushes out the toxins from the body. The same is done by drinking plenty of water. So, it restricts your body to produce less amount of sweat. As you already know stress is considered one of the main reasons for sweating. Water helps your body to stay calm in stressful situations. So, it is very important to drink plenty of water. Not just water, you can drink other fluids too which can help your body replenish the minerals that you lose while sweating. Here are few drinks you can consume to stay hydrated.

Disclaimer: Femalle.net does not guarantee any specific results as a result of the procedures mentioned here and the results may vary from person to person. The topics in these pages including text, graphics, videos and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice.

Originally posted 2019-09-22 00:05:04.

Post Views: 1,900

The Ultimate Guide to Health and Beauty – Jersey Girl Talk

The Ultimate Guide to Health and Beauty – Jersey Girl Talk

Welcome, ladies, to the ultimate guide to coconut oil, a true gem for beauty and well-being. Coconut oil helps make your hair and skin beautiful, and it’s also good for your health. In this article, we’re going to talk about the amazing things coconut oil can do, look at the different kinds you can find, and share tips on how to use it every day to feel and look great. Let’s review the power of Coconut Oil and this Ultimate Guide to Health and Beauty. Discover how this oil can transform your routine, from DIY masks to glowing skin & healthy hair.

The Ultimate Guide to Health and Beauty – Jersey Girl Talk

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil:
First, let’s look at how coconut oil can be good for your health. It has healthy fats that are good for your heart because they increase the good cholesterol in your blood and help keep your cholesterol levels balanced. Plus, there are special fats in coconut oil called MCTs that can give you more energy and help you manage your weight by burning more calories and making you feel less hungry.

But the benefits don’t stop there! Coconut oil also boasts powerful antimicrobial and antiviral properties, thanks to its high content of lauric acid. This means it can help combat harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi, making it a valuable addition to your immune-boosting arsenal.

Types and Forms of Coconut Oil:
When it comes to coconut oil, you’ll find a variety of types and forms on the market. Here’s a quick overview to help you navigate the options:

  1. Virgin Coconut Oil: This type of coconut oil is extracted from fresh coconut meat using either a wet-milling or cold-pressing method. It retains more of the coconut’s natural flavor and aroma and is considered the highest quality and most nutritious form of coconut oil. I always look for an Organic Coconut oil in a glass jar like Spectrum Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Unrefined: https://amzn.to/3wszpVo
  2. Refined Coconut Oil: Refined coconut oil undergoes a process of bleaching and deodorizing to remove impurities and create a neutral flavor and scent. While it may lack some of the beneficial compounds found in virgin coconut oil, it still offers many health benefits and is often more affordable. I like BetterBody Foods Naturally Refined Organic Coconut Oil which is a great brand at a good price point: https://amzn.to/3SR8Z73
  3. Fractionated Coconut Oil: Fractionated coconut oil is a liquid form of coconut oil that has been processed to remove the long-chain fatty acids, leaving behind only the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). This makes it particularly well-suited for use in skincare and massage oils due to its lightweight texture and long shelf life. I like the Majestic Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil brand for massages and adding after a hot bath to your skin: https://amzn.to/3Ie9Qtz

Ways to Add Coconut Oil to Your Routine:
Now that you’re familiar with the different types of coconut oil available, let’s explore some of the best ways to incorporate it into your daily routine for both health and beauty benefits:

  1. Cooking and Baking: Swap out your regular cooking oils with coconut oil for a flavorful and nutritious alternative. Use it for sautéing, frying, baking, and even as a creamy addition to your morning coffee or smoothie.
  2. Skincare: Coconut oil makes a luxurious and nourishing moisturizer for your skin, thanks to its hydrating properties and high levels of antioxidants. Apply it directly to dry areas or use it as a base for DIY skincare recipes like body scrubs, lip balms, and hair masks.
  3. Haircare: Treat your tresses to some TLC with a coconut oil hair mask. Simply warm up some coconut oil in your hands, apply it to damp hair from roots to ends, and leave it on for at least 30 minutes before shampooing as usual. Your hair will thank you for the added hydration and shine!
  4. Oil Pulling: Start your day off right with the ancient practice of oil pulling. Swish a tablespoon of coconut oil around in your mouth for 10-20 minutes to help detoxify your mouth, freshen breath, and promote oral health. If you are not yet ready to try full blown oil pulling this mouthwash is a great start: https://amzn.to/49IZ9uI.

Tips and Advice for Using Coconut Oil:
Before you embark on your coconut oil journey, here are a few tips and advice to keep in mind:

  • Quality Matters: Opt for organic, unrefined coconut oil whenever possible to ensure you’re getting the most nutrients and benefits.
  • Patch Test: If you’re using coconut oil topically for the first time, it’s always a good idea to do a patch test on a small area of skin to check for any potential allergic reactions.
  • Moderation is Key: While coconut oil offers many health benefits, it’s still high in calories and fat, so be mindful of your portion sizes, especially if you’re watching your weight.

In conclusion, coconut oil is truly a powerhouse ingredient for both health and beauty. Whether you’re cooking up a storm in the kitchen, pampering your skin and hair, or seeking natural remedies for common ailments, coconut oil has got you covered. So why wait? Dive in and discover the transformative power of coconut oil today! I hope you have enjoyed The Power of Coconut Oil: The Ultimate Guide to Health and Beauty.

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The writer and creator of JerseyGirlTalk.com – a blog dedicated to inspiring and helping readers to feel and look their very best both inside and out. I love writing, photography, makeup, fashion and fitness.

Titan Fitness Linebacker Squat Landmine Attachment Review

Titan Fitness Linebacker Squat Landmine Attachment Review

Titan Fitness Linebacker Squat Landmine Attachment Review

I’ve had the Titan Fitness Linebacker Squat Landmine Attachment and Landmine Stand for a couple years. Because I’ve received numerous questions about them when people see them in my workouts, I thought it was time to give a proper review.

Please note I purchased this equipment and I was not asked by Titan Fitness to write a review. Affiliate links are used for the products discussed here. 

Why the Titan Fitness Linebacker Squat Landmine Attachment and Landmine Stand?

The primary reason: I was looking for a space-saving piece of equipment that would allow me to train my legs in ways I couldn’t with barbell and dumbbell exercises. As much as I love barbell squats and landmine squats, I wanted to perform exercises that required less stability (in case of the former) so I could focus exclusively on my legs, and was more comfortable to perform (in case of the latter). Landmine squats are a great exercise, but they can be awkward and get cumbersome as you get stronger. You become limited not by how much you can squat but by how much you can comfortably hold in position. 

The Linebacker Squat Landmine Attachment allows you to perform a “linebacker squat,” or what I would call more of a front squat variation, and a “hack squat” variation. I quickly enjoyed these exercises because I could focus solely on smoking my legs while sparing my low back and not focusing on holding a weight in place. 

Front squat (i.e., linebacker squat)

“Hack squat”

You can see in the videos that the Linebacker Squat Attachment and Landmine Stand are a great pair. They are sold as a combo for just $230, which is a great price.

If you have no interest in the Landmine Stand, you can get the Linebacker Squat Attachment for $150.

Is It Worth It?

There are three important factors when purchasing equipment for a home gym one must keep in mind: versatility, budget, and space. 

Because space is limited, every piece of equipment I get for my home gym must provide some versatility. That’s why I love barbells and dumbbells because you can do a plethora of exercises with them. I quickly learned the Linebacker Squat Landmine Attachment would allow me to do more than squat variations, which was a big selling point for me.

Here are some pros and cons I discovered both upon immediate inspection and after two years of use.


Padding is dense and durable. I’ve been pleased with the quality of the padding. It’s dense and has held up well over the years. There’s no “squishing” as can happen with lower-quality products.

Lots of exercise variety. I’ve used the Linebacker Squat Landmine Attachment more frequently as I’ve found more uses for it. Here are some of the most common exercises I use it for, along with a few you may want to try for yourself.

Viking press demonstration (i.e., shoulder press)

One interesting thing to note: People who can’t comfortably perform a standing barbell press may be able to perform this variation without discomfort. Something about the motion of pushing up and forward seems to be a great variation for people who can’t perform a regular barbell press without discomfort. If you don’t like the traditional barbell press, this could be the variation for you.

Calf raise demonstration

“Trap bar” deadlift demonstration

Romanian deadlift demonstration

There are certainly dozens more exercises that can be done: reverse lunges (I like these a lot too), shrugs, rows, rear-foot-elevated split squats, single-leg Romanian deadlifts, push presses. If you want to mimic an exercise where you normally hold dumbbells at your sides (like dumbbell reverse lunges) you can hold the handles of the Linebacker Squat Attachment. If you want to mimic a barbell variation of an exercise (like barbell reverse lunges) have the attachment on your shoulders.

The other two factors mentioned — budget and space — were considerations when purchasing this equipment. The footprint of both is quite small, and I think the price point was excellent when considering everything the equipment would allow me to do.


The first thing I noticed when I received the Linebacker Squat Attachment was the powder coating: It’s not the best, and some had already flaked off before I even took it out of the box. The welding isn’t clean and crisp when compared to something you would see from Rogue, for example. 

The other nit-picky issue is that the handles aren’t entirely symmetrical. The angles are a little different and both tilt to the right.

Both handles are angled a bit to the right, rather than both angling to the center.

Despite those minor drawbacks, after regular use over the last couple years, these two pieces have held up well. They even survived an arduous move into my new home gym.

User Recommendations

There are side posts where you can put weight plates, but I would only use them for ground-based exercises, like deadlift variations or lunges when holding onto the handles. Loading the side posts when the Linebacker Attachment is on the Landmine Stand (like for presses or squat variations shown in the videos above) is too awkward and unsafe because it spins and can easily tip over.

For exercises like squats and presses, load plates onto the barbell sleeve (as shown in the videos) so you don’t have to worry about it spinning and sending weight plates crashing to the floor. This means you’ll have to take the squat attachment off every time you want to add or reduce weight, but it’s quick enough to not be annoying. It’s certainly easier than trying to balance it while loading plates onto the side posts!

So is the Linebacker Squat Attachment worth it? For the price and the variety it provides, yes, the Linebacker Squat Attachment is worth it. While I would like to see attention to detail addressed with future models, I am happy about this investment I made to my home gym. You can check it out here. It currently sells for $149.99.

Titan Fitness Landmine Stand Review

I think the Linebacker Squat Landmine Attachment and Landmine Stand pair together, especially if you plan on using the Linebacker Attachment for squat and press variations. If you can’t safely create something at some to prop the Linebacker Attachment on, the Landmine Stand is a good investment.

The Landmine Stand adjusts easily and has several height settings. It’s durable and has held up well over the past two years. There is a small change I would find beneficial: Coat the bottom of the stand with some type of “gripping” material. The smooth metal slides easily on a concrete floor. However, when the stand is on rubber matting, it doesn’t have this issue. Just be mindful of where you place the stand in your gym. The Landmine Stand sells for $150.

If you get the Linebacker Squat Landmine Attachment, I think investing in the Landmine Stand is a good idea too. Otherwise it’ll be quite cumbersome to come up with your own set up for making squats and presses easier to perform.

Click here to get them for a combo deal for just $230.

More Titan Fitness Product Reviews

You can also read the review of the Titan Fitness Seated Leg Curl and Leg extension machine right here. It’s another great piece for your home gym, and it even had some unexpected, and awesome, surprises.

Tips for Healthy Aging

Tips for Healthy Aging

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The new 50’s – Healthista

The new 50’s – Healthista

The New 50’s

Turning 50 certainly feels like a milestone, but somehow less dauting that it might have felt to the generation before, as we have more access to pioneering ways that we can move better, balance our hormones, get glowy skin and calm our minds. As our life becomes more challenging in our 50’s, we are pulled in different directions, as we balance looking after teenagers and elderly parents, our needs can easily get left behind.


My little black book of the best things that can take us through this decade, with more ease and have my stamp of approval:


+ Movement

Longer and leaner limbs during our 50s take a little more work and consistency. Louisa Drake, celebrity trainer has created her clever Invisible Reformer offering, which democratises reformer Pilates allowing us all to reap the benefits. The Invisible Reformer Workout wraps around her signature Invisible Reformer kit, which includes gliders, a mini stability ball, and various resistance bands to replicate the effects of a traditional Reformer workout. This makes it ideal for those who are busy and want to fit it into a busy life. The programme includes the best Pilates moves adapted for the mat, providing a safe, comprehensive, low-impact workout that builds strength, stability, and flexibility. Despite seeming like a much simpler workout, Louisa guarantees it’s just as challenging.

Check out – www.louisadrake.com



Making simple changes to our nutrition during my 50’s, is a focus for me. Dr Federica Amati Head nutritionist at ZOE, and author of Recipes for a better menopause give us delicious, science backed dishes, created by award winning chef, Jane Baxter. Together they give us Mediterranean-style recipes, which are packed with nutrients, protein and essential vitamins to allow us to thrive when we need them most, so we can ensure that our 50’s are our strongest, healthiest decade.


Buy Now > www.waterstones.com


+ Hair health

I’ve been a long-term fan of CALECIM® Professional, for many of us loosing hair during our midlife, this technology works wonders. Leading doctors, Dr Munir and Dr Tapan use this in clinic; however, the at-home treatment gives exceptional results as it breathes life back into the hair follicles in just six weeks, but continued maintenance is required. CALECIM® Professional works by harnessing the power of stem cell extracts to send cellular messages direct to hair follicle cells, leading to a healthy scalp and an ideal environment for thick, healthy hair. Simply use the Advanced Hair System and derma stamp tool combined make an easy and effective hair loss treatment and feel your hair density and quality improve.


+ Mind

After practicing yoga for many years, I have now added self-hypnosis to my wellness habits, using it specifically to help me drift off to sleep. Before bed, I turn to trusted self- hypnosis app reveri, which has been created and curated by Stanford’s head of Psychiatry, Dr David Spiegel. His trailblazing, science approved, self-hypnosis app, offers a series of interactive and guided hypnosis sessions to suit your needs. This ground-breaking app, is designed to strengthen the connection between mind and body, allowing us to re-wire the way the brain thinks and responds, promoting positive sustainable changes, enabling us to overcome insomnia, anxiety, stress, worries, fears, and trauma. Dr Spiegel’s calming voice, combined with his knowledge around Self-hypnosis (which he has been using in clinic since the 1960s) has resulted in a stand-out offering that is set to help people live to their optimum, with zero side effects. This can change our neurological pathways in ways that meditation cannot.


Reveri App The new 50’s – Healthista


Download Now > www.reveri.com


+ Skin


Dr SurbhiDr Surbhi
Dr Surbhi

For a grownup glow-up, I turn to the meticulous Dr Surbhi on Wimpole Street (expect Chanel muses to be exiting as you enter) she gives you gorgeous, expensive skin as she layers the best treatments for your skins needs. For many years now, I have been a fan of regenerative methods to get our skin looking its best. It makes sense, that by signalling our cells to behave youthfully, we gain a natural ethereal glow that is unsurpassable. Her new toy, the Rexonage3, ticks all of the boxes. By targeting the base layer of the dermis, where adult stem cells reside, it prompts the reorganisation of collagen and elastin, crucial proteins for tissue rejuvenation.


This is the only device on the market that can improve collagen and elastin, without the use of heat but instead harnesses the power of ‘Quantum Molecular Resonance’ – this is where we are able to manipulate energy in the form of frequency, so that it can interact with our biological tissue. Unlike other devices, it targets ‘molecular resonant’ energy of the cell, triggering impressive cell regeneration, without thermal damage.  In a nutshell – this clever Italian technology is able to access the cells metabolism through its synergistic action. QMR is a one of its kind technologies, that delivers packets of energy to the human cells, stimulating their regenerative process.


As we age (from around 25 years old), the structural proteins in the dermis, mainly collagen and elastin, begin to slow down. These proteins act as a ‘scaffold’ supporting the structures of the skin. Their abundance in young skin determines its tone, structure, and elasticity.  With ageing, the protein content tends to decline, and this is due to the all-important ‘cell metabolism’, particularly fibroblasts. The Rexonage3 accelerates the cell metabolism, supercharging it to trick more mature skin, into believing it’s younger. Your pores will vanish, skin will tighten, and collagen will be boosted.


Shop now > www.cosderm.co.uk

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Spice Up Your Cinco de Mayo with a TIU Approved Menu – Tone It Up

Spice Up Your Cinco de Mayo with a TIU Approved Menu – Tone It Up

Get ready to spice up your Cinco de Mayo celebration! At Tone It Up, we’re all about enjoying delicious foods and drinks without sacrificing your goals. That’s why we’ve curated a menu for this weekend’s festivities that’s nutritious, flavorful, and Tone It Up approved. From drinks to main courses, we’ve got you covered! ❤️‍🔥🌶️

Find your menu to download and print HERE 😍

Scroll to see the full recipes now. And don’t forget to head to the Tone It Up app for more recipe ideas and full recipes to make your Cinco de Mayo celebration a hit!

Spice Up Your Cinco de Mayo with a TIU Approved Menu – Tone It Up

Drink – Blood Orange Margarita

Makes 1 Serving


  • Kosher salt and lime wedge to rim the glass
  • 1 1⁄2 oz. silver tequila *Exclude for a mocktail
  • 3 Tbsp. fresh-squeezed lime juice
  • 2 Tbsp. fresh blood orange juice (regular OJ works too!)
  • 1 tsp. light agave nectar


    1. To rim the glass, pour a thin layer of kosher salt on a small plate. Rub the lime wedge around the rim of a glass and then dip in the salt.
    2. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add all ingredients and shake well for about 30 seconds. Strain into the rimmed glass over ice.
    3. Garnish with a fresh lime and blood orange slice.

    Dip – Mango Salsa

    Makes 4 Servings


    • 3 ripe mangoes, diced to your preferred size
    • 1 medium red bell pepper, chopped 
    • 2 tbsp seeded and diced  jalapeño
    • 2 tbsp finely chopped red onion 
    • ¼ cup finely chopped cilantro
    • 2-3 tbsp fresh lime juice
    • ½ tsp sea salt


      1. Chop and dice all ingredients. Make your salsa as chunky or finely-chopped as you like.
      2. In a small bowl, toss together all of the ingredients. Taste and adjust flavors as needed, adding more salt for overall flavor, lime for acidity, jalapeño for heat, or mango for sweetness.
      3. Serve with tortilla chips, Celery sticks, carrot sticks, bell peppers, or whole grain crackers. We also love to top our favorite grilled protein with this salsa as well.

      Appetizer – Corn & Tomato Summer Salad

      Makes 6 Servings


      • 2 cups corn 
      • 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved

      • ½ small red onion, diced

      • 2 tbsp fresh basil chopped

      • 3 tbsp olive oil

      • 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

      • ¼ tsp sea salt


        1. Add the corn, cherry tomatoes, and red onion to a bowl, and mix well. Top with chopped basil, olive oil, apple cider vinegar and sea salt and mix again. Enjoy!

        Main Course – Chili Lime Shrimp Tacos

        Makes 2 Servings


        • ½ tbsp olive oil 
        • ½ tsp chili powder 
        • ½ tsp kosher salt 
        • 10 medium shrimp 
        • 4 whole wheat tortillas 
        • 1 tbsp fresh cilantro 
        • 1 lime, cut into wedges 
        • ½ avocado, chopped


          1. Heat your grill to medium-high. Mix the olive oil, chili powder, and salt in a large bowl. Add the shrimp and toss to coat. Grill the shrimp until translucent, about 1 ½ to 2 minutes on each side. 
          2. Grill tortillas, until slightly charred, about 20 seconds per side. Place about 5-6 shrimp, avocado, and cilantro on the tortilla then top with your favorite salsa. 
          3. Serve 2 tacos per person with a lime wedge on the side.

          Dessert – Sunset Spice Popsicle

          Makes 3 Servings


          • 1 scoop vanilla Tone It Up Protein
          • ½ peeled orange
          • ¼ tsp. cayenne
          • ¼ tsp. ground turmeric
          • ½ cup frozen pineapple
          • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk
          • ½ cup sliced carrot
          • ¼ cup Greek yogurt 


            1. Blend all the ingredients until smooth and pour into popsicle mold.
            2. Freeze for about 12 hours or until solid

            Enjoy! If you’re looking for more delicious recipes, head to the nutrition section of your Tone It Up app for more ideas and full recipes to make your Cinco de Mayo celebration a hit!

GetHairMD™ Partners with Dr. Campbell to Offer Hair Restoration Solutions

GetHairMD™ Partners with Dr. Campbell to Offer Hair Restoration Solutions


GetHairMD, a leading provider of cutting-edge hair restoration treatments, today announced a strategic partnership with Dr. Sanam Campbell, a board certified OB/GYN and founder of New River Women’s Health. 

Through this collaboration, New River Women’s Health, located in Blacksburg, VA, is now offering the company’s full range of FDA-cleared noninvasive hair restoration solutions to its patients, addressing virtually all causes of hair loss for both men and women. 

Dr. Campbell GetHairMD photoGetHairMD™ Partners with Dr. Campbell to Offer Hair Restoration Solutions“My staff and I work with patients every day and understand the significant emotional impact of hair loss. That’s why I’m dedicated to providing personalized care and proven, effective treatments that improve both the appearance and self-esteem of my patients,” said Dr. Campbell. “This partnership with GetHairMD allows us to offer a wider range of solutions to address this common concern.” 

Expanding Expertise 

With this partnership, Dr. Campbell joins the GetHairMD network of experienced physicians specializing in all forms and causes of hair loss. Notably, Dr. Campbell will also serve on the GetHairMD clinical advisory board as the company continues its nationwide expansion. 

About Hair Loss and GetHairMD’s Solutions 

  • Hair loss affects over 50% of adult men and over 40% of adult women, often causing emotional distress and impacting self-confidence. 
  • GetHairMD offers a variety of personalized solutions for patients battling hair loss. •  These solutions range from non-invasive treatments (laser therapy, topical medications, at home therapies) to minimally invasive hair grafting. 
  • GetHairMD is one of the first in the United States to offer FDA-cleared TransDermal Infusion

for hair loss, delivering a specially formulated serum directly into the scalp for superior results.

Shared Vision 

“Dr. Campbell’s expertise in personalized patient health and her commitment to patient care aligns perfectly with our mission,” said Paul Herchman, CEO of GetHairMD. “We are thrilled to partner with her to bring our effective noninvasive hair restoration solutions to patients in Blacksburg and the surrounding areas.” 

About GetHairMD 

GetHairMD is a network of experienced physicians with expertise in all forms and causes of hair loss. The company offers a multi-modality approach, combining cutting-edge technology with doctor-supervised care to achieve optimal hair restoration results, exceeding a 90% success rate. The company has grown from a single location to over 25 locations nationally. 

For more information about GetHairMD, please visit our website at www.joingethairmd.com. 

About New River Women’s Health

New River Women’s Health is dedicated to providing the finest women-centered healthcare services in Blacksburg, Virginia. The practice meets the challenges of the future by expanding the GYN role to offer a broad range of contemporary alternative care choices. By utilizing a team approach we offer expertise beyond our individual knowledge and time constraints. This commitment inspires us to consistently exceed the ever-changing needs of those we serve and devote resources to the continual enhancement of our services. 

For more information about Dr. Campbell and New River Women’s Health, please visit their website at www.newriverwomenshealth.com. 

This press release can be viewed online here.