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If you’re as stubborn as me, and are convinced that there *ARE* yet days remaining of the summer, here’s a remarkable day trip idea for you! Earlier in the month, I spent one such day enjoying the exquisite Jurassic coast, on the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset, England’s only natural UNESCO World Heritage Site – which was really quite resplendent in glorious British sunshine! Whilst I’m 8 months pregnant, a gentle hike along the rolling chalk cliffs is just about the perfect level of exertion for me and the little one, so I/we packed a bag and headed down to Durdle Door for a walk and an afternoon of calming ocean breeze. It was an excellent destination to trial my brand new Apple Watch Series 6 (previous reviews HERE) on the hike. Plenty of interesting insights packed into this one, my dear reader, so read on…

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And so, without further ado…


I’ve owned each of the preceding 5 series’ of watch and have become somewhat dependent on how they add to my communication capacity as a social human. I miss less conversation, I catch more news, I remain better informed, and I stay reachable if I want. Series 6 is a really nice evolution which I think lays the groundwork for a revolution in automated diagnostics. I should say from the outset that Apple kindly seeded me with this watch, but these impressions are my own and not influenced by external factors. Things I like about this?

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  • STYLE: the familiar form of the case itself remains unchanged, but there are some new colourways such as Blue and Red – I am enjoying this updated classic yellow gold colour, as it feels a little more ‘precious’ than the anodised aluminium cases of old, yet costs no more. Away from the case, the braided yarn solo loop is a bit of a style triumph to my mind, and I have since already accessorised with it, per the picture below – the interwoven nylon-elastic diagonal mesh is super-comfortable, well-machined, and ultra-practical! You barely feel that the watch is there; it is the most comfortable watch strap I have worn, for digital or mechanical devices.WatchShots-1
  • STATS: The Blood Oxygen Sensor is probably the most radical new feature on the Apple Watch, and it’s one that I’ve found myself using more frequently than I’d expected. LEDs on the back crystal can measure light reflected back from my blood stream and glean how well oxygenated it is – it keeps a watchful eye on my telemetry, much as with the ECG rhythm anomaly features and heart rate monitor. So what? Well, I think Apple Watch is gradually accumulating an array of sophisticated diagnostic capabilities which sets the direction for a revolutionary ‘personal doctor’ on the wrist which is constantly monitoring you for nascent signs of illness and disease.As you can see from my watch face setup above, I’ve custom specified something with complications that help me to launch a workout and track my movements, measure my activity rings easily at a glance, check my power reserve, trigger a walkie talkie conversation, and tap into the sensor array via ECG/HR/SpOX – it even imputes my VO2 Max score, which is a fantastic metric by which to gauge my overall fitness. I like this health-focussed data setup because that’s really what I feel gives me the most information, most easily accessibly, any time – which is the whole point of a smart watch rather than a classic analogue timepiece!
  • PERFORMANCE: This is noticeably faster, supposedly 20 per cent so, but it feels immediate. I don’t run out of juice by the end of the day, with the 18-hour stated battery life regularly clocking in at ‘40% remaining’ when I take it off for the night-charge. Charging is faster (1.5 hrs back to 100%) so if you want to wear it for sleep, you can reload fast the next morning. I’d love to see a battery life that neutralises even the most subtle cases of charge-anxiety in the next edition, as this is perhaps the only conceivable draw-back at present, in what is otherwise a category-defining product. I particularly like the Always-On Retina display on Apple Watch Series 6 – even in direct Dorset sunshine, it had brightness and clarity which rendered it fully legible, whereas I’d really struggled with this in Series 6’s  predecessors.
  • FITNESS+ – For someone who is slightly obsessed (in a good way) by my activity rings, and in a post Gym world, I’m excited about the new addition of guided workouts which can be streamed on my iPad/AppleTV/iPhone and synced with the Apple Watch. I’m trialling this over the coming week so keep an eye out!
  • ALTIMETER: Not just for pilots, this is a cool feature and one I used as I descended and ascended at the Jurassic Coast as it gives you real-time elevation all day long by using a new, more power-efficient barometric altimeter, along with GPS and nearby Wi-Fi networks. It’s perfect for outdoorsy people like myself, helps to more accurately track my ‘flight count’ of steps climbed each day, and I’m looking forward to trialling this further on my next ski trip.

In short, this is the most seamless smartwatch experience from Apple to date. I can see where they’re going with it, and I am a huge fan of the telemetry to which I now have access, simply by wearing my watch. The more I lean into the features, the more rich an informational experience I can take from it. I look forward to seeing what diagnostics get added to Series 7, but for the coming year, I’ll very much enjoy the Series 6 companion on my wrist!

Faya x

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The Osteoporosis and Depression Connection

The Osteoporosis and Depression Connection

The Osteoporosis and Depression Connection

October 20, 2024, is World Osteoporosis Day.

As the old saying goes, sticks and stones may break your bones but neglecting your bone health will hurt you.

If it’s been awhile since you thought about your bones, we get it. Bone health is underrated. But it’s also really important. Let’s put it this way: You can’t do much without a skeleton.

It’s especially important for women and people assigned female at birth to be proactive about bone health because osteoporosis, a disease that makes bones weak and brittle, affects 10 million people in the U.S. and 8 out of 10 of those are women.

The physical consequences of osteoporosis can be life-changing. A simple stretch, bend — even a cough — can result in a fracture or broken bone if you have osteoporosis. In fact, about half of all women over age 50 will break a bone at some point because of the disease.

Beyond breaks, osteoporosis can also have a significant impact on your mental health.

Osteoporosis and depression

In addition to physical problems, osteoporosis has been linked to serious mental health issues. Research shows people with osteoporosis are more likely to have depression compared to people who don’t have osteoporosis. In one 2022 study of mostly women, a majority of participants with osteoporosis had depression (86.9%) compared to 15.4% of the group who didn’t have osteoporosis.

Deborah T. Gold, Ph.D., professor emerita in psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University Medical Center, has studied the connection between osteoporosis and depression for years. “When I started doing the research, we found that people [with osteoporosis] who got a fracture were limited in what they could do. It made them feel old — and it hurt — and that led to depression,” Gold said. “I do think in most cases depression is a result of the disease.”

Gold recalled a time when a study participant started sobbing as she filled out her osteoporosis questionnaire. “It just suggests how strongly it can affect you,” she said.

Watch: What You Need to Know About Osteoporosis >>

Depression and osteoporosis

Some researchers think the connection between osteoporosis and depression can go both ways. As in, depression can also be a risk factor for osteoporosis.

For one, research shows depression can increase cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body, which can lead to bone loss.

Treatment for depression may also affect bone health. Some antidepressants have been linked to an increase in bone loss and greater risk of fracture. One review found serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were associated with a decrease of bone mineral density. And an analysis of 23 studies found that depression was significantly associated with bone loss and an increased risk of fractures.

Gold noted that risk factors such as smoking, sedentary lifestyle and poor diet can also contribute to both depression and osteoporosis.

Postmenopausal osteoporosis and depression

Although osteoporosis is a disease that can happen at any age, people who are postmenopausal are at high risk.

Estrogen — and a lack of estrogen — has an impact on your bones because estrogen plays a big role in maintaining bone structure. During menopause, when estrogen levels decline, your bones become weaker. You’re most at risk for osteoporosis after menopause when estrogen levels stay consistently low.

Fluctuating estrogen levels that occur during the menopausal transition (perimenopause) also have an effect on the brain. In addition to mood changes, research shows a decline in estrogen affects serotonin levels — the feel good hormones — which can lead to depression.

Read: In an Aging America, Osteoporosis Is a Looming Public Health Crisis >>

Prevention and osteoporosis self-care

The connection between depression and osteoporosis is like the chicken or the egg debate. While research is ongoing, it’s a good idea to tell your healthcare provider about your risk factors for both conditions — especially if you’re going through menopause.

“[Osteoporosis and depression] are both diseases, and they both can be treated,” Gold said. “I think, however, that for people without depression now, getting control over osteoporosis will help them avoid depression in the future because osteoporosis makes you feel like you have no control anymore. And that’s the kind of thing that can lead to depression.”

One way to keep osteoporosis at bay is through diet and getting the right amount of calcium and vitamin D. (Note: If you’re taking a calcium supplement, take vitamin D along with it because your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium.)

Weight-bearing exercise (low-impact aerobics, dancing, walking, etc.) is also crucial for healthy bones and muscle strength. “Some people hate it, but if you understand how much it can help, you might invest in it more,” Gold said. Per science, one review found that exercise was an effective way to improve bone mineral density in people with osteoporosis.

In addition to a healthy diet and exercise, self-care options for osteoporosis can include:

  • Quitting smoking
  • Limiting alcohol
  • Taking prescribed medications for bone health
  • Safeguarding your home to prevent falls
  • Maintaining an active social life

Watch: How to Avoid Falls in Your Home >>

Both osteoporosis and depression should be evaluated separately by different healthcare providers. Talk to your provider about getting a bone density test (DEXA scan) to check your bones and how to get screened for depression if you’ve noticed changes in your mood.

“You know, like any other disease, it’s up to the individual to take responsibility,” Gold said. “And if women don’t take responsibility for themselves and their problems — nobody else will.”

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What Makes Us Doubt God?

What Makes Us Doubt God?

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What Makes Us Doubt God?

Photo by Ana Municio on Unsplash

And why we can trust Him in those doubts

Have you ever doubted God? Have you ever asked Him why He’s allowed something to happen? Or why He didn’t stop something? Have you ever been tempted to argue with God?

In the Bible, we learn of a man, Job, who suffered staggering losses — he lost his children, his animals, his home, his health. Left to mourn on a pile of ashes, he calls out to God. He questions Him.

How did God answer Job? With questions of His own.

Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said:

“Who is this that obscures my plans
with words without knowledge?
Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.

Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
Tell me, if you understand.

(Job 38: 1–4 NIV)

In response to Job’s questions, God confronts him with questions that highlight the extreme difference between God and His creation.

In parenting terms, God is saying My house, My rules.

I’ve said this myself when my children were young. I’ve said it when they questioned why they had to go to bed at a certain hour or why they couldn’t have friends over when I wasn’t home. I’ve said it when they wanted their tongue pierced and when they wanted a flying squirrel as a pet.

Their arguments and questions didn’t get them far. Mom had the final say. And whether they understood my reasoning or not, they had to live with it. Like it or not, they had to accept it.

I am Mom. My house, my rules.

But I am not infallible. I do make mistakes. My reasons aren’t always sound.

But God’s are. I can trust His house, His rules because of three reasons:

1. He is omnipotent

God is all-powerful. He has unlimited power and can do anything.

2. He is omniscient

God is all-knowing. He knows everything.

3. He is omnipresent

God is everywhere. He is present everywhere at the same time.

As Christians, we may still have questions and doubts. God has broad shoulders and can handle these.

But if we truly grasp the omni-ness of God our doubts can give way to trust. Although we may not understand, we can trust in the One Who does.

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Rejoni Clinical Trial Offers New Treatment

Rejoni Clinical Trial Offers New Treatment

Intrauterine adhesions, also known as IUAs or Asherman’s Syndrome, are one of the most undiagnosed conditions among women in the United States. The adhesions are caused by damage to the lining of the uterus. The condition can lead to fertility issues and medical problems.

Fortunately, there is a new clinical trial on fibroids that is demonstrating the effectiveness of an innovative way to prevent the formation of these dangerous adhesions. The Rejoni clinical trial is led by physicians and features a gel-like material (Juveena™ Hydrogel) that may be effective at preventing the formation of intrauterine adhesions after surgery.

At Arizona Gynecology Consultants, we are committed to providing comprehensive healthcare for women using clinically proven techniques. Some of our clients may benefit from participating in this clinical trial on intrauterine adhesion.

What Are Intrauterine Adhesions?

The interior of the uterus is lined with a type of tissue called endometrium. During pregnancy, the embryo implants in this layer, but if no pregnancy occurs, the top layer of the endometrium is shed during menstruation. Any damage that occurs to the lining of the uterus can lead to the formation of scar tissue between the inner walls of the uterus.

Rejoni Clinical Trial Offers New Treatment

Thin bands of scar tissue may form if the scarring is mild. Thick bands may form when the scarring is more severe. In either case, partial or total occlusion (blockage) of the inside of the uterus can occur.

The resulting conditions, commonly referred to as Asherman’s Syndrome, can develop after a uterine procedure like a dilation and curettage or hysteroscopy. Asherman’s Syndrome can cause serious fertility issues that require gynecology services in Arizona.

Primary adhesions can appear after pregnancy loss or surgery to remove fibroids. Secondary adhesions can happen after surgery to remove them, resulting in the adhesions returning. The adhesions may or may not cause noticeable symptoms.

How Does the Clinical Study Work?

Rejoni, Inc., a company based in Bedford, MA, is heading the study that tests whether a new hydrogel can prevent the formation of intrauterine adhesions. Any patient who is planning to undergo uterine surgery (either to disrupt existing adhesions through a procedure known as adhesiolysis or to remove fibroids) may be a candidate for the study.

Rejoni, Inc.

Eligible participants will be randomly assigned to one of two groups: the treatment group, which will receive the hydrogel immediately after uterine surgery, or the control group, which will not receive the hydrogel. Two participants will be assigned to the treatment group for every participant in the control group. If you’re interested in this research trial, please schedule an appointment with Arizona Gynecology Consultants to determine if you qualify as a candidate.

Am I a Candidate For This Clinical Study?

If you have a history of intrauterine adhesions, you may be a great candidate for the Rejoni clinical study. Candidates may be able to prevent the recurrence of intrauterine adhesions by participating in the study. Women who have a history of being diagnosed with these types of adhesions may be good candidates for the clinical study.

If you are at least 18 years old and have received a diagnosis indicating that you require fibroid removal or adhesiolysis, you may qualify to participate in the Rejoni clinical trial or any similar clinical trial. There are no expenses associated with participating in this research. By joining this study, you can contribute to advancements in medical knowledge and potentially benefit from cutting-edge treatment options.

Candidate For This Clinical Study

You will be provided with detailed information about the study procedures beforehand and questions you have will be thoroughly answered. Your participation could make a significant difference in the lives of others affected by similar conditions.

What Causes Intrauterine Adhesions?

Intrauterine adhesions can form after a surgical procedure involving the cavity of the uterus. Dilation and curettage (often used to diagnose and treat conditions) is an outpatient procedure that involves stretching the opening to the uterus and selectively removing parts of the uterus. The surgical procedures can result in intrauterine adhesions.

Dilation and curettage are often performed to control uterine bleeding and to address pregnancy complications. Less common causes of intrauterine adhesions include endometritis, surgical removal of fibroids, endometrial ablation, and cesarean sections.

What Are the Symptoms of Intrauterine Adhesions?

Intrauterine adhesions may cause significant symptoms or no symptoms at all.

Common symptoms include:

  • Menstrual abnormalities
  • Light or infrequent periods
  • Inability to achieve pregnancy
  • Recurrent miscarriages
  • Birth complications
  • Abnormal implantation of the placenta
  • Pelvic pain
  • Painful menstrual periods

These could be the symptoms of Asherman’s Syndrome or another medical problem that requires treatment at our Arizona gynecology center. We offer consultations for any of our exams and use minimally invasive treatments when possible.

How Are Intrauterine Adhesions Diagnosed?

Asherman Syndrome is often diagnosed by hysterosalpingogram, hysteroscopy, or saline sonohysterogram. Hysteroscopy is a highly accurate method for diagnosing intrauterine adhesions. It uses a lighted telescopic instrument to allow the doctor to see inside the uterus. The procedure can be performed in the operating room or a medical office.

Imaging procedures that use a special dye can view the shape of the inside of the uterus. A saline sonohysterogram uses a saltwater solution to expand the uterus so a sonogram machine can see the uterine cavity. Imaging can discover spaces where the fluid does not freely flow. While these procedures may not require anesthesia, anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed to decrease post-procedure cramping.

Who Is at Risk For Intrauterine Adhesions?

Several factors can increase the risk of developing intrauterine adhesions. Women who have undergone uterine surgery following miscarriage, abortion, or delivery are at risk due to the potential for scarring. Certain surgical procedures like myomectomy for fibroid removal or the presence of uterine fibroids can lead to scarring.

How Are Intrauterine Adhesions Diagnosed

Postpartum infections, endometritis, or genital tuberculosis can also increase the risk. When an intrauterine device (IUD) is not inserted correctly or left in place for extended periods, the device can damage the uterine lining and increase the risk of adhesions. Genetics is another leading factor, as some women may be more predisposed to developing scar tissue in the uterus.

Women may be at higher risk of developing intrauterine adhesions if they:

  • Have experienced complications related to cesarean sections
  • Have experienced repeated miscarriages
  • Are older
  • Have a condition that causes prolonged uterine bleeding, such as pelvic inflammatory disease.

Understanding these risk factors is crucial for identifying women who may be at higher risk of intrauterine adhesions and providing appropriate preventive measures or treatment.

Common Treatments For Intrauterine Adhesions

Physicians often recommend surgical treatments to address intrauterine adhesions because the scarring can lead to medical complications and fertility issues. Once the adhesions have been identified and diagnosed, your physician may use a special operating hysteroscope to cut and remove the scar tissue.

Common Treatments For Intrauterine Adhesions

This procedure is frequently performed under anesthesia. After the adhesions have been removed, a special device may be placed to separate the walls of the uterus and decrease the chances that the adhesions will return.

To further reduce the risk of adhesions returning, your physician may prescribe hormonal treatment, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or antibiotics. The treatments are highly effective, but some women experience post-surgery lesions. The ongoing clinical trial on intrauterine adhesion aims to prevent the return of these types of adhesions.

Are There Risks Associated With Treating Intrauterine Adhesions?

The clinical trial may be able to prevent the return of intrauterine adhesions in some women. Any surgical procedure to remove existing adhesions can lead to absent or infrequent periods.

Women should be mindful that pregnancies after treatment could potentially be complicated by:

  • Miscarriage
  • Preterm labor
  • Third-trimester bleeding
  • Abnormal attachment of the placenta

Your women’s healthcare provider will explain how surgical removal of adhesions can affect future pregnancies and births. Women with mild-to-moderate adhesions often experience a resumption of normal menstrual function. Severe adhesions can affect fertility in some women. The Rejoni clinical trial is an important study because the advanced gel placed after surgical removal of adhesions may prevent the return of intrauterine adhesions.

Rejoini Clinical Trial FAQs

If you believe you are a good candidate for this or another ongoing clinical trial, please let someone with Arizona Gynecology Consultants know. We can determine your candidacy and help you start the process of undergoing treatment.

What Is Adhesiolysis?

A surgical procedure known as adhesiolysis treats intrauterine adhesions caused by Asherman’s syndrome. Under general anesthesia, a doctor dilates the cervix. This allows a hysteroscope to be inserted into the uterus. The surgeon identifies and removes scar tissue using a special instrument. The doctor then controls any bleeding. Patients are monitored after the procedure and given pain management if needed.

Am I a Candidate For the Rejoini Clinical Trial?

If you are 18 and older and have a history of developing intrauterine adhesions or have undergone fibroid removal or adhesiolysis, you may be a good candidate. The treatment prevents the return of adhesions following surgery. If you do not have intrauterine adhesions or a history of developing this type of scarring, you may not be a candidate for this specific clinical trial.

What Happens to the Treatment Group?

For every person selected as part of the control group, two women will be selected for the treatment group. These women will be given Juveena™ Hydrogel following the removal of an intrauterine adhesion. The study assesses whether the application of the gel prevents the return of adhesions in the uterus.

What Are the Benefits of Participating?

By participating in the Rejoni clinical trial, you may be chosen for the treatment group. The treatment gel may reduce the chances that intrauterine adhesions return. Preventing the return of adhesions could reduce the risk of fertility issues and other problems related to Asherman’s Syndrome.

How Do I Sign Up?

Before you can sign up for this clinical trial, one of our physicians will determine if you are a good candidate. We will provide you with everything you need to participate if you are found to be a candidate. At Arizona Gynecology Consultants, we are following national clinical trials and will recommend new clinical trial opportunities as they arise.

Contact Arizona Gynecology Consultants to See If You Are a Clinical Trial Candidate

Women who participate in the Rejoni clinical trial may be able to prevent the return of intrauterine adhesions. If you have a history of intrauterine adhesions and are 18 or over, you may be a great candidate for this study.

Contact Arizona Gynecology Consultants to See If You Are a Clinical Trial Candidate

Arizona Gynecology Consultants is continually following new and ongoing clinical studies related to women’s health. When a study offers a safe and effective potential treatment for a condition we treat, we may recommend that our patients participate in the study.

It is important to remember that studies may involve the use of a control group, meaning that participating does not guarantee that you will have access to the new treatment being tested. Participation does help grow medical science’s body of knowledge, and you may directly benefit from those advancements. To learn if you are a candidate for the Rejoni clinical trial, please contact our office today.


  1. Parashar, S., Pajai, S., & Tarang, T. (n.d.). Recent Advancement in the Management of Intrauterine Adhesions Using Stem Cell Therapy: A Review Article. Cureus, 15(8), e43553. https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.43553
  2. Smikle, C., Yarrarapu, S. N. S., & Khetarpal, S. (2022). Asherman Syndrome. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448088/#:~:text=Asherman%20syndrome%20(intrauterine%20adhesions%20or
  3. Intrauterine adhesions: what are they? (n.d.). Www.reproductivefacts.org. https://www.reproductivefacts.org/news-and-publications/fact-sheets-and-infographics/intrauterine-adhesions-what-are-they/

Are Hypopressives Beneficial for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

Are Hypopressives Beneficial for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

In this article, we will as the question Are hypopressives beneficial for pelvic floor dysfunction? If you are suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction, you may well have heard of Hypopressives; a breathing technique that uses a stomach vacuum to tap into the relationship between the pelvic floor, core and breathing diaphragm. These stomach vacuums are the same as those practiced by yogis for millennia and utilized by bodybuilders since the seventies to enhance breathing, reduce waist size and improve aesthetics.

The idea that these stomach vacuums could be beneficial for treating pelvic floor dysfunctions was first suggested in the eighties when Belgian physiotherapist Marcel Caufriez began using hypopressive exercises to improve pelvic floor control in patients. With 1 in 3 women1 suffering pelvic floor dysfunction during her lifetime, finding conservative and easy to follow exercises to improve symptoms and quality of life is critical. So, let’s first explore the exercise before delving into its perceived benefits for those with pelvic floor dysfunction.

Customise Your Big Day with Stunning Bespoke Wedding Rings – Lazy Girl Fitness

Customise Your Big Day with Stunning Bespoke Wedding Rings – Lazy Girl Fitness

Your wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and every detail should reflect your love story and unique bond. One of the most significant symbols of this journey is the wedding ring. While traditional rings are timeless, bespoke wedding rings offer a level of personal connection, creativity, and individuality that truly elevates the experience. Creating customised wedding rings not only allows you to choose the perfect design but also lets you incorporate meaningful elements that represent your relationship.

If you’re looking for bespoke wedding rings, the Certified Diamond Network offers an array of exquisite options. Here’s how customising your wedding rings can make your special day even more unforgettable.

Customise Your Big Day with Stunning Bespoke Wedding Rings – Lazy Girl Fitness

Why Choose Bespoke Wedding Rings?

Bespoke wedding rings offer couples the chance to create something deeply personal. Unlike off-the-shelf rings, a custom-made ring is a one-of-a-kind piece designed just for you. Here’s why choosing bespoke rings is the perfect way to celebrate your big day:

1. Unique Design That Reflects Your Love Story

A bespoke wedding ring is crafted to tell your story. Every element, from the metal choice to the stone setting, can symbolise milestones in your relationship. Whether you want to incorporate specific motifs, engravings, or colours that have a sentimental meaning, a customised ring allows you to create something that resonates with your love journey. It’s an opportunity to design a ring that no one else in the world will have.

2. Full Creative Control

With bespoke wedding rings, you have the freedom to make all the design choices. Whether you prefer a minimalist band or a detailed, intricate design, you can work closely with a jeweller to ensure your vision is brought to life. Customisation lets you select the type of metal, diamond shape, gemstone placement, and even the ring’s texture. The result is a wedding ring that not only reflects your style but also stands out as a work of art.

3. Meaningful Engagement

Designing a custom wedding ring is a unique experience that adds another layer of connection to your wedding planning. It’s an intimate process where you and your partner can make meaningful decisions together. You can choose to include elements that are important to both of you, whether it’s a particular gemstone that holds a special memory or an engraving that reminds you of a shared moment. This level of personalisation ensures that your rings represent not just your love but also your shared experiences.

The Certified Diamond Network Approach to Bespoke Wedding Rings

The Certified Diamond Network is known for creating breathtaking custom wedding rings that are tailored to the couple’s preferences. Their experienced team ensures that each ring is meticulously crafted to meet your expectations. Here’s how they make the custom design process seamless and enjoyable:

1. Personal Consultation

The journey to creating your bespoke wedding ring begins with a personal consultation. At Certified Diamond Network, you’ll work with expert jewellers who will listen to your ideas and preferences. They understand that each couple has a unique story to tell, and they help you incorporate those stories into your ring design. The consultation is an opportunity for you to discuss everything from metal preferences to diamond cuts, ensuring the final product is exactly what you envisioned.

2. Collaborative Design Process

The design process at Certified Diamond Network is collaborative, meaning that your input is valued at every stage. After discussing your vision, the jeweller will provide design suggestions and technical insights to help refine your ideas. This ensures that your design is not only beautiful but also practical. You’ll be able to review sketches or 3D models before the ring is made, giving you a clear idea of what the finished piece will look like.

3. Exquisite Craftsmanship

One of the reasons why the Certified Diamond Network is trusted by so many couples is the attention to detail in their craftsmanship. Every ring is handcrafted with precision, using only the highest quality materials. Whether you choose platinum, white gold, rose gold, or yellow gold, the jeweller will ensure that the materials complement your design. Additionally, their diamonds are ethically sourced, meaning that your ring is not only beautiful but also aligned with responsible practices.

4. Incorporating Special Details

The beauty of a bespoke ring lies in the details. You can add special touches that hold significant meaning for you and your partner. Whether it’s an inscription of your wedding date or a hidden gemstone, these details make the ring even more personal. Certified Diamond Network specialises in incorporating these unique elements, ensuring that your ring feels truly one-of-a-kind.

Elements to Consider When Customising Your Wedding Ring

Designing a bespoke wedding ring allows you to focus on elements that reflect your taste and love story. Here are a few key aspects to consider during the design process:

1. Metal Choice

The metal you choose for your ring band plays a significant role in the overall design. Options such as platinum, white gold, rose gold, and yellow gold each have distinct qualities. Platinum is known for its durability and luxurious finish, while rose gold offers a romantic, vintage appeal. Consider which metal complements your engagement ring or reflects your style.

2. Gemstone Selection

Diamonds are the traditional choice for wedding rings, but with bespoke rings, you can explore other gemstones as well. Sapphires, emeralds, and rubies add a pop of colour and can be a meaningful addition if they hold personal significance. Additionally, coloured diamonds, such as pink or yellow, offer a unique twist on the classic diamond ring.

3. Stone Shape and Setting

The shape of the stone and the setting style can dramatically change the look of the ring. Classic shapes like round and princess cut are timeless, while more modern choices like pear or marquise bring a contemporary feel. When it comes to settings, options such as prong, bezel, or pavé enhance the stone’s appearance and offer different levels of protection.

4. Engraving and Personalisation

Adding an engraving to your wedding ring is a great way to personalise it further. You can engrave your wedding date, initials, or even a short phrase that has meaning for both of you. Engravings can be hidden inside the band for a secret touch or displayed on the outside for a bolder statement.

The Lasting Impact of Bespoke Wedding Rings

A bespoke wedding ring is more than just a piece of jewellery. It’s a representation of your commitment, love, and the unique journey you and your partner have shared. As years go by, your custom ring will serve as a daily reminder of the promises you made to each other on your wedding day. Its personalised design will ensure that it remains a timeless heirloom, cherished for generations to come.

By choosing to customise your wedding rings, you are investing in more than just a beautiful piece of jewellery. You’re creating a symbol of your relationship that is as unique and special as the bond you share. With Certified Diamond Network, you can trust that your vision will be expertly crafted into a stunning reality, making your big day even more memorable.

In conclusion, bespoke wedding rings offer an unparalleled opportunity to celebrate your love in a way that is both personal and meaningful. With the guidance of experienced jewellers like those at Certified Diamond Network, you can create a wedding ring that will be cherished forever. Whether it’s a simple band with subtle details or an elaborate design, a custom-made wedding ring is the perfect way to mark the beginning of your new chapter.

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss, Fitness and Health – Part 3 » Julia Buckley Fitness

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss, Fitness and Health – Part 3 » Julia Buckley Fitness

(This post follows on from my previous two posts on IF. In post #1 I explained the benefits of fasting, who should avoid fasting, the protocol I personally use. In post #2 I talked about why advice to “just eat less and move more” can be unhelpful and flawed, why fat loss is influenced by more than just “calories in vs calories out” and how low-calorie diets can keep us simultaneously over-fat and over-hungry.)


A lot of people worry about going into ‘starvation mode’ when dieting. This is probably also the number one thing that deters people from trying intermittent fasting.

The fear is, that if we don’t eat for long periods, our bodies will slow down our basal metabolic rate, meaning we’ll use up less energy/calories and the body will cling onto fat.

I described in the last post how low-calorie dieting can reduce the amount of calories we burn, meaning people have to keep cutting calories to achieve weight loss.

Let me explain why this isn’t the case with intermittent fasting.

IF vs Calorie counting – impact on body composition

I myself was concerned about this when I first started fasting. I was worried my body would burn fewer calories and refuse to release fat if it went into ‘starvation mode’ and also that my muscle mass would diminish and I’d lose strength.

This was 8 years ago. Back then there wasn’t a great deal of scientific research to reassure me. But looking around at who was practicing IF made me question my fears. Although IF wasn’t well-known yet, many very fit, strong, lean people were enthusing about the benefits they were gaining from it (Martin Berkhan and Eric Cressey, to name a couple).

So I decided to give it try.

I’m very glad I did!

I didn’t really understand why at the time, but I found I shed fat with no negative impact on my strength and fitness – in fact my progress improved.

The science is still somewhat nascent but there’s growing evidence suggesting fasting actually preserves lean muscle and, so long as we get good nutrition during the  “eating window”, our energy expenditure stays high – i.e. we burn fat, we don’t lose muscle, and our metabolic rate doesn’t slow down.

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss, Fitness and Health – Part 3 » Julia Buckley Fitness

Fasting kept me strong, while shedding fat.

Nowadays, this actually makes perfect sense to me. Think about this…

When we fast, as far as the signals in our bodies are concerned, we are not fuel depleted because we don’t have insulin keeping our fat stores locked up. The body knows our energy supply isn’t low, we have simply switched to our fat stores for fuel which, in the absence of insulin, are freely being released. So there’s no need for the body to slow down our BMR to preserve energy.

Even better, because the body knows we haven’t eaten in a while, it wants to keep us strong, energised and mentally sharp – historically this would have helped us hunt and gather.

One of the ways this happens is via increases in human growth hormone (HGH).

Human growth hormone is basically what it sounds like it is – a hormone that stimulates growth in the body. It helps us grow and maintain muscle, keeps our bones dense and strong and our cells healthy. HRH also helps keep our metabolism functioning well and is thought to make us look and feel younger.

Cardiologists researching the health benefits of fasting found that a 24-hour fast HGH raised by 1300% in women, 2000% in men (yes that is the correct number of zeros!).

In another study, after 4 days of fasting people’s BMR was raised by 12%. Another small study found that even after 22 days of alternate-day fasting there was no drop in BMR… Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not saying you should fast that long, I’m just illustrating the point that fasting doesn’t reduce BMR.

I’m also NOT saying we won’t ever lose any muscle or bone cells at all while fasting, but thanks to autophagy this can actually be a good thing…

Healthy muscle tissue is preserved while aging cells are recycled.

Autophagy Rocks

I first heard the term autophagy just a few years ago in 2016. That was the year the Nobel prize went to Yoshinori Ohsumi for his discoveries around this bodily process which renews and recycles our cells.

Around then, a lot of what I’d experienced with intermittent fasting started making more sense.

The word autophagy literally means self-eating. In this process, which happens when we fast, the body recycles old and damaged cells, using the components to help rebuild new cells.

So, thanks to autophagy, the tissue we lose during fasting is old or damaged and the body recycles it to make new healthy tissue.

This is how fasting keeps our muscles and bones strong and functioning well.

In fact, autophagy helps keep our whole body healthy by destroying diseased cells – including cancerous cells.

Immune cells are regenerated, healing occurs throughout the body, including the brain. It is even thought to help prevent genetic conditions by promoting the expression of “good” over “bad” genes.

It’s easy to see how it follows that a process that replaces old and damaged cells could help keep us young – we’re effectively being renewed and rebuilt!

Even the condition of our skin is improved.

(Interestingly, many experts say people who shed a lot of fat via fasting are left with less loose skin, but I haven’t looked into that much… maybe I’ll come back to it later.)

Opinions differ on how long we need to fast to benefit from autophagy, but most experts recommend at least 24-36 hours.

However, by doing regular shorter fasts, like the 16/8 fasts I regularly practice and keeping the carbs low in our diets can help us get into autophagy sooner during our fasts.


Mental Health

Before I start talking about the practicality of how to get started with intermittent fasting, I want to just quickly explain why I mentioned earlier that IF can be great for our mental health.

Bliss-point foods can actually make us pretty miserable if eaten too often.

Foods containing lots of sugar and fat together (cookies, donuts, cake, chocolate, etc.) stimulate our bodies (and brains) in a way that no natural, unprocessed foods do. The effect this combo produces had been compared to a chemically induced high, sometimes described as a ‘bliss point’.

Opinions vary, but many experts believe some of these bliss-point-inducing foods can be as addictive as heroin. (Personally, I’ve always thought that was bit extreme – but nonetheless, as most of us know only too well, those foods can definitely be very morish and tough to quit once you get in the habit of eating them.)

In the last post I explained how insulin causes intense cravings and constant hunger. Clearly, this alone is not good for mental health, but it doesn’t end there. With that often comes frustration, crankiness, tiredness, peaks and troughs a feeling of being out of control.

Also, blaming others for tempting or not supporting us, or feeling guilty for not having enough willpower can impact on our relationships with others and ourselves.

Sadly because of all of the above a lot of people feel deeply crappy most of the time and their only fleeting relief comes from snaffling hyper-palatable processed foods, which give them just a few moments at ‘bliss point’ before the cravings for more kick in.

Is it any wonder we have an obesity crisis?

No, it isn’t.

I’ve never been obese but I’ve been addicted to carby foods for sure. You feel like you’re going crazy. Sometimes you just can’t stop eating. You don’t want to, you desperately want to lose weight. You know that eating those foods is making you fatter, but you can’t stop. You feel hungry sometimes even when your belly feels stuffed.

You have crazy arguments in your head as your try to justify why you “need” that food, right now, even though you’d resolved to “be good”. You feel totally out of control, you feel tired, you feel angry at yourself and the world, at times you might also be obsessed with food.

This what I’m referring to when I talk about the link with mental health.

But there is a way out. Many of us just need to open our minds a little and accept that maybe missing a meal at a time when we’re already overfed isn’t going to harm us. Experiencing a bit of hunger is a natural part of the human experience and nothing to be afraid of. We don’t need sugary or carby foods for energy when our fat cells are already stuffed with fuel.

If we can break out of our programming enough just to give a different approach a try we can break out of what seems an impossible maze.

It takes a period of adjustment to adapt to intermittent fasting combined with healthier eating, but when we do those fleeting bliss-point moments can be replaced by sustained naturally high energy levels, the mental fog clears, we enter a more productive state, we re-connect with our bodies and we feel happier, calmer and healthier in body and mind.

Sounds good?

In next post I’ll give more detailed advice on how to get started.

In the meantime, if you want to gear your body up to get the best benefits of fasting, come workout with me!

Wine And Weight Loss

Wine And Weight Loss

Wine And Weight Loss

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of having a glass of wine?

Is it the taste, how relaxed it makes you feel, or the fact that it provides greater health benefits than
other types of alcohol? We all have our reasons for drinking wine and the good news is that you can still enjoy alcohol, even when dieting. 

If you are in the midst of a diet and choose to enjoy an alcoholic beverage, wine can be a good option. If your goal is to lose weight, it is important to be mindful of the type of wine you indulge in, as sugar content can vary among types. Dry wine is best for weight loss as it contains less sugars, is lower in calories and carbohydrates than sweeter wines. Champagne may also be a good option, as it is sparkling, refreshing and lower in calories. Champagne is also a popular choice for special occasions, so people don’t tend to drink it as often.

Here is a list of some of the best wines (low in sugar!) that you can enjoy during your weight loss

1) Merlot
2) Sauvignon Blanc
3) Pinot Grigio
4) Any sparkling dry wine (110 calories per flute. Look for the words “brut nature” or “brut zero” as this means that there is hardly any sugar in it!)

Enjoy your wine in moderation, however remember the following:

~ Excess drinking can cause weight gain.
~ Drinking 2 glasses of wine a day can help you lose weight.
~ Enjoy low calorie snacks with your glass of wine, and avoid heavy foods.
~ Avoid eating heavy meals when drinking.
~ Wait about 1 to 2  hours after you eat to enjoy a glass of wine. (This gives your body plenty of time to
digest the food.) Wine drinking is enjoyable, has a lot of great health benefits and, contrary to popular belief, you can include it in your diet! So toast away, drink up and be safe!

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission.

Ah butts, the great equalizer. Everyone’s got ‘em and the ability to feel immense tushy pleasure. Whether you’re a beginner or you’ve been around the booty block, we’ve got the best anal sex toys to make your anal exploration a thrilling adventure.

Of course, if it’s your first time using anal sex toys, it’s normal to feel intimidated and nervous — or even a little scared, especially if nothing has ever been up there before. Remember to go slow, communicate if you’re with a partner(s), and pay attention to what feels good — and what feels like too much.

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

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“The first thing to consider when you’re venturing into anal territory is how an anus becomes a pleasure zone for both male and female-bodied people,” says Gigi Engle, a certified sex and relationship psychotherapist and resident intimacy expert at dating app, 3Fun. “People of all (or no) genders have a butt hole and it is a potential erogenous zone for everyone.”

We have lots of excellent anal sex toys to recommend for all levels of experience, but first, let’s go over a few cardinal rules of anal play to ensure you have a good time once you rev up your shiny new toy.

Anal Sex Toy Tips

“Stigma and shame just leads people to engage in anal without knowing what they’re doing,” Engle tells SheKnows. “The anus is very sensitive. It doesn’t lube up or naturally stretch the way a vagina does.”

Because of that, there are a few things to know before jumping in with your anal sex toy. “If you go for anal sex immediately, without any warm up, you’re going to hurt someone,” Engle cautions. “You risk tearing, anal fissures, or a trip to the ER.” Yep, it’s that serious — so don’t skip any of these simple safety steps.

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

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Lube it up. When it comes to any kind of anal play, “lube is your golden ticket,” Engle says. (And no, spit isn’t an acceptable substitution.) “Get yourself some reliable lube. The wetter the better,” Engle says. Without lube, you’re looking at potentially hurting yourself or your partner. For silicone toys, be sure to use water-based lube, such as, Sliquid H2O and KY Liquid, because silicone lube will bond with your silicone toys and cause damage (besides making them sticky and uncomfortable). However, if you’re using a metal or glass toy, definitely go with a silicone lube like Überlube — it will last forever and can be used in the shower!

Grab a condom. If you’re engaging in anal with a partner, make sure to have a condom handy, especially if you don’t know their current STI status, Engle says. (BTW, that’s always a good thing to talk about before having sex of any kind.) “The delicate tissue of the anus is highly susceptible to STIs,” Engle explains. “Safer sex is better sex.” That includes putting a condom on any penises or sex toys that are involved.

Start with a finger. Start opening things up with one well-lubed finger, then try two, then a small butt plug. Make sure to take your time. “The anus is not a muscle that naturally stretches to allow objects inside of it,” Engle says. “We know exactly what it’s primary physical function is, and it’s not an entryway. It needs to be gently stretched and kneaded.”

Keep it shallow. Whether you’re penetrating with a penis, toy, or finger, there’s no need to go super deep. “You don’t need to shove anything super far up a rectum to feel sensation,” Engle explains. In fact, most of your anal nerves are within the first two inches of your anal opening. “This is a nerve-rich cluster that can be stimulated with fingers, a small (or large, depending on your experience level) butt plug,” Engle says. “There is a common misconception that because the anus is not a closed canal like the vagina, you should stick things up as far as they can go. This is not the case.”

Be patient. “Anal training can take anywhere from a few hours to a few months,” Engle says, so don’t rush yourself. “If you move too quickly, you could wind up in serious pain. The chances of getting to try anal again once you’ve hurt someone are slim to none. Better safe than sorry.”

Now that you’re lubed up, strap in (pun intended) and let’s get anal.

The Best Anal Sex Toys At a Glance

Best Overall: Lovehoney Butt Tingler 10 Function Vibrating Butt Plug, $26
Best for Pegging: Unbound Nudge, $25
Best for First-Time Penetration: Aneros Progasm, $60
Best for Vibration Lovers: b-Vibe Novice Butt Plug, $100 (originally $133)
Best Anal Beads: Fifty Shades of Grey Pleasure Intensified Anal Beads, $9
Best Small Plug: Tantus Little Flirt Small Plug, $27
Best Stainless-Steel Toy: Njoy Pure Plug, $48 (originally $60)
Best for Long-Distance Lovers: We-Vibe Ditto, $97
Best for Intense Vibrations: Earth Quaker Anal Vibe, $30 (originally $60)
Best for Rimming: B-vibe Rimming Plug 2, $165
Best for Dual Penetration: Silicone Love Rider Dual Penetrator, $17 (originally $26)
Best for Prostate Stimulation: Lelo Bruno, $149

Our mission at SheKnows is to empower and inspire women, and we only feature products we think you’ll love as much as we do. Lovehoney is a SheKnows sponsor, however, all products in this article were independently selected by our editors. Please note that if you purchase something by clicking on a link within this story, we may receive a small commission of the sale.

Anal Sex Toys for First-Timers

best anal sex toys

best overall

Lovehoney Butt Tingler 10 Function Vibrating Butt Plug

Lovehoney’s Butt Tingler is an affordable and approachable option for beginners, whether you’re interested in partner or solo play. It has a tapered tip with a slender, graduating bulb — novice friendly! — with three vibration speeds and seven patterns for a range of sensations that’ll stimulate all the right spots.

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

best for pegging

Unbound Nudge

“This one is great for pegging if it’s your first time,” Engle says of the sleek and user-friendly Unbound Nudge. Smooth and tapered, the Nudge is designed to slide in easily and be comfortable for beginners.

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

best for first-time penetration

Aneros Progasm

If you’re looking to try prostate penetration for the first time, Engle says the Aneros Progasm is the way to go. It comes with a round perineum tab and a luxurious K-tab, which adds spine-tingling sensation.

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

best for vibration-lovers

b-Vibe Novice Butt Plug

The b-Vibe Novice Butt Plug is “a great toy for first time users if you like vibration,” Engle says. It’s small enough to be accessible for beginners while offering plenty of soothing, tantalizing vibration. It’s a win-win, because the vibrating will turn you on and help relax the sensitive muscles in this area.

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

best anal beads

Fifty Shades of Grey Pleasure Intensified Anal Beads

True beginners can’t go wrong by starting with Fifty Shades of Grey Pleasure Intensified Anal Beads. They’re flexible, thin enough for even the smallest of anal openings, and have a great loop for fingers or other toys.

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

best small plug

Tantus Little Flirt Small Plug

Ready for more plug play? The Tantus Little Flirt plug is another great for beginners looking to play with penetration. And of you really want to up the spice level, this plug is discreet enough to wear out of the house for an extra sexy date night.

Anal Sex Toys for Anal Enthusiasts

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

best stainless steel toy

Njoy Butt Plug

This perfectly weighted stainless-steel toy is the ultimate plug. The Njoy Butt Plug comes in three different sizes and is water-resistant, while offering a sexy weighted fullness that can’t be found in traditional silicone toys. For some extra fun, throw this plug in the freezer for 10 minutes before playing for some bonus chilly sexiness.

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

best for long-distance lovers

We-Vibe Ditto

This rechargeable, waterproof vibrating plug has 10 vibration modes to keep you surprised all night long. Better yet, the We-Vibe Ditto can be completely controlled by an app for partner play from any distance.

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

best for intense vibrations

Earth Quaker Anal Vibe

If you want to one up your anal bead experience, check out this anal vibrator. The Earth Quaker Anal Vibe has offers the same kind of gradual stretching as anal beads, but with 12 speeds of vibration for extra stimulation.

Anal Sex Toys for Seasoned Professionals

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

best for rimming

B-vibe Rimming Plug 2

The world’s first rimming plug, the B-vibe Rimming Plug 2 both vibrates at the tip and mimics the sensation of a tongue in the neck of the toy. It has a remote control for dominant/submissive play, and because it simulates a tongue and finger combo, it leaves your hands and mouth free for other activities. (Double oral anyone?).

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

best For Dual Penetration

Silicone Love Rider Dual Penetrator

If there is a penis and a vagina in your play equation, this is a fun toy for dual penetration. Made to be harnessed around the base of the penis, the Silicone Love Rider Dual Penetrator can be inserted in the anus or vagina. With a bit of finagling, this toy could also be attached to a strap-on for double penetration with no penis present.

The 11 Best Anal Sex Toys for Every Experience Level

best for prostate stimulation

Lelo Bruno

Once you feel comfortable with anal play and insertion, this prostate-tingling toy is perfect for any penis owner. The Lelo Bruno has two motors for both prostate and external perineum stimulation. This toy is easy to use solo for masturbation, and its waterproof capabilities make it a great bath time buddy. Plus, its shape is designed to stay, so you can wear it around all day long.

Anal toys are an amazing way to change things up in the bedroom, explore your body fully and engage in pleasure that can’t get anyone pregnant. Anal play can be great for all bodies, but be sure to ease into this new level of play, embrace lube, and use condoms on your toys if you plan to use them with more than one person. Have fun, be safe, and get your great equalizer going.

A version of this post was originally published in 2018.

Before you go, shop our favorite vibrators:


2023 Life Improvers – Belinda Norton

2023 Life Improvers – Belinda Norton

Takes these with you into 2023 to improve life.

  1. Become a smile sleaze. Look up and smile at everyone you see. Connect. Look up to yourself. Believe that you are capable of anything you set your mind too. All too often I hear people stuck on a repeat of their inabilities. Did you know if you repeat aloud your abilities daily then it becomes a mind habit. This mindset flip is the first step is acknowledging you are worthy to be looked up too. Go on look up to you. Eyes up, back aligned, shoulders back, deep breathe and tell yourself I believe in you. You are everything you need right now.
  2. Plan a routine with the family around important things, like family food, family fitness, family mindfulness.
  3. Make these routines into a habit. Ensure these routines are added to your daily cycle. Then repeat them. 
  4. Repetition is everything.If you want to get good at something is must be repeated over and over and over. Practice makes progress. If you want to get better at something is must be practice it over and over and over. Using all facets of our brain and body by developing all skills (fine & gross motor skills, fundamental functions) will produce intelligence, body alignment and overall mental and physical health. Then practice these daily.
  5. Give eye contact and speak with an articulated mouth. We humans have become lazy with language due to using technology rather than our own mouth, fingers, hands and whole brains. Eye contact is key to feeling of confidence and gives value to self and others.

6. Eat more whole fruits and vegetables and chew food slowly. Eat whole carrots and cucumbers daily.  Eat these three daily. Get the kids to eat these daily. Every human being should eat these whole daily. Wash and eat. Don’t cut them up into small pieces. Open your mouth, stretch your jaw and eat whole. Whole organic earth grown foods supply our body with the nutrients and minerals that no other products can do. They are inexpensive, they also induce chewing meaning the jaw is exercised helping our children to open their mouth and articulate words. The are portable and should be at 2023 Body habit.They are perfectly portioned to nourish and maintain energy. Eat real grown plant food from the Australian soil as they provide nutrients and minerals required by our body. The fibre in carrots keep blood sugar levels under control. And they’re loaded with vitamin A and beta-carotene,  as evidence states can lower your diabetes risk. They can strengthen your bones as Carrots are calcium loaded with vitamin K, both important for bone health. Eating cucumbers hydrate the body and lead to health benefits, including weight loss, balanced hydration, digestive regularity and lower blood sugar levels. Go on grab a bag of carrots and some cucumbers. Munch munch. These are the perfect snacks.


Health and Happiness to you for 2023,  b.x