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Nutrition Tips for Hormonal Balance and Menstrual Health

Nutrition Tips for Hormonal Balance and Menstrual Health

Healthy foods surrounding a heart-shaped bowl, representing nutritionNutrition Tips for Hormonal Balance and Menstrual HealthMaintaining hormonal balance is essential for overall well-being, especially for women navigating menstrual cycles and reproductive health. Nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting hormone production and regulation, which can influence menstrual health. In this blog, we’ll explore effective nutrition tips to promote hormonal balance and support menstrual health, as recommended by experts at New River Women’s Health for our patients in Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Radford and Salem, VA.

Understanding Hormonal Balance and Menstrual Health

Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone play pivotal roles in regulating the menstrual cycle, mood, energy levels and fertility. Imbalances in these hormones can lead to irregular periods, mood swings, fatigue and other symptoms that affect daily life and reproductive health.

Essential Nutrition Tips for Hormonal Balance

Eat a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet rich in whole foods provides essential nutrients that support hormonal balance. Include a variety of:

  • Fruits and Vegetables: Rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals that help regulate hormone production and reduce inflammation.
  • Whole Grains: Provide fiber and B vitamins that support energy levels and help stabilize blood sugar.
  • Lean Proteins: Sources like chicken, fish, tofu and legumes provide amino acids necessary for hormone synthesis.
  • Healthy Fats: Avocados, nuts, seeds and olive oil contain omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats that support hormone production and reduce inflammation.

Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Stabilizing blood sugar levels is crucial for hormone balance, particularly insulin. To maintain balanced blood sugar levels:

  • Limit Refined Carbohydrates: Minimize intake of sugary foods, white bread and pastries that can cause spikes in blood sugar.
  • Choose Complex Carbohydrates: Opt for whole grains, vegetables and fruits that provide sustained energy and fiber.
  • Combine Carbohydrates with Protein: Pairing carbohydrates with lean proteins helps slow digestion and minimize blood sugar fluctuations.

Support Gut Health

A healthy gut microbiome is linked to improved hormone metabolism and overall health. To support gut health:

  • Include Probiotics: Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and other fermented foods contain beneficial bacteria that support gut flora.
  • Eat Fiber-Rich Foods: Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes provide prebiotics that feed beneficial gut bacteria.
  • Limit Processed Foods: Minimize intake of processed foods and artificial sweeteners, which can disrupt gut microbiota.

Incorporate Hormone-Balancing Foods

Certain foods contain compounds that support hormone balance:

  • Flaxseeds: Rich in lignans, which have estrogenic properties that may help balance hormone levels.
  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale and Swiss chard contain magnesium and iron, which support menstrual health and hormone production.
  • Berries: Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are rich in antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and support overall health.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water supports cellular function and helps maintain hormone balance. Strive to drink 8-10 glasses of water daily, adjusting based on your individual hydration needs and activity levels.

Manage Stress Levels

Chronic stress can disrupt hormone balance and exacerbate menstrual symptoms. Engage in activities known to alleviate stress, such as practicing mindfulness meditation, participating in yoga sessions, doing deep breathing exercises, or enjoying hobbies that foster relaxation. Adequate sleep is also crucial for hormone regulation, so aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support overall well-being.

Limit Alcohol and Caffeine Intake

Excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption can interfere with hormone production and metabolism. Limiting alcohol intake and moderating caffeine consumption can help maintain hormonal balance. Consider replacing caffeinated beverages with herbal teas or water infused with fruit for hydration without added stimulants.

Contact Us to Schedule an Appointment in Blacksburg, VA Today

Nutrition plays a vital role in promoting hormonal balance and supporting menstrual health. By incorporating a balanced diet rich in whole foods, managing blood sugar levels, supporting gut health and including hormone-balancing foods, women can optimize their hormonal health and well-being. At New River Women’s Health in Blacksburg, VA, we proudly serve families in Montgomery County. We encourage our patients to prioritize nutrition alongside comprehensive care to enhance overall health and menstrual cycle regulation. For personalized guidance on nutrition and hormonal health, contact our team of healthcare professionals who specialize in women’s health. Your journey to hormonal balance and menstrual health starts with informed nutrition choices and compassionate care.

Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy

Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy

Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy: Causes, Relief, and Deep Core Strengthening

Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy


Experiencing round ligament pain during pregnancy can be challenging for any expecting mom. As the uterus expands, the ligament connecting it to the hip can become strained, leading to pain. Today I want to share some effective strategies and moves to alleviate this pain so you can have a more comfortable pregnancy. I’ll explain what causes round ligament pain, discuss the importance of deep core strengthening, and provide practical tips for relief!

Understanding Round Ligament Pain in Pregnancy

Round ligament pain is caused by the tension exerted on the ligament that connects the uterus to the hip. As your belly grows, this ligament experiences increased strain, causing pain and discomfort. To address this issue, it is crucial to focus on strengthening your deep core muscles.

The Power of Deep Core Strengthening

Deep core strengthening plays such an important role in minimizing round ligament pain. Strengthening these muscles provides support for your expanding belly, reducing strain on the ligament. Through targeted pregnancy-safe deep core exercises, you can build a stronger core and alleviate pain, so you can experience a more comfortable pregnancy.

Releasing and Relaxing the Belly

One essential aspect of managing round ligament pain is learning how to release and relax the belly (we have detailed videos on this in the Knocked-Up Fitness Membership). It is important to avoid clenching the gluteal muscles, as this can restrict the pelvic floor and contribute to dysfunctional deep core functioning. Also, gripping in the oblique muscles can result in a coning effect on the belly, indicating weakness in the abdominal wall. By consciously focusing on releasing and relaxing these areas, you can promote optimal function and reduce your pain.


Mindful Movement and Positioning

Mindful movement and proper positioning can make a huge difference in managing round ligament pain. Whether you’re sitting on a couch or getting up from the ground, be mindful of your body’s positioning. When lying down, transition from your side to your back, and when getting up from the ground or bed, roll from your back to your side to guide your body up. This technique minimizes excessive flexion, which can worsen diastasis recti and contribute to increased gripping and tension in the ligaments.

Here are some video examples of these movements:

Using Knocked-Up Fitness to Relieve Round Ligament Pain

Are you tired of dealing with the discomfort of round ligament pain during your pregnancy? I understand the pain firsthand! Our KnockedUp Fitness membership program is specifically designed to address strengthening your deep core in pregnancy so you can reduce round ligament pain, empowering you to enjoy a more comfortable and enjoyable pregnancy.

The Knocked-Up Fitness Membership includes:

1. Expert Guidance from Certified Prenatal Fitness Specialists:

When it comes to finding relief from round ligament pain, knowledge and expertise really matter! I created these pregnancy-safe workouts as a certified prenatal fitness specialist. I know the needs and concerns of pregnancy and can guide you to strengthen your core throughout your pregnancy and reduce round ligament pain.

2. Tailored Workouts for Round Ligament Pain Relief:

Our membership program offers a wide range of tailored workouts designed specifically for relieving round ligament pain. These workouts focus on strengthening your deep core muscles, releasing tension in the ligaments, and promoting optimal functioning throughout your pregnancy. With our step-by-step instructional videos, you can confidently perform each exercise at your own pace and experience noticeable relief.

3. Comprehensive Support for a Pain-Free Pregnancy:

We believe in a holistic approach to pregnancy wellness. In addition to our targeted workouts, our Knocked-Up Fitness membership program provides you with valuable resources and support to help you navigate your pregnancy journey with ease. From nutritional guidance to self-care tips, we are committed to supporting your overall well-being and ensuring a pain-free and enjoyable pregnancy experience.

Don’t let round ligament pain dampen your joy during this special time. Through a combination of deep core strengthening, releasing and relaxing the belly, and adopting mindful movement, you can effectively manage and alleviate this discomfort. Embrace the joy of pregnancy while nurturing your body and promoting a healthier, more active lifestyle. You can sign up for the Knocked-Up Fitness membership to access expert guidance and support throughout your pregnancy journey. Experience the benefits of a strong deep core and a more comfortable pregnancy!

round ligament pain during pregnancy

45 Self-Care Affirmations For a Positive Mental Health Day

45 Self-Care Affirmations For a Positive Mental Health Day

Are you having a difficult mental health day? If you’ve never considered using affirmations for self-care to boost your mental and physical health and well-being, now’s the time to start! Affirmations are, in essence, positive statements you can say to yourself in order to help shift your negative thought patterns into positive ones. Implementing self-care affirmations into your self-care routine is absolutely necessary and vital to your physical and mental health.

45 Self-Care Affirmations For a Positive Mental Health Day

Getting into the routine of saying self-care affirmations can significantly improve your confidence and create a positive mindset. It’s also a great way to cope with stress, so if you work in a high-stress environment, it may be a good idea to keep some self-care affirmations up your sleeve!

If you’ve ever felt like you’re plagued with negative thoughts that run rampant, you’re certainly not alone. At times, it can be difficult to tell the difference between helpful thoughts and harmful thoughts, especially if you tend to overthink things. In this blog post, we’ll go over the basics of using self-care affirmations to improve your mindset, spiritual health, and well-being. If you’re having trouble thinking up your own positive affirmations, feel free to take a look at the affirmations listed below. Remember: self-love takes practice, but it’s worth making time for yourself.

How to Use Affirmations for Self-Care

When practicing self-care, positive affirmations can be a particularly powerful tool. It can take some time to get accustomed to using self-care affirmations, but once you get used to it, you should find that saying and repeating certain mantras to yourself is an excellent way to stay calm and take care of yourself. There’s no “right” way to use affirmations for self-care, but there are a few things you can do to ensure that you’re doing the best you can to improve your self-esteem and heal your soul.

It’s important to be in touch with your emotions and your needs when using self-care affirmations. Perhaps you’ve been stressed out at work lately, or you’re interested in developing a healthier relationship with your mind and body. It’s also a good idea to look over a list of self-care affirmations (such as the list included below) and choose the affirmations or mantras that resonate with you the most. Be confident while saying your affirmations, and treat yourself with unconditional love. Don’t give into self-sabotage and instead choose self-love. You deserve it!

Repeat your affirmations for self-care as often as you need to. You can say them out loud to yourself or repeat them in your mind when you’re feeling stressed out. You can even write down your favorite affirmations on sticky notes and place them around your living or work space!

How Often Should I Say Self-Care Affirmations?

By saying and repeating self-care affirmations, you’re essentially training your brain. Negative thoughts might come naturally to you as opposed to positive thoughts, but saying self-care affirmations can help improve this problem. Those who truly benefit from saying self-care affirmations repeat them regularly. Some choose to say them in the mirror every morning, while others choose to say them as they’re falling asleep at night.

If you’re dealing with a specific stressful issue, work or personal, it’s a good idea to say your chosen self-care affirmations multiple times a day. If you think you might have a hard time remembering to do so, you can always set reminders on your phone or place sticky notes around your home or office.

Saying daily affirmations is an exercise in mindfulness, and should be thought of as such. You should dedicate a certain amount of time to saying your affirmations every day. Practice enough and you should see a significant shift in your mood and mindset.

What Time Should I Say Self-Care Affirmations?

There’s no set “best time” to say self-care affirmations. It just depends on your personal time constraints and what you’re most comfortable with! That said, below are some suggestions on when you can say your self-care affirmations. It’s a good idea to get into a routine and practice saying your affirmations at different times in order to find what works best for you.

In the Morning

The great thing about saying self-care affirmations in the morning is it can set the tone for your entire day. You can repeat your affirmations while you’re getting ready for work, or say them silently to yourself during your morning commute. Say them in your head while you’re drinking your coffee, or look in the mirror before you leave and repeat them out loud a set number of times. You can also say your affirmations while exercising, doing yoga, or practicing mindful meditation.

In the Evening

While saying self-care affirmations can be a great way to amp yourself up for the day, it can also be a wonderful way to wind down and relax after a long day’s work. Try saying your affirmations while cooking dinner or while getting ready for bed. Say them while doing a body scan as you’re lying in bed or in the mirror after showering and brushing your teeth.

Throughout Your Day

Repeating self-care affirmations throughout your workday can be a godsend when you’re feeling especially stressed out or anxious. Oftentimes, you’re under a lot of pressure when you’re at work, and it’s healthy to use affirmations to cope with that pressure. You’re only human, and sometimes you need to remind yourself of that. Repeating self-care affirmations throughout your day can help you refocus on the task at hand. It can also help you keep a calm mind and face stressful situations with ease.

45 Self-Care Affirmations You Can Use to De-Stress and Center Yourself

  1. I am on the right path for me.

  2. I am patient with myself.

  3. I am lovable.

  4. I am powerful.

  5. I am relaxed and at peace.

  6. I am worthy of love, despite my flaws.

  7. I can handle whatever comes my way.

  8. I deserve kindness.

  9. I deserve compassion.

  10. I have a lot to offer.

for an elevated self-care session.

12. I take tender care of myself.

13. My body is my friend.

14. Taking care of myself is rewarding

15. I will choose to let go of negative self-talk.

16. I am calm and peaceful.

17. I am deserving of all the good things in my life.

18. I have confidence in myself.

19. I am always learning.

*You can write down your affirmations in this mindfulness journal to create a stronger connection with your words.

21. I will practice self-kindness today and every day.

22. I am well-rested and ready to take on the day.

24. I believe in my own potential.

25. I choose to forgive myself and let go of my past mistakes.

26. I will embrace positive thoughts.

27. I may fail sometimes, but I will not give up.

28. I will let go of the things I cannot control.

29. I am worthy of a happy life.

30. I will make time to do the things I genuinely love.

31. I will put myself first and not feel guilty about it.

32. I will give myself permission to take a break.

33. I will get enough sleep and enough exercise to fuel my body.

34. I will stop comparing myself to others.

35. I will stop second-guessing myself.

36. I will nourish my body with healthy food and exercise.

37. The bad things I’ve been through do not define me — they make me stronger.

38. I fall more in love with who I am each and every day.

39. I will not take things personally.

40. I am at peace with my past.

41. I will nourish my body with healthy food fuels.

42. I will prioritize and practice self-care every day.

43. I deserve all the good things that are coming my way.

44. Today, I will live in the moment.

45. I accept and love myself as I am.

Final Thoughts

Self-care can be challenging but is always worth it. By practicing positive thinking and putting the work in to create a positive frame for your thoughts and emotions, you can eventually eliminate the irritating negative mental self-chatter and self-sabotage that’s been holding you back.

You deserve love, and that includes self-love. You are your first responsibility to yourself, and your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Using self-care affirmations on a regular basis can help you establish healthy boundaries with those around you. Practicing self-care is a big part of living in the present moment and having compassion for yourself.

One of the biggest issues people deal with is self-doubt, but using self-care affirmations to take care of yourself can make a huge difference. Remember to make time for yourself and realize that you deserve good health and happiness just like anyone else. Start including the above affirmations into your self-care routine and take control of your life!

Medical Disclaimer: The information on this site, including text, graphics, images, and other material, is provided solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other healthcare professional with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your specific condition.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation – A Natural Way to Relax

Vagus Nerve Stimulation – A Natural Way to Relax

The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the body. It runs from the brainstem to the abdomen, and it plays a role in a variety of functions, including heart rate, breathing, digestion, and mood. When the vagus nerve is stimulated, it can release chemicals that have a calming effect on the brain. This can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and it can also help to improve sleep.

When you’re under stress, experiencing anxiety, working out hard, in pain or feeling on edge, your body’s sympathetic nervous system is activated. This is what we call being in the “fight or flight” mode.

Stimulating the vagus nerve can induce help you relax by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. – also known as being in the”rest and digest” mode. When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, it causes the heart rate to slow down, the breathing to become deeper, and the muscles to relax.

I spend more time than I would like in the sympathetic nervous system. But there are several ways to stimulate the vagus nerve… some ways are easier than others.

I have quite a few friends who practice the tapping technique. I can’t say that I have ever mastered this. There’s a bit of practice involved to get it right.

So recently I found a shortcut that works literally in 2 minutes. It’s called Truvaga. It’s a new handheld device that provides a gentle energy signal through the skin and underlying soft tissues to reach the vagus nerve directly. You simply hold it to the side of your neck and kick back for 2 minutes, which is the duration of each preprogrammed session. I noticed a difference after my very first session. Some people may need a few sessions before feeling the effects.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation – A Natural Way to Relax

While there are other ways to induce relaxation by stimulating the vagus nerve, this is one of the easiest and most convenient ways I have ever tried. And Truvaga uses a patented technology.

Some other ways to to stimulate your vagus nerve naturally are:

  • Yoga. Yoga poses that involve deep breathing and twisting, such as cobra pose and seated twists.
  • Meditation
  • Singing, humming or chanting. When you do these activities, the vocal cords vibrate, which also massages the vagus nerve. Try singing or humming a song that you enjoy.
  • Massage
  • Cold exposure:  Cold exposure can also help to increase heart rate variability which is a measure of how well the heart is able to adapt to changes in the body.
  • Deep breathing:  When you breathe deeply, the diaphragm contracts, which massages the vagus nerve. Try to breathe in for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, and then exhale for a count of four. This is known as “box breathing.”
  • Exercise:  When you exercise, your heart rate and blood pressure increase initially activating the sympathetic nervous system. After finishing, if you spend time to cool down and stretch, your body will send signals to the vagus nerve to relax. Try not to skip this important part of your workout.

MY BABY LOCKDOWN | Fitness on Toast

MY BABY LOCKDOWN | Fitness on Toast

MY BABY LOCKDOWN | Fitness on Toast

I’ve wanted to share this supremely exciting news on the blog for, well, just over 6 months now. Things are changing, FitnessOnToast is quite literally expanding; I am pregnant (not just gluttonously engorged)! Amidst the COVID lockdown and what can only be described as an ‘atypical yet unforgettable’ year, I found myself wanting to withdraw from the stresses of this deeply unnerving world, (quite literally by switching off the TV around the house, and escaping the social media maelstrom in my hand), and instead simply focus on pouring all the best ingredients into the little miracle growing inside me. Whilst I gained professional qualifications in the ‘pre-and-post-natal’ space a decade ago, I’d never been that ‘baby person’ who simply loves holding, cuddling, looking after babies. In fact, in my youth they once seemed rather monotonous to me – eat, sleep, nappy, repeat. My view has long since changed, and during this time I’ve been reading books on babies voraciously, and it turns out they’re actually pretty remarkable little contraptions! (I’ll share some of my favourites from the reading list at the bottom). This post is intended to share just a few of the key reasons as to why I believe it is worth continuing your training into pregnancy & beyond, and is relevant for both women considering starting a family, and for their partners to be aware of too – it’s a team sport! Click MORE below for the thoughts, and do feel free to ask questions in comments if there’s anything I can help with…

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Pre & Post Natal

One subject which has however always fascinated me is the way in which the female body carries a baby. This is no trivial undertaking, the changes that take place throughout each trimester and the body’s ability to revert to ‘normal’ afterwards is truly amazing. Having worked with dozens of women as a Personal Trainer throughout their pregnancies, it’s clear that everyone I speak to experiences a different story and journey; pregnancy is far from a cookie-cutter, forecastable process. Some fall pregnant as soon as they start trying, whilst others navigate long and complicated journeys. Some had planned it, others were uncertain. One thing they all had in common is an overwhelming want to do the best and provide the best for their babies; to optimise the pregnancy process! I’m often surprised by how little women, in general, seem to know (or want to know) about the changes that growing a life inside of you bring, both anatomically and emotionally, as the different stages of the trimesters unfold. Often some women I’ve seen appear torn – on the one hand, they want to train, but they’re gripped with fear that training might adversely harm their baby. When I embarked on this journey for myself, I wanted to share with other women what I know, and help others stay healthy and confident in their own training. However, it was the first time I could really relate to the fear I’d had described to me over the years…

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Parking that fear (for now at least), there are countless benefits for training during pregnancy – everything from mental health boosts through the dopamine and serotonin production of a gym session, helping with the delivery and of course with recovery. I’d love to share how you can make that journey confidently too. To help arm you with the knowledge of what’s happening to your body every step of the way. So, this is a first little post listing some of the many benefits of training during pregnancy, with a few pregnancy shots we took on a long walk in Kenwood to memorialise this magical time for me…

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Benefits of training during pregnancy?

I’ve often been told by people to ‘take it easy’, to cut back on or avoid exercise during pregnancy. However a substantial corpus of research and strong evidence now exist to suggest that not only can exercise be safe during pregnancy, it can actually have a positive effect on the health of both mother and baby. But when you hear the ‘take it easy’, ‘don’t train’ by people and it can feel confusing. Ultimately you have to listen to your own body, and operate within the envelope of your personal comfort; if you produce heaps of cortisol for days on end by fretting about having harmed your baby from a set of gentle lateral raises, then adapt your activity down to comfortable yet useful levels; a long aerobic walk will still yield serious benefits. So why train at the prenatal stage?

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Prenatal benefits include:

1) FITNESS LEVELS: Training during pregnancy maintains general fitness levels and improves cardiovascular fitness, whilst there are countless bodily changes occurring (for instance, mother and baby’s circulation systems are inter-mixed through the placenta). Blood volume running through your system increases by up to c.30% near term, as well as stroke volume and cardiac output – all changes to bear in mind and tailor training to accordingly, staying active will keep up you cardiovascular fitness which will help you through delivery as well as post-delivery recovery.

2) BLOOD PRESSURE: It can reduce the  risk of hypertension (high blood pressure), as by keeping active and doing some physical activity each day, your body better regulates its blood pressure within the normal range. Complementing this with a balanced diet and keeping your salt intake measured will also help to regulate the risk of high blood pressure.

3) WEIGHT GAIN CONTROL: during pregnancy the body will exhibit an increase in fat storage and therefore weigh gain will unfold naturally, due to the growing baby within. How much weight you should gain during pregnancy will be based on your body mass index (BMI) which will be measured before pregnancy and should be calculated by a qualified midwife.

4) REGULARITY: Training eases constipation – during pregnancy the levels of progesterone increase which relaxes the smooth muscle tissue in the walls of the digestive organs, leading to an impairment of their function. All of which can affect digestion, heartburn and constipation. Training has been shown to alleviate this effect.

5) SLEEP & MOOD: Personally I’ve always found that when I’ve been active during the day, my mind and body are both more likely to fall into deeper sleep more easily. I’ve written extensively on the importance of sleep here and here. During pregnancy, where many people find their sleep patterns interrupted by the baby kicking and moving (myself included), I found days when I’ve exercised that I sleep far better. Needless to say the serotonin boost from exercise does wonders for the mood too, even if your training for the day is a simple walk through a park.

6) POSTURE & MUSCULAR PAIN: Training when pregnant will help to improve posture and can reduce back pain too. Aside from enlarged breasts (as the body prepares for lactation) which can lead to rounded shoulders, the body is also experiencing the increased weight of the bump and the forward-shift of the centre of gravity. This is pretty radical, as you’ve spent your life learning to balance in a certain fashion, and that is now out of date information for your brain! On top of this, the effect of the hormone relaxin creates laxity of the ligaments in the vertebral column and the weak abdominal muscles which are able to give less and less support the back/core with each trimester. It’s therefore especially important to train correctly and help ensure correct postural training.

7) RISK REDUCTION: Training during pregnancy may reduce the risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and caesarean delivery – Gestational diabetes is usually improved by exercise as the exercise improves the body’s insulin sensitivity and therefore increases the muscular and other tissues uptake of glucose.

8) PERCEPTION: It increases body awareness and generates an improved self-image, as well as  leading to renewed energy, a sense of euphoria and a boost in the ‘feel good’ factor. Some women worry they might lose their bodies through the changing demands of pregnancy, but training is proven to help maintain and renew it, so keep on going!

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That’s just a start, there’s plenty more to discuss around the postnatal period too. More to come over the following months as we dig into this fascinating topic a bit more, from a health and fitness perspective, flavoured with a little Swedish-style insight into this domain!

Faya x

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Halloumi & Quinoa Salad – JSHealth

Halloumi & Quinoa Salad – JSHealth

Halloumi & Quinoa Salad – JSHealth

Your new favourite salad is here! Imagine heavenly flavours of roasted sweet potato, bursting pomegranate and crispy halloumi atop a bed of high-fibre quinoa, topped with a zesty dressing and fresh herbs. No matter the season, this is a satiating and nourishing salad you are going to want to eat, again and again. 

Time to cook: 30

Serves: 3


  • 1 sweet potato, cubed
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 
  • Sea salt 
  • ½ cup quinoa, or grain of choice 
  • 200g (7oz) cherry tomatoes, halved 
  • 4 baby cucumbers, diced  
  • 1 tbsp red onion, finely chopped
  • ½ cup pomegranate arils 
  • ¼ cup flaked almonds, roasted
  • ⅛ bunch parsley, leaves & stems finely chopped
  • 200g (7oz) halloumi, sliced 

For the dressing: 

  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 
  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar 
  • 2 tsp maple syrup 
  • 2 tsp Dijon mustard 


Preheat the oven to 200C or 350F. Line a baking tray with baking paper. 

Spread the sweet potato across the tray and drizzle the oil over the top. Season with sea salt and black pepper, Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes or until golden and cooked through. 

Whilst the sweet potato is cooking, cook the quinoa as per the packet instructions. 

To make the dressing, combine all of the ingredients in a jar and whisk to combine. Season to taste with sea salt and black pepper. 


Introducing BWHI Coalition Partner: The Cost & Coverage Collaborative!

Introducing BWHI Coalition Partner: The Cost & Coverage Collaborative!

Introducing BWHI Coalition Partner: The Cost & Coverage Collaborative!
BWHI has been a founding stakeholder partner of the Cost and Coverage Collaborative. The goal of the coalition is to build a national and local movement of healthcare advocates who are deeply committed to the advancement of policy reforms driven by innovation and science to reforms to lower the cost of healthcare in the United States- especially for those impacted by health disparities.

Join a community of healthcare and equity advocates in a renewed effort to work together to lower healthcare costs and expand access to coverage.

The Cost & Coverage Collaborative is a movement created to harness the collective strength of healthcare and equity advocates as we prepare for the next big opportunity to enact reforms that lower healthcare costs, expand coverage, and close health equity gaps. Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, BWHI  is proud to be a national partner.  

We invite you to check out the Collaborative’s new online hub where you have access to message research, creative content, a powerful media listening tool, technical assistance, and more. 

The Cost and Coverage Collaborative provides communicators and advocates with support for the work they are doing now while planning for the next big opportunity for change. 

Best Beachbody Workouts of 2023 : The Fit Habit

Best Beachbody Workouts of 2023 : The Fit Habit

Ya’ll it’s been a minute since I reviewed the best beacbody workouts for weight loss, particularly now in 2023, when SO MANY new programs have been added to the Beachbody (now called BODi) platform.

So in this blog post, I’ll review the best Beachbody (BODi) workouts for weight loss in 2023, based on the “oldies but goodies” and the “latest and greatest”.

But first…. let’s be clear about something….

Beachbody is to Weight Loss as Books are to Reading

Meaning, even if you have access to all the best books in the world (which you do), you’re not going to read any of them if you don’t make the time and commitment to doing so. This is the same with Beachbody or any fitness platform. Beachbody does create results – but only when you do the work.

Okay, rant over. Let’s get into it.

amoila cesar beachbody workout picture

The Best Beachbody Workouts in 2023 (in Rank Order)

21 Day Fix Extreme – Original or BODi Super Block

If you’re looking for a workout program that will help you lose weight and give you that toned look, 21 Day Fix Extreme is a great choice. This program is challenging, but the workouts are only 30 minutes long. The program also includes the famous 21 Day Fix Portion Meal Plan, which is now called Portion Fix. I will be honest and say that I think this plan is too low in calories, but I will leave it to you to decide what’s best for you.

The original 21 Day Fix Extreme launched back in 2018 and it was an immediate hit for good reason. It’s one of my favorites for weight loss. Hands down, if you want the best results, start here. It’s freely available with the BODi annual membership.

21 Day Fix Super Block

If you’re new to Super Blocks, they are basically a remix of the most popular programs on Beachbody. So it’s not surprising that they created a new version of this killer workout. Now, this is NOT the extreme version, but you’re still going to get amazing results.

The 21 Day Fix Super Block is still 30-minute workouts with weights and cardio, but the moves are new and updated based on the latest research in exercise science. This is an upgraded feature, so if you have the BODi Annual Membership, you can snag this for an additional $29 USD. If you don’t have a BODi membership, you’ll have to get that first.

Here’s a sample workout from the 21 Day Fix Super Block that you can try.

Barre Blend – Original or Super Block

It should come as no surprise that Barre Blend is on my top list of 2023 Beachbody weight loss workouts – because it’s my current favorite. I love Barre Blend because it’s the perfect blend of strength and cardio along with flexibility and mobility training.

I got epic results from Barre Blend (the original version) and I’m about to jump into the Barre Blend Super Block. Like the Super Block mentioned above, this is a whole new set of workouts created by Elise Joan, the Super Trainer. I love her style of workouts – both her barre workouts and her yoga strength workouts that are available on BODi for free.

The cost of the Barre Blend Super Block is $29 USD, and the orgional program is available for free on the BODi annual membership.

Here’s a sample workout from the Barre Blend Super Block for you to try.

Chop Wood Carry Water

chop wood carry water workout pose

Ya’ll if you’re into hard workouts – then this one gets the 2023 choice award. Amoila Cesar never fails to kick butt with his epic workout programs, but they aren’t for the newbie or the faint of heart. This latest program is special because it’s a hybrid of functional training and weight lifting, so a little different than his typical style.

You’ll see a lot more mobility in these workouts, designed to train you for everyday life stuff (hence the name Chop Wood Carry Water).

This workout actually looks a lot more fun than his previous workouts which are more hardcore. It also gives you the option to choose between a 4, 5 or 6 day per week workout schedule. So if you’re crunched for time, there are still great options for you.

Right now, this is a premium workout, so there is a cost of $49 in addition to the annual membership, but if you hold out, eventually this one will be freely available in the BODi annual membership. Unlike Super Blocks, which will always be an upgrade.

You can try the Sample Chop Wood Carry Water Workout right here.

Best Beachbody Workouts for Beginners?

Some of the best Beachbody workouts for beginners from the full program offering include 21 Day Fix, PiYo, and yoga. These programs are designed to be low-impact and easy to follow, making them a great choice for people who are new to exercise.

However, now that BODi now offers more single, 30-minute workouts that are recorded live, you don’t even have to follow a specific workout if you don’t want to. You can choose anything that looks interesting, just by selecting the style of workout you prefer, or searching all the single workouts based on your favorite trainer.

My best advice for beginners is to start with something that feels good and that you enjoy doing. That will help with consistency, which then gives you results.

Remember what I said before – Beachbody is to weight loss like books are to reading. You have to commit to doing the work first. If you can master that, no matter which program you choose, the results will come.

Good luck!

beachbody workout with weights

Women who will give birth to a baby in the 30’s will live longer?!

Women who will give birth to a baby in the 30’s will live longer?!

The average age when women first become mothers throughout Europe and America is more and more often after 30 years of their lives.

And while fertility experts warn women that this trend of delaying pregnancy can leave them without children, there is a new study that goes in their favor.

Women who will give birth to a baby in the 30’s will live longer?!

Scientists at Coimbra University in Portugal brought good news for older mothers. They examined mothers across Europe and came to the conclusion that women who became mothers later in life are more likely to live longer than those who gave birth in the teens or in the 20’s. The study was published in Journal of Public Health.

Another study published in the magazine Menopause journal proved the same. For mothers who are 33 years of age or older, it is three times more likely to have certain DNA markers for longevity than mothers who are younger.

But none of the studies gave an explanation as to why elderly mothers live longer.

Women who conceive later in life are more educated and more realistic in their professional life, says Lord Winston, fertility expert, so they have the potential for longevity because they can afford a healthier lifestyle, he adds.

However, experts warn that the possibility of getting pregnant is dramatically higher in the 20’s, so there is a risk if you postpone pregnancy for later.

Originally posted 2017-08-28 12:20:45.

Post Views: 3,437

Effective Protein Powder for Optimal Weight Loss: Boost Your Fitness Journey Today – Lazy Girl Fitness

Effective Protein Powder for Optimal Weight Loss: Boost Your Fitness Journey Today – Lazy Girl Fitness

Protein powders play a crucial role in weight loss by promoting satiety and preserving muscle mass during calorie deficits. For those looking to optimize their weight management, using protein powder for weight loss can be particularly beneficial. It also aids in recovery after workouts, supporting improved metabolism.

Effective Protein Powder for Optimal Weight Loss: Boost Your Fitness Journey Today – Lazy Girl Fitness

Understanding Protein Powder

Explanation of what protein powder is

Protein powder is a dietary supplement made from concentrated sources of protein, such as whey, casein, or plant proteins, used to enhance nutrition and muscle recovery.

Different categories of protein powders

Protein powders come in various categories, such as whey, casein, soy, pea, and egg. Each type offers unique benefits and nutrition profiles for different dietary needs.

Understanding how protein aids weight loss

Protein plays a crucial role in weight loss by promoting satiety, preserving muscle mass during dieting, and boosting metabolism through its thermic effect on food.

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Protein Powder for Weight Loss

Type of protein: whey, casein or plant-based

Whey, casein, and plant-based proteins each offer unique benefits. Whey supports quick recovery, casein aids overnight muscle repair, while plant-based options cater to various dietary needs.

Sugar content

Sugar content refers to the amount of sugar present in a food or beverage, impacting its sweetness and potential health effects, like increased calorie intake.

Additional additives

Supplementary additives enhance product quality, improve performance, or prolong shelf life. These substances can offer specific benefits in various industries while ensuring safety and efficacy.

Flavor and taste

Flavour and taste are interconnected sensory experiences that enhance our enjoyment of food. They stimulate our palate, provoke emotions, and evoke memories tied to culinary delights.

Benefits of Using Protein Powder for Weight Loss

Increased satiety

Heightened feelings of fullness lead to reduced hunger and cravings. This enhanced satiety promotes healthier eating habits, aiding weight management and overall well-being effectively.

Preserving lean muscle during weight loss

Maintaining lean muscle while losing weight requires proper nutrition, strength training, and adequate protein intake. Focus on balanced meals to support muscle preservation effectively.

Aiding metabolism boost

Boosting metabolism can be achieved through various methods, including regular exercise, proper hydration, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep. These factors significantly enhance energy expenditure and overall health.

How to Utilize Protein Powder for Optimal Weight Loss

Recommended consumption time: pre-workout, post-workout, or meal replacement

The ideal consumption timing for this product is before workouts to boost energy, after exercise for recovery, or as a meal replacement for convenience.

Ideas to include protein powder in the diet

Incorporate protein powder into smoothies, oatmeal, or yoghurt. Use it in baking recipes like muffins and pancakes, or mix it with drinks for a nutrient boost.

Top Protein Powders for Weight Loss

Comprehensive review of various best-selling protein powders

This article provides an in-depth analysis of top-selling protein powders, examining their ingredients, nutritional benefits, flavours, user experiences, and overall value to aid consumer choice.

Benefits of each protein powder

Each protein powder offers unique benefits: whey aids muscle recovery, casein promotes overnight repair, soy supports heart health, and pea provides a plant-based option for all.

Potential side effects

Possible adverse effects may arise from treatments or medications. These can include nausea, dizziness, fatigue, allergic reactions, and other unexpected symptoms that vary among individuals.

Comparisons and recommendations

Evaluating options involves analyzing different choices to find the most suitable one. Recommendations are made based on this analysis, guiding decisions and enhancing overall outcomes.

Practical Tips to Boost Your Fitness Journey with Protein Powder

Tips to effectively choose the suitable protein powder

Choosing the right protein powder involves assessing your dietary needs, reading labels for ingredients and allergens, comparing types like whey or plant-based, and consulting professionals.

How to incorporate the use of protein powder with exercise

To effectively integrate protein powder into your exercise routine, consume it post-workout for optimal muscle recovery. Pair with a balanced diet to enhance overall performance.

Other lifestyle changes that aid weight loss

Incorporating regular physical activity, consuming balanced meals, staying hydrated, getting adequate sleep, and managing stress levels can significantly enhance weight loss efforts over time.


Protein powder can be a valuable tool for weight loss when incorporated into a balanced diet and exercise regimen. By increasing protein intake, you can enhance satiety, support muscle maintenance, and potentially boost your metabolism. Choosing the right type of protein powder and using it appropriately can aid in managing hunger and promoting lean muscle mass, which is essential for long-term weight management. However, it’s important to remember that protein powder should complement, not replace, whole foods and a well-rounded nutritional plan. For optimal results, combine protein supplementation with regular physical activity and consult with a healthcare or nutrition professional to tailor your approach to your individual needs and goals.