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Virtual YOGA and Training Will Change Your Life

Virtual YOGA and Training Will Change Your Life

Virtual YOGA and Training Will Change Your Life

When searching for a Virtual Yoga Class, it’s pretty much just like visiting a brick and mortar yoga studio.   Zoom in, look around, ask questions and check out the vibes. 

A good Virtual Studio Class experience will leave you feeling like you just had a convenient and quality fitness experience. Second best only to being in the studio live. Your instructor or trainer should know you by name or at the least, acknowledge your presence. If not you may as well be playing a DVD or watching YOUTUBE. Not that to say those are bad things if they work for you.

Virtual Yoga, Personal Training, Small Group Training, or any kind of training, is in a league all their own. The wave of the future. Peloton is cutting edge but really lacks the personal touch. Fitness Training apps won’t ask you how that exercise feels on your back.

The greatest perk to virtual training is it overcomes time and geographical obstacles. No more driving to the gym because you can exercise from home or the office. Virtual Training opens up a world of choices in classes and trainers. Many of my clients are doing “Yoga For Sleep” right from their bedrooms. Namaste and goodnight!  Busy Moms pumping iron, right from the living room, while baby naps. No babysitter needed.

Have you ever said “I would work out if I had more time? Time is our biggest commodity. The number one reason inactivity sets in, faster than you hit  “JOIN'”  is lack of time. Virtual Online Coaching not only saves time but money. 

With a small investment, you can stock a “rollout mini gym” that matches anything you get at the big box gyms. Miles of treadmills and cardio equipment should not impress. Just saying.

Fitness has evolved and getting on the treadmill for hours is just not as effective as cardio yoga, weight training, or a HIIT session. When you sign up for virtual training, you can take your coach to poolside and not only get a workout but get the benefit of being outdoors. You can spend time sweating with your sister who lives miles away or gather your squad for yoga. Schedule a small group health coaching call. Maybe you want to get the latest on hormone replacement, belly fat solutions, and a new workout plan.

So yes, Virtual Training can and will change your life. You must sign up for a few sessions before your gym renewal date. 

The Best Online Virtual Health Coaching includes yoga, meal plans, weight training, support, goal planning, and workout plans all from the comfort of home. High-quality coaching for high functioning individuals. I am are looking for 10 people who are ready to take their fitness to the next level. With the guidance of a Coach and the ability to strength train at home with a comprehensive, challenging full body workout, you will achieve your goals and see results. All this without having to sacrifice quality for convenience. Click here to book a consultation today.

Why I Started 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Why I Started 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

This post was originally written when I began my Yoga Teacher Training in 2020. I am now a 500-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher. This post provides insight into my experience and what I learned about yoga and myself during the yoga teacher training. Curious about the very first class I taught in person? Read the post here.

Why I Started 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Recently, I received a Yoga Teacher Scholarship in Support of Black Wellness from My Vinyasa Practice in support of my completion of a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training. Yes, you read that right: 200 hours. (Also, yes, a totally free yoga teacher training!) While I haven’t hit my 200-hour mark just yet (I’m at about the 100-hour mark), these hours have been filled with philosophy, anatomy, theology, and a hefty dose of self-reflection. I had been thinking about signing up for yoga teacher training for some time, but the scholarship really opened up a new opportunity for me, and the virtual nature of it was just the icing on the cake. (Listen to some of the ways I talked myself out of yoga teacher training in my podcast mini-episode about it.)

I am absolutely in love with my yoga training, in addition to yoga itself. It is a very intensive yoga training, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to go through this training without the high cost normally associated with yoga teacher training. I dive into this a little more in the podcast episode but just know that this is one of the reasons I never took teacher training previously.

Now, before you go hunting down this training, I have to warn you: The scholarship is now closed; nonetheless, the 200-hour and 500-hour training courses are often on sale/discounted, so you should consider it! Once I complete my 200 hours, I suspect I will end up registering for the 500-hour certification. I’m just soaking up all of this information!

There are lots and lots of reasons to incorporate yoga into your life, and maybe I’ll talk about that once I’ve been officially certified, but my purpose today is to tell you why I wanted to start 200-hour yoga teacher training.

Connecting with a Community When We Can’t Connect With Anyone

I’ve had many friends go through yoga teacher training and one of the things that always impressed me was the connections that they made during their training. This was appealing to me, despite the virtual nature of the training. Fortunately, there are lots of online lectures, virtual office hours, and weekend-long virtual training sessions. I’ve been able to connect with some of my classmates via social media, and I’ve even forged deeper connections with some of my friends who are going through the training. 

In these difficult times when we’re unable to connect in person, these virtual sessions have been a big help for this extrovert. I can see and talk with people that I haven’t been seeing and talking with since mid-March. New people for the win!

yoga teacher training journal

Learning About Myself

A few years ago, once I had gotten pretty regular with my yoga practice, yoga took on virtually religious experience and meaning for me. I would leave the yoga studio after class feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and generally much happier. By signing up for yoga teacher training, I thought I could explore the deeper meaning of yoga, and learn more about my connection to it. I have learned far more than I ever could have expected, and it just makes sense to me now.

Journaling as part of the training has also been pretty transformative for me. Once a week, I put pen to paper and write a pretty brief update on how I feel physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually at the moment of my writing. It has been transformative and therapeutic, and I highly recommend journaling to everyone out there reading these words!

Diversity in Yoga

It’s so fascinating to me that a practice that originated in India could be so… white… here in the United States. The scholarship I received from My Vinyasa Practice stated the following as its purpose:

The Yoga Teacher Scholarship in Support of Black Wellness is a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training brought to you by Yoga Pose and My Vinyasa Practice. At the end of the program, you will receive a Yoga Teacher Training certificate that allows you to teach yoga. The program is entirely virtual, making it accessible from your own living room.

While the scholarship is a heartfelt response to the voices of our Black community, the goal of this program is to address the lack of diversity in today’s health and wellness world.

During this difficult time, yoga can be used as a tool to advocate for change, educate about Black mental and physical wellness and unite communities.

I believe that this is a very important mission, and I hope that it drives up diversity in virtual offerings and in-person. Our world is very different now as we push through this pandemic, but I think the fitness world – and that includes yoga – will be very different by the time we emerge from the social-distanced cloud. 

Mental Health

My mental health has been, in a word, wack. This pandemic has forced me to grapple with the fact that I hadn’t been taking enough rest time and that I had been overscheduling myself. I knew that practicing yoga more frequently would help me with both mental and physical restoration, but I had no idea how much it would truly help with my overall mental health. 

It’s taught me to exercise more self-compassion, set boundaries, and set aside time for myself each week. I’ve also begun meditating with regularity, and I have done restorative yoga in the evenings, which has helped me with my sleep. In a nutshell, yoga hasn’t completely erased all of my stress, but it has given me the tools to address it. 

So… What’s Next?

Now, I need to complete my training and start teaching! I’d like to start with some free classes for friends and family members so that I can get more comfortable with it. I’m really drawn to restorative yoga and vinyasa flow, but who knows what I might be into once I complete this training. We shall see!

I’m going to get registered with the Yoga Alliance, and I’m also looking into the Black Yoga Teachers Alliance (bonus: it looks like they’re based right here in Maryland!). 

I don’t have a crystal ball, so I don’t know if I will end up teaching at a studio, corporate office, hospital, school, or even my own place (#goals), but I do know that we can all use a bit more yoga these days!

Are You Interested in Yoga Teacher Training?

Are you looking for a registered yoga teacher school in your area? Check out this search tool through the Yoga Alliance. There’s not really a huge point to finding a yoga teacher training near you right now, so I suggest looking into a reputable yoga teacher training online, like My Vinyasa Practice. If you want to teach at a studio, I suggest looking for a school that is registered with the Yoga Alliance. While it’s not necessarily required, it is often a registration that studios and other venues look to for determining the quality of your training. 

If you aren’t looking to teach, but just want to deepen your practices 

If you’re a beginner, I suggest starting with a 200-hour yoga teacher training. If you go through it and decide it’s not for you, at least you haven’t spent all of the money and the hours on the 500-hour training. (Some places may allow you to add on the extra 300-hour yoga teacher training once you’ve completed your 200 hours so that you can receive your 500-hour training. Be sure to ask the places you’re looking into if you think you might want to go beyond the 200-hour training.)

Questions? Comments?

I’m curious about whether any of you have gone through yoga teacher training, or if you’ve considered it. You can always leave a comment here on the blog, slide into my DMs on social media, or even better: Send me a voice note on Anchor! 

There are lots and lots of reasons to incorporate yoga into your life, and maybe I’ll talk about that once I’ve been officially certified, but my purpose today is to tell you why I wanted to start 200-hour yoga teacher training.

Listen to The Sweat Fearlessly Podcast episode on this topic:

Power Up Styling Lookbook

Power Up Styling Lookbook

 Power Up Styling Lookbook

Navigating Infertility: Why the Root Cause Matters

Navigating Infertility: Why the Root Cause Matters

Navigating Infertility: Why the Root Cause Matters

Potential Underlying Causes and Diagnostic Offerings at The Kaldas Center

1. Endometriosis: A condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. Endometriosis can interfere with conception and lead to fertility challenges. Our center offers comprehensive endometriosis workups, aiding in diagnosing and treating this condition.

2. Uterine Anomalies (e.g., Septate Uterus): Structural abnormalities of the uterus, such as a septate uterus, can impact fertility. Thorough evaluations, including imaging, can detect these anomalies and guide appropriate treatment.

3. Blood Clotting Factors and Recurrent Loss: Blood clotting disorders can contribute to recurrent pregnancy loss. Our center provides specialized blood clotting factor workups to identify and address these factors, offering solutions for couples experiencing recurrent loss.

Navigating the Path Forward

While the journey through infertility may feel overwhelming, approaching it with patience, knowledge, and guidance is critical. Consulting with skilled infertility specialists is the first step toward uncovering the underlying factors affecting fertility. Comprehensive assessments, medical evaluations, and open discussions with healthcare providers illuminate the root cause, empowering couples to make well-informed choices on their fertility journey.

We’re here to help.

Tailored treatment plans, holistic well-being, and optimized success rates are just a few of the benefits that await those who take the time to understand and address the underlying factors influencing their fertility. At the Kaldas Center, we’re dedicated to guiding you on this journey, ensuring that every step is rooted in knowledge, compassion, and hope. Schedule an appointment, and we’ll do everything we can to answer your questions and chart a path back to fulfilling your dreams of starting a family and staying healthy. We’re ready when you are! 

Call the Kaldas Center at 920-886-2299. 

You can explore more of our fertility-focused articles here.

(Note: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.)


1. American Pregnancy Association. (2020). Fertility Treatments. https://americanpregnancy.org/getting-pregnant/infertility/infertility-treatments/

2. Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. (2012). Evaluation and treatment of recurrent pregnancy loss: a committee opinion. Fertility and Sterility, 98(5), 1103-1111.

3. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. (2017). What are common causes of infertility? https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/infertility/conditioninfo/causes

Hair Loss “My Hair is Growing Back”

Hair Loss “My Hair is Growing Back”

Hair loss feels awful and I lost a lot of hair when I started treatment due to an aggressive disease.  Although I was doing all the right things to prevent hair loss like eating healthy, taking omegas, eating lots of protein, drinking water, taking supplements, it wasn’t helping. The hair loss continued until I supplemented with superfood capsules, fruits, veggies and replaced fish oil with a plant omega blend and eventually adding my favourite protein powder.

Get weekly tips to improve your health, weight and diet. 

Hair Loss “My Hair is Growing Back”

Hair Loss “It’s longer and healthier than ever”

A friend visited and complimented how amazing and healthy my hair looked.  “Super soft, fuller, longer and no split ends she said. ”  She asked “what are you doing Trina?”  As we age, we can start to lose hair but it can also happen with stress, disease, treatment and so much more.  When I found out our Nutritionist had been using these superfood capsules on cancer patients, I had to try them.  My body was rough when I first started them, read my story here.

My 63 Day Transformation on the Products


“Your hair will eventually grow back”

I told the doctor that I was losing lots of hair since taking the medications.  He said “it will grow back”. Three years later it still wasn’t growing back and I am still on the medications.  Today my hair is full, healthy, shiny and barely any split ends.

What changed?

Will it work for you? 

It’s worth a try!  My results and those of my clients have been so positive.  No risk as it comes with a full money back guarantee including shipping if you don’t love it.  Full refund!  That set me at ease.

These capsules affect more than just hair and your kids can get their chewables or capsules free until age 25, ask me how here.  Not only am I benefiting but my kids are too (and free by the way!)

See for yourself, check it out here.  Please contact me with any questions.  You will become part of my Team and I’m here to support you.

Trina’s Tidbits:

This protein powder is my favourite and I use it in many recipes. Smoothies can help increase your daily plants and also with weight loss.

Follow me on social where I am active daily with tips to help your fitness, health and food journey.

Trina Medves

Lots More for You

Find me on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest and use hashtag #Fit4Females when you post your photos related to all of our goodies.

Need fitness classes and more workouts?

We specialize in Women’s Only Fitness and Post Natal fitness.  Join us below.

Hair Loss “My Hair is Growing Back”

You Don’t Have to Love Every Part of Your Body

You Don’t Have to Love Every Part of Your Body

You Don’t Have to Love Every Part of Your Body

You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes.

The health and fitness industry profits off the insecurities of women. Conveniently, many people and companies eagerly offer to sell us the solution. “You hate that fat on your body? Take this pill!”; “Unsightly cellulite on your thighs? Try this cream and simple procedure!”; “Hate seeing yourself in the mirror, in a swimsuit because of unsightly flaws? Try this rapid fat loss diet!”

Some people say the solution is simple: “Just love your body,” they say. “If women loved their bodies, then no one could profit off the insecurities perpetuated by this billion-dollar industry.”

But that’s not practical either. Actually, it’s laughable. 

While it’s a nice suggestion, and perhaps a goal worth inching toward, to encourage women to love their bodies, it’s not practical for everyone. For the woman who has hated parts of her body her entire life, telling her to, “Hey, just love your body!” is rather stupid. If it were that easy, she certainly would have done it by now.

A better, more realistic, goal should be neutrality. You don’t have to love every part of your body, but you shouldn’t actively hate parts either. Work on viewing them neutrally: You don’t hate them, you don’t love them, but they’re there

How can you put this into practice? One way to start is by ceasing to verbalize negative comments. For the woman who reflexively states, “I hate my thighs” every time she slides on a pair of jeans, her goal can be to not say anything; to not make any comments, good or bad. This may seem like a pointless exercise, but it will bring to light how often someone verbalizes negative criticism about their body, and refusing to put it into words can, with practice, ease the transition from disliking a body part to seeing it with neutrality. 

Another favorite tip: Focus on what that body part you don’t love can do instead of how it looks

The woman who doesn’t love her thighs can focus on activities like squatting, biking, hiking … whatever. The goal is to appreciate her thighs’ abilities. To, at the very least, be grateful for what they can do if she doesn’t love how they look. I’ve seen the powerful effects this can have, so it’s worth trying for yourself. “I didn’t love my legs until I realized I’m a strong squatter!” I’ve heard women exclaim and the exercise comes full circle: They do go from hating a body part, to seeing it with neutrality, to loving it. And that is awesome. 

If you have a body part or two you don’t love, how can you progress to seeing them with neutrality? Is there a way to appreciate what that part can do to take the focus off how it looks?

And, hey, if you want help discovering the awesome things your body can do, you should join us in the Lift Like a Girl Coaching Group. This is an incredible group of strong, supportive women. The programming revolves around three weekly strength training workouts, and the goal is to steadily improve your performance week to week. I’m there every step of the way and you can post videos if you want help or feedback on exercise performance too. Click here for details.

Social Media….Mirror, Mirror on the wall…

Social Media….Mirror, Mirror on the wall…

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Social Media….Mirror, Mirror on the wall…

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Freedom to Plan, Power to Choose: The Future of Contraception

Freedom to Plan, Power to Choose: The Future of Contraception

World Contraception Day is a worldwide awareness day celebrated on the 26th of September every year. This year, 2024, the theme of World Contraception Day is “A choice for all. Freedom to plan, power to choose.” This theme highlights that every individual must be guaranteed the freedom to protect their reproductive health and to plan their family, access to contraception to bodily autonomy, and achieve one’s full potential; it helps reduce adolescent births, prevent maternal deaths, and further gender equality.

Freedom to Plan, Power to Choose: The Future of Contraception

World Contraception Day: Innovations for Effective Contraception

Recent advancements in contraceptive technology are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, offering more effective, convenient, and personalized options for people across all demographics. From long-lasting, reversible methods to innovations that address male contraception, the future of birth control promises greater autonomy, fewer side effects, and more choices.

1. Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs): A Step Forward in Convenience

Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), such as intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants, have already revolutionized the contraceptive landscape by offering highly effective, low-maintenance options for women. These methods provide years of protection and have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and minimal user intervention.

Future innovations in LARCs are focused on improving safety, comfort, and ease of use:

  • Hormone-Free IUDs: Current hormonal IUDs are very effective but can cause side effects like mood swings or acne. New hormone-free IUDs are being developed using copper or other non-hormonal materials, providing effective contraception without hormonal interference.
  • Smart IUDs: Research is ongoing into “smart” IUDs that could potentially release hormones on demand or be remotely controlled, offering users more flexibility and reducing the risk of side effects.

2. Male Contraceptives: Expanding the Responsibility

One of the most exciting areas of development is male contraception. Currently, men have limited options—condoms, vasectomy, or withdrawal. However, scientific advancements are paving the way for more effective male contraceptive methods that allow men to share more of the reproductive responsibility.

  • Male Hormonal Contraceptives: Researchers are working on a male contraceptive pill or gel that reduces sperm production without affecting testosterone levels. Early trials show promising results, with options like dimethandrolone undecanoate (DMAU) and NES/T (a testosterone and progestin gel) showing high effectiveness and few side effects.
  • Non-Hormonal Male Contraceptives: In addition to hormonal approaches, non-hormonal male contraceptives are also being explored. For example, a product known as Vasalgel, a polymer gel injected into the vas deferens, blocks sperm without impacting hormones or sexual function. This method is reversible and has shown promise in animal studies.
  • Ultrasound and Heat-Based Contraception: Research into non-invasive male contraceptives includes using ultrasound or heat to temporarily stop sperm production. While still in the experimental phase, these methods offer the potential for a reversible and non-hormonal option for men.

3. On-Demand Contraception: Customizing Birth Control

The future of contraception also includes a shift toward on-demand options, allowing users to take birth control only when necessary, rather than adhering to a daily regimen. This could particularly benefit those who don’t need regular contraception or prefer not to deal with the side effects of hormonal methods.

  • The “Contraceptive Patch of the Future”: A new patch, currently in development, can be applied to the skin and worn for only a few hours, delivering hormones through dissolvable microneedles. This patch could protect for weeks or even months, offering an alternative to daily pills.
  • Instant Contraceptive Spray: Some researchers are working on contraceptive sprays that can be applied directly to the skin, delivering hormones rapidly and effectively. This could provide immediate, short-term contraception without the need for long-term commitments.
  • Ovulation-Tracking Wearable Device: While not directly a contraceptive method, wearable devices that track a woman’s cycle using advanced algorithms could help in natural family planning or fertility awareness methods, offering more precise, real-time data to prevent or plan pregnancies.

4. Non-Invasive and Biodegradable Contraceptive Implants

Contraceptive implants are a popular long-term option, but they require a minor surgical procedure to insert and remove. To make implants even more user-friendly, researchers are working on biodegradable implants that dissolve over time, eliminating the need for removal. These implants can deliver a consistent dose of hormones over a predetermined period and then safely degrade, offering a new level of convenience.

5. Contraceptive Vaccines: A Long-Term Vision

Another area of research with significant potential is contraceptive vaccines. The idea behind these vaccines is to induce a long-term immune response that prevents pregnancy, effectively acting like a vaccine against fertility. The most studied approach targets hormones essential for fertility, such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which plays a key role in sustaining early pregnancy. While this concept remains in the experimental stages, it could provide a revolutionary, long-term, and possibly permanent solution for those seeking contraceptive options.

6. Personalized Contraception: Tailoring Birth Control to Individual Needs

A growing trend in healthcare is personalization, and contraception is no exception. With advancements in genetic research, hormonal testing, and artificial intelligence, we are moving toward an era of personalized contraception, where individuals can choose birth control methods that best align with their unique biology and lifestyle.

  • Genetic Screening: Future developments could allow doctors to use genetic screening to determine how an individual’s body will respond to certain contraceptives. This could reduce the risk of side effects and make birth control more effective by aligning hormonal methods with each person’s specific hormone levels and genetic profile.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Contraception Apps: AI-powered apps and wearables are being developed to provide personalized advice on contraceptive use. These platforms can help users track their fertility and ovulation, while also recommending the best contraceptive options based on their health history and preferences.

7. Sustainable Contraception: Eco-Friendly Innovations

Sustainable contraception is becoming a priority in an age of growing environmental consciousness. Innovations aimed at reducing the ecological impact of contraceptives are on the rise. Researchers are exploring biodegradable packaging, hormone-free options, and eco-friendly materials to create greener alternatives. For example, newer designs for condoms are being developed using sustainable materials that degrade faster than traditional latex.

8. Contraception and Digital Health: Integrating Technology

The integration of digital health platforms with contraception is also transforming how people manage their reproductive health. Smartphone apps that track menstrual cycles, fertility windows, and hormone levels have become valuable tools for women looking to either prevent or achieve pregnancy. These apps, paired with wearable technology, offer detailed insights into fertility, making natural contraception methods more accessible and precise.

As we progress, these technologies will likely become more advanced, offering real-time data collection and even syncing with healthcare providers to tailor contraceptive recommendations based on an individual’s unique patterns.


The future of contraceptive technology holds promise for more accessible, diverse, and personalized options. With advancements in long-acting methods, male contraception, on-demand solutions, and eco-friendly alternatives, we are moving toward an era where birth control is more user-centered and adaptable to individual needs. As technology continues to evolve, so too will our understanding of reproductive health, making contraception a truly empowering tool for everyone. By expanding access and choices, we can ensure that reproductive freedom becomes a reality for all.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

8.31.24 Voter Empowerment Alert

8.31.24 Voter Empowerment Alert


8.31.24 Voter Empowerment Alert

The 2024 election will be, yet again, the most consequential election of our lives.
Women’s health and voting rights are inextricably linked. Our votes can save lives, restore bodily autonomy, and transform the country into a place where women and people assigned female at birth are full citizens again. As part of our #4Her2024 Get Out the Vote campaign, the NWHN, Sarah Epperson, and NOISE FOR NOW bring you this exclusive T-shirt so that you can proudly identify as a women’s health voter. 90% of the proceeds go right back to the NWHN’s work. Preorder today.


Why should I pledge to vote?

Making a pledge is a psychological strategy that helps keep you focused and committed to goals you might otherwise be tempted to give up on and, with women’s health on the line, showing up to vote this year is more crucial than ever. Pledge to vote here.

Get more voting tips and resources at our Voting HQ Page.


– Election 2024 swing state polls: Harris leads or ties Trump in all battleground states, latest survey finds.

– Abortion measures on the ballot in 41 states, voters to have say on other tough questions.

– Missouri will vote on whether to make abortion a state constitutional right in November.

– Trump says he’ll support free IVF treatments in a second term.

– Harris and Trump offer starkly different visions on climate change and energy.

– Trump’s ‘inconsistent’ message on abortion may backfire: analysts.


– Biden-Harris Administration awards $100 million to navigators who will help millions of Americans – especially in underserved communities – sign up for health coverage.

– Biden administration announces expansion of maternal home visit programs.

– As rural hospitals shutter maternity wards, urban ones follow.

– 6 conditions that highlight the women’s health gap.

– Analysis: The huge stakes in the Supreme Court’s new abortion case.

– Opinion: We must fight back against the Supreme Court’s attacks on women’s equality.

NWHN Trusted Resource Highlight

6 Underlying Causes of the Maternal Health Crisis In the U.S. Read it now.

In Solidarity,
The National Women’s Health Network

Make sure to bookmark our GOTV web page so you never miss an update.

Donate Today

The post 8.31.24 Voter Empowerment Alert first appeared on NWHN.

5 Steps to overcome Vaginismus

5 Steps to overcome Vaginismus

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Vaginismus is a condition in which an involuntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles makes sexual intercourse difficult or impossible. It is a type of dyspareunia (which is pelvic or vaginal pain associated with intercourse); however, dyspareunia specifically relates to sexual pain, whereas vaginismus can also impede the use of tampons or prevent your gynecologist from performing an internal vaginal examination. The impact on quality of life can be substantial, particularly if you are in active sexual relationships. 

The taboo surrounding pelvic floor dysfunction can make it difficult to seek treatment due to embarrassment and lack of knowledge about the legitimacy of your condition. Working up the courage to speak to your GP can take time, and fear around having an examination may also deter you, introducing unnecessary delay in getting treatment. Vaginismus can leave you feeling helpless and isolated.  

When you understand that the contraction of pelvic floor muscles is involuntary and know that it is outside your control, you may feel powerless. This site is all about helping you to empower yourself to overcome pelvic floor dysfunctions, including vaginismus, so in this article, we will explore some steps to help you overcome the condition.

Two Way Communication

Unfortunately in it’s drive to protect us, the nervous system can also initiate unnecessary and unwelcome muscle contractions, such as those involved in vaginismus. Thankfully communication is not “one way”. We communicate with our nervous system through movement, actions and thoughts

When you get a hunger signal from your nervous system and you eat – that is your message in response to that signal. When you work hard at the gym to grow your muscles, you are sending a message to your nervous system: you are saying “I need the strength to lift this heavy weight”. There is a constant back and forth of messages between you and the system that ensures your survival.

Step 1 – Combat Negative Thinking

Have you ever noticed a visceral response in your body when remembering a horrible event from your past? You nervous system cannot tell the difference between your thoughts and what is actually happening presently. This is important to know because of its implication – what you think can impact what physically manifests in your body. Changing negative thoughts you may hold towards yourself, your body, or sex and sexuality can send a positive “safety” messages to your nervous system encouraging it to let go.

If you have been to your doctor to discuss vaginismus, they may have suggested Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) which is a treatment often used to help with vaginismus.  I know when CBT was first recommended to me, I was offended as it felt as thought I was being blamed for my pelvic floor dysfunction. By understanding how my thoughts could impact what was happening physically, I was able to make my peace with this type of therapy and it helped me immensely.  The most simple form of CBT I have used is Byron Katie’s “the work”, which is a very effective way to address negative thought patterns.

Step 2 – Vaginal Dilation

If you suffer from vaginismus, you may well have heard of vaginal dilation using dilators or “trainers”. So many people get in touch to ask about dilators for “stretching” the vagina. When you use dilators, it’s not so much about “stretching” the tissues. It’s more about communicating safety to your nervous system. I believe that it matters where, when, how and with whom you use dilators as all of these can have an impact on whether or not you feel safe:

  • Where – You should be in a place where you feel safe and comfortable.
  • When – It should be at a time when you feel you will not be disturbed or under pressure to “hurry up”.
  • How – Your body should be comfortable and supported, ensuring that your inner thigh muscles can relax.
  • With Whom – Going solo is great, but it can also help to work on dilation with a loving trusted partner.

Dilators can range in size from baby-finger width to the size of a large erection. If you struggle with the smallest dilation, you can begin with a q-tip. You should also use lubrication if you are planning to use dilators. You can watch this YouTube video for more tips on vaginal dilation.

Step 3 – Pelvic Floor Relaxation Exercises

Movement is a method to communicate with your nervous system. Yin Yoga is a form of yoga where you assume a position before allowing yourself to relax into that position allowing your connective tissue and muscles to gently stretch over a few minutes. Many yin positions target relaxation of the muscles of the inner thighs (your adductors) as well as the pelvic floor. Relaxing these muscles can help immensely when dealing with vaginismus and other conditions involving pelvic pain. You can use the exercises from our pelvic floor relaxation playlist on YouTube as another tool to communicate safety to your nervous system.

Step 4 – Finding the “On” Switch for Penetration

On our sexual dysfunction page, we explain the ingredients in the recipe for orgasmic climax: desire, arousal, and stimulation. When penetration has been a problem, it can be difficult to muster up the desire. It can be hard to feel aroused without desire. Desire and arousal both send safety messages to the nervous system so how can we get past the fear of penetration in order to feel the necessary desire and arousal? We have to flick the “on” switch, which is the clitoris!

Clitoral stimulation can help to turn “on” desire and arousal which can create the relaxation, the lubrication, and the opening needed for successful stimulation. In my opinion, sex education in schools should teach us about stimulation and climax, and not just explain penetration. It is important to know your body and to know what excites you. Self-stimulation (masturbation) is a great way to learn what works for you. It can also be really good to focus on clitoral orgasms with your partner without penetration to help build the trust that is inevitably needed to send that big safety message to your nervous system.

Step 5 – Reduce Stress

This may seem obvious, but I will say it regardless. Reducing stress is one of the best ways to communicate safety to your nervous system. You can take up meditation practice such as yoga nidra to help reduce stress and relieve tension in your body. Practice mindfulness, practice yoga, get good sleep, avoid people that trigger anxiety in you. Anything you can do to help eliminate stress from your life will have a positive effect on your vaginismus.

Overcome Vaginismus Course

On March 18th 2022, our Overcoming Vaginismus course will be published and available on our teachable. If you are interested in signing-up for the course, it is currently on pre-sale at a discounted price. You can find out more here.

One last thing

Above all else, believe in your ability to overcome your pelvic floor dysfunction. Know that you are not alone. You are part of a large community of women across the world who are choosing to empower themselves. Together we can and will make a difference.