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Whoa, Beachbody Yoga Got a Serious Upgrade : The Fit Habit

Whoa, Beachbody Yoga Got a Serious Upgrade : The Fit Habit

We need to talk about Beachbody Yoga classes because they are completely elevated since the last time I reviewed 3 Week yoga Retreat.

I’ll be honest – I got kinda bored of the yoga on Beachbody on Demand (now BODi). The classes weren’t as diverse as I like, and I’m a huge fan of interesting blends of yoga, like yoga sculpt, power yoga, etc.

Basically, I didn’t feel like there was enough variety, so when I needed to get my flow on, I started turning to Alo Moves, which I still think is an awesome resource for home workouts and mind boy movement.

However, since Beachody shifted to live and interactive workouts, (now called BODi) they totally stepped up their yoga game (along with their Pilates and barre classes, too). There are now so many yoga classes for every level and application, like yoga for cyclist, yoga for runners etc.

But the thing that has me most jazzed are these two new styles…

Beachbody Hip Hop Yoga

elise joan hip hop yoga move

Oh, this is SO good! There are only a few of these classes on the platform at this point, but they’re always adding more. I LOVE them because they focus on strength, flexibility, mobility and that mind-body connection. PLUS the music is awesome!

I think Elise Joan is the only one teaching this format so far, which is great because I love her teaching style and choreography. She’s always creating moves that are both challenging, yet doable.

The Hip hop yoga classes are similar to a power yoga class and you can expect to get a good sweat going, but also finish with a calm mind and a full body yoga buzz.

Beachbody Yoga Strength (Yoga with Weights)

Ya’ll know I love me some yoga with weights. This is probably my all time favorite workout and as you may not know, I’m also a certified Yoga Sculpt teacher. I initially took my training through Core Power Yoga and I LOVE this format.

Sweaty, challenging and invigorating, this format uses typical yoga poses, but spices them up to be more of a fat burner and also to build strength. It seriously feels so good and I had NO idea these classes existed on BODi. I’m so pumped to go through them all!

Beachbody yoga class

Here’s what you need to know about Beachbody Yoga (Now BODi Yoga)

  • All of the yoga classes mentioned here are 30 minutes long.
  • Equipment needed is a yoga mat, and block. Light weights are optional (but recommended)
  • They are suitable for any fitness level. Elise Joan is really good at upleveling moves for the stronger folks and making things less challenging for the newbies.
  • You must have access to BODi which is an upgrade from Beachbody on Demand, but so worth it.

How to Get Access to BODi

elise joan yoga sculpt

If you already have a membership to BODi, please don’t overlook these amazing classes. There’s so many options on the platform now, that it’s easy to overlook all the new stuff they’re adding. These classes in particular are pure gold.

If you’re not already a member of BODi (formerly known as Beachbody on Demand), then I highly recommend that you give it a whirl. You can grab the bundle pack that offers a sampling of the suppliments and workouts (it’s the best deal they offer) right here. Or, if you just want access to all the workouts, you can get that offer right here.

I’ve been using this platform since 2015 and I LOVE it. I’ll never pay for a gym membership again and it’s the one thing that has helped me to maintain consistency over these past years because it’s simple and accessible.

Let me know if you have questions!

Lemon Juice And Baking Soda To Get Rid Of Nausea

Lemon Juice And Baking Soda To Get Rid Of Nausea

Nausea is a common symptom in many disorders and may have various causes, but, most of the times is just a small problem that can be treated in seconds.

Unhealthy food, motion sickness, pregnancy, cancer treatments, food poisoning are among the main trigger factors of nausea. Also, stress, bloating, dehydration, insolation, withdrawal due to the lack of medication indicated by the doctor can cause nausea.

Lemon in addition to being an effective internal cleanser and especially when combined with baking soda has also shown to contain anti-carcinogenic properties as it contains limonoids, which are phytochemicals found in a number of citrus fruits. Apparently, the limonoids help strip off the protective layer coating the cancer cells. Lemon also has been shown to have strong anti-microbial effects which has been tested in research exploring the idea that cancer is very much like a fungus within the body. 

Lemon Juice And Baking Soda To Get Rid Of Nausea

This citric fruit rich in vitamin C is indicated when you are nauseous. If you drink fresh lemon juice or just eat 1-2 slices of lemon, without peel you will get rid of nausea. Once in the stomach, lemon juice will become alkaline and will reduce gastric acidity.

Or you can Prepare the Baking Soda and Lemon Mixture

Disclaimer: Femalle.net does not guarantee any specific results as a result of the procedures mentioned here and the results may vary from person to person. The topics in these pages including text, graphics, videos and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice.

Originally posted 2019-03-23 19:28:05.

Post Views: 2,273

Group Fitness Classes – NW Women’s Fitness

Group Fitness Classes – NW Women’s Fitness

Group Fitness Classes – NW Women’s Fitness

Our group exercise classes are fantastic! We pride ourselves in creating a no-stress, motivating and fun atmosphere that will help you achieve your health & fitness goals. With 44+ classes per week… we are sure you will find more than one you love. Start your Free Trial Week TODAY and see just how amazing they are!


The Top 7 Things You Can Do

The Top 7 Things You Can Do

The Top 7 Things You Can Do

I lost my mother 7 years ago. When she talked of aging, maintaining mobility, memory, and independence were her top concerns. Brain health. There are things you can do for brain health.  Many conditions affect brain health and quality of life, including weight gain, “The bigger the belly the smaller the brain.”-Mark Hyman, MD. Although this may seem harsh, making diet and exercise a priority is key to healthy living and healthy aging.

Every single tip below, if implemented to some degree, will drive you towards a healthy weight, a healthy brain. PowerFit for the Brain! 

1) Eat fresh foods. If it’s man-made, leave it. If God made it, eat it. Taking control of your diet may mean some meal prepping or planning ahead, but it’s so worth the time and effort. “Grab and go” can be a healthy habit with some planning. The heart and brain are affected by gut health. Food is medicine, so respect the power of diet.

2) Get enough sleep — Studies suggest that sleep helps to flush out potential toxins that build up in your central nervous system throughout the day. Nothing feels better than starting the day feeling good from a restful night of sleep. Flushing out toxins is good for your brain health.

3) Exercise regularly — The next time you are lacking motivation and you feel like the scale is not moving, consider your brain. Your brain still needs a workout to get the blood circulating. Circulate those healthy nutrients with a sweat session. Regular exercise creates neurons to fight dementia and improve memory. You could tell yourself, “I’m off to create some neurogenesis” when you are in need of motivation to go work out. 

4) Socialize — Stretch yourself out and make time to interact with family and friends. When you socialize, you are gaining new perspectives, experiences, and challenges.  Stretching your brain’s ability to organize ideas and relay them succinctly promotes brain health. Like to read? Join our book club here and get social! 

5) Supplements —  Certain nutrients support better memory, alertness, and creativity. Healthy amounts of nutrients slow down the development of major mental health conditions. Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin d, vitamin B12, coenzyme Q10 are some of the top supplements for brain health.  It is important to consult your doctor before starting any supplements. 

6) Be your own health advocate and do your own research. Perhaps your doctor is prescribing statins, for high cholesterol. There is a debate on whether statins might actually boost the risk of dementia. Doctors are busy, so have your questions ready. Even coming prepared, you will walk away with a ton of questions. No time to do your own research or not sure of all your options? Hire a Health Coach. Find a space that is unhurried and discuss all your options. Don’t be rushed. It’s your brain, your gut, your heart, your health. Your body is a temple. 

7) Stress management. Find a way to manage your stress that doesn’t involve alcohol, drugs, or medication. Activities such as yoga, meditation, and prayer can literally change your brain. The frontal lobe of the brain is responsible for positive capacities including concentration, happiness, creativity, and rational thinking. Meditation strengthens the communication between the prefrontal and other areas of the brain. Meditate 30 minutes a day .

“Recent studies from Harvard University found that long-term meditators have increased amounts of gray matter in the insula and sensory regions, and the auditory and sensory cortex. Meditation also fosters beneficial brainwave patterns such as alpha, theta, and delta. Meditation not only increases your grey brain matter, but also reduces stress, fosters clear thinking, and increases our capacity for empathy.”

Kathy Dolan, ACE Fitness Pro, Health Coach, Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, is a self-employed business owner. Kathy Dolan is a master trainer with years of experience with the secrets to real results! You will find her teaching and training clients at a gym in the San Diego area or on the Class It Up Virtual Studio, and writing health and fitness programs for clients of all ages. She enjoys spending time with her three kids whether it’s in the mountains or on the seashore. 

The Yoga Bolster: A Complete Guide

The Yoga Bolster: A Complete Guide

As a yoga teacher, I incorporate the yoga bolster into my personal practice as well as my restorative yoga classes. I also use a bolster as a cushion while meditating. Learn more about yoga bolsters – and different ways to incorporate them into your practice – in this post.

The Yoga Bolster: A Complete Guide

What are yoga bolsters?

A yoga bolster is a rectangular or cylindrical pillow/cushion used in yoga practice to provide support and comfort. Bolsters can be made from a variety of fabrics and can be filled with materials such as buckwheat hulls, cotton batting, polyester, and foam, and weigh about five pounds. I tend to like foam the least, and I prefer cotton or buckwheat as my top filling choice.

While they are typically firm and have rounded edges, they’re usually softer than blocks and also much larger, so they can support more of your body. Some yogis – myself included – use bolsters as meditation cushions.

What should you look for when buying a yoga bolster?

A bolster should be firm, but it shouldn’t be hard. You want it to be firm enough to support your body, but not so firm that it causes discomfort. I prefer bolsters that are about the firmness of the cushions on the back of your sofa.

Does the shape matter?

I’ve found that more rectangular bolsters work better for practice. The more round a bolster may be – especially if it’s a larger bolster – the harder it may be for certain postures. For example, if you’re lying on a bolster or sitting up against it, it may feel uncomfortable on your spine.

However, a round bolster, as long as it’s not large, may feel better when placing it underneath your knees when you’re in a supine position or your ankles when in a prone position.

Material options

Outer shells are typically made of cotton or similar materials, but some are made of fabrics such as nylon that can be wiped down in between practice sessions. These are particularly helpful at studios and gyms where they may not wash the covers frequently – if at all. For my at-home practice, I prefer cotton covers. They’re not “squeaky” when you’re using them, and they’re a softer surface than the nylon covers.

The firmer the material, the lower the possibility of it shifting during your practice. The nylon covers can also be slippery at times, making it more difficult to stay in place while leaning against them or placing a blanket on top.

Does size matter?

The best size bolster depends on how you intend to use it during practice. My favorite bolster’s dimensions are 11″ x 25″ x 6″; however, I have a homemade bolster* that is the same length but half the width and height.

In general, most yoga bolsters you’ll find in studios and gyms are about 24 inches long and 12 inches wide, but they can come in a variety of sizes. For example, there are pranayama bolsters, which are much narrower and can be used differently.

*Fun fact: My mom made the two of us yoga bolsters (mine has a cute llama design), and mine turned out to be much narrower than my standard bolster, but it’s perfect for pranayama, to use under my knees in savasana and under my shoulders during heart openers, and to use in place of a rolled blanket.

This photo features my pranayama yoga bolster being used for support in fire log pose.

How do you use a yoga bolster?

I consider yoga bolsters to be one of the most essential props for at-home yoga practice. Yoga bolsters can be used for many reasons; nonetheless, they are typically used to support your body, bringing your body/body parts closer to the floor, while also releasing pressure and tension in the areas supported by the bolster – muscles, joints, etc. This support helps relieve tension by allowing you to relax more deeply into the posture.

One of my favorite ways to use the bolster is to sit on it cross-legged during meditation or pranayama practice. As I noted earlier, I like to place a bolster under my knees during savasana. Since having surgery, I have had a lot less low back pain, but it still feels nice to modify the pose in this way.

yoga bolster in a restorative yoga class

What yoga styles/classes use bolsters?

I regularly use bolsters for yin yoga practices (Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga predominantly), meditation, and pranayama practices. I don’t typically use them during my Hatha/Vinyasa-style classes, but find that they can be helpful for people practicing inversions who are nervous about the possibility of falling over.

What poses use a yoga bolster?

In my weekly restorative yoga classes, I use them for a majority of postures and offer them as an option for modified versions of poses. I like lying on bolsters in Crocodile Pose, propping the bolster against blocks and leaning back during supported reclined bound angle pose, under the knees in Savasana and Mountain Brook Pose, supported backbends, under the sacrum in Supported Bridge Pose, under your body in Child’s Pose, and more.

While I don’t typically use a bolster during my Hatha/Vinyasa-style classes, it doesn’t mean you can’t! A bolster can be great for certain hip openers as they bring the floor closer to your body. For example, if you have a difficult time with fire log or pigeon poses, a bolster can help fill the gap between your body and the ground, allowing you to relax more, and maybe even deepen the posture in the process.

Check out the video below for a full restorative yoga practice that incorporates a yoga bolster.

Full restorative yoga practice to help you unwind.

Who should use yoga bolsters?

Anyone and everyone! I’m a big advocate for utilizing props in your yoga practice. There are so many benefits to using props in general. Still, bolsters are especially great for people who are looking to find more ease in poses and for yogis who are feeling nervous about certain inversions (i.e. crow pose). How? You can place the bolster in front of, behind, or to the side of you to have a soft surface for landing. You probably won’t end up needing it, but sometimes it helps just to know that the support is there for you!

Who makes the best yoga bolsters?

My favorite style bolster is the Standard Solid Yoga Bolster from Hugger Mugger. This is my favorite brand to use when teaching, and I also have one at home. I think they’re the perfect size, shape, and firmness for restorative yoga practice.

At extendYoga, where I teach a restorative yoga class once or twice a month, they have bolsters that you can spray and wipe down, which is great for a studio or other public setting. As I mentioned earlier, bolsters with fabric coverings aren’t easy to clean after every class, let alone in general, so this is a great option for studios and clubs.


Yoga bolsters are a versatile prop that can be used to support the body in a variety of ways. They are especially beneficial for restorative yoga, pregnancy yoga, and yoga for beginners or people with injuries. If you are new to yoga or if you are looking for ways to deepen your practice, consider adding a yoga bolster to your yoga prop collection.

Anally Dilate: A Guide to Using VuVa Rectal Dilators

Anally Dilate: A Guide to Using VuVa Rectal Dilators

Dilating the anus may not be a topic that is frequently discussed, but it is a medical procedure that can provide relief for those who suffer from certain conditions or can enhance pleasure during sexual activity. In some cases, anal dilation can help pelvic floor dysfunction such as Levator Ani Syndrome and Anal Stenosis. Moreover, some people undertake anal dilation in order to increase the pleasure they receive during anal sex. Whatever the reason behind anally dilating, it is important to understand the process and find a reliable solution to dilate safely. In this guide, we will focus on using VuVa Rectal Dilators, a popular and effective tool.

Using VuVa rectal dilators is a straightforward process, but it is important to do it properly to avoid any discomfort or injuries. The first step is to choose the right dilator size. VuVa offers a wide range of sizes, from small to large, and beginners need to start with the smallest size and gradually work their way up. The best way to choose the right size is to listen to your body and start with the most comfortable option. It is important to use plenty of lube on the dilator and around the anus to avoid any irritation or pain.

Anally Dilate: A Guide to Using VuVa Rectal DilatorsHow to Anally Dilate:

Once you have chosen the right size of VuVa rectal dilator, lie down in a comfortable position, on your side or your back. Some people prefer to use a cushion or pillow under their hips to raise the anus and make insertion easier. Take a deep breath and relax your body as much as possible. The more relaxed you are, the easier the dilator will go in. Slowly insert the tip of the dilator into the anus, and continue pushing it in gently until you feel a slight resistance. Pause for a moment, breathe deeply, and apply further pressure slowly and carefully until the dilator is inserted, but the end cap is still outside your rectum. Hold onto this during the entire process and do not let go. 

When using VuVa rectal dilators, it is important to start slowly and use them for short periods of time at first. Ideally, the dilator should stay inserted for around 10-15 minutes, and you should not feel any pain or discomfort. If you experience any discomfort or pain, remove the dilator immediately and wait for another time. You can practice with VuVa rectal dilators up to three times a week, adjusting the sizes gradually until you reach your desired goal. 

VuVa Magnetic Dilators are different

VuVa Dilators are patented dilators which include magnets. Neodymium Magnetic therapy utilizes the natural energy of magnetism that is important to human existence and over all health.  A magnetic field provides a natural way to assist the body’s normal healing processes as it passes through all tissues and cells. 

They are used to gently open the rectum wider. Over time, this procedure widens the rectum. This procedure is usually necessary after rectal surgery and for relaxing painful rectal muscles. If the rectum is not dilated, it can scar, become narrow and prevent normal bowel movements.

Over time, anal dilating widens the rectum. This procedure is usually necessary after rectal surgery and for relaxing painful rectal muscles. If the rectum is not dilated, it can scar, become narrow and prevent normal bowel movements.

Soft tissue lengthens, relaxing muscles and ligaments. As the tissue relaxes, the Neodymium magnets increase blood flow to the painful area calming nerves. VuVa™ Anal Dilators are the only patented dilators available with Neodymium magnets.

You might need a specific set of instructions for your medical condition, so please ask your doctor or pelvic floor therapist for instructions tailored for you. 

Dilating the anus may not be a topic that is commonly discussed, but it is a practice that can provide immense relief and pleasure to those who use it. Whether it is to prepare for medical procedures or enhance sexual pleasure, using VuVa rectal dilators is a way to do it safely and effectively. By choosing the right size, using plenty of lube, and inserting the dilator slowly and gradually, users can ensure that their anal dilation experience is comfortable and beneficial. If you are considering using VuVa Rectal Dilators, make sure to follow these instructions and listen to your body to achieve the best results.

Boost your workout performance with new Biogen Creatine + Betaine

Boost your workout performance with new Biogen Creatine + Betaine

The new Biogen Creatine + Betaine Performance Blend is formulated with optimal performance in mind.

Betaine has numerous roles within the body that support our overall health and may also deliver performance-enhancing benefits, particularly when combined with creatine.

This product contains both Creatine Monohydrate and Creatine HCl, which assists with increasing muscle strength and power, and Betaine to support muscle growth and strength output.

The formulation also includes beta (β)-alanine, a non-essential amino acid that serves as a building block of carnosine, a dipeptide that helps to buffer the effect of exercise metabolites that build-up during physical exertion and can limit performance.

Each serving contains:

  • 3,000mg creatine monohydrate
  • 2,000mg creatine HCl
  • 1,250mg Betaine Anhydrous
  • 500mg Beta-alanine

To keep you going during your workout, Biogen has included Coconut Water Powder and Beta-alanine in the formulation for an added endurance boost.

Available in Mixed Berry and Tropical Punch flavours at Dis-Chem stores or online at www.biogen.co.za or www.dischem.co.za.

Boost your workout performance with new Biogen Creatine + Betaine

Author: Pedro van Gaalen

When he’s not writing about sport or health and fitness, Pedro is probably out training for his next marathon or ultra-marathon. He’s worked as a fitness professional and as a marketing and comms expert. He now combines his passions in his role as managing editor at Fitness magazine.

The Key To Longevity: Why Building Muscle Matters

The Key To Longevity: Why Building Muscle Matters

Living Stronger: The Muscle-Longevity Connection



I’m sure you’ve witnessed the impact that increasing frailty has on your loved ones as they age. It’s heart breaking to witness their decline but it also makes us worry about our own future. Will we be able to maintain independence and have a good quality of life as we get older?

The answer to this question is deceptively simple: muscle.

If I could offer you just one piece of advice for a longer, healthier life, it would be this — build muscle and prioritize your strength as you age. Yet, unfortunately, building muscle is very often overlooked and even feared by women.

During our younger years, we’re preoccupied with our appearance, often fearful of becoming ‘bulky’ or we feel intimidated by weight lifting. This fear leads many of us to hold back on building strength. In fact, in my 30s I actually spent a couple years shedding muscle because I felt bulky – so I understand. Now, in my 40s, I’m striving harder than ever to rebuild that muscle (and believe me, it’s much more difficult than it once was).

Why am I working so hard to build muscle and why should you?

Longevity, vitality and the quality of your life as you get older – depends on muscle mass.

I can’t stress this enough – if you are not lifting weights at least a couple times a week with the goal of getting stronger and building muscle – you are in decline towards frailty and missing out on one of the best ways to protect yourself against common problems associated with aging.

There is no physical exercise other than “resistance exercise” (lifting weights) that will achieve this for you. Let me be clear – you can be the most active person – hiking, biking, or whatever other recreational activities keep you fit – but without resistance exercise you are losing muscle.

Chances are you already feel your body getting weaker, even if it’s just subtle. Many women feel the loss of strength accelerating in their 40s and and especially around menopause. I wish with all my heart that I could convince you to lift weights because it could be the one thing that dramatically changes your life. Building and maintaining muscle mass as we age is crucial for several reasons. In case you aren’t yet convinced, let’s talk about them.


How Muscle Holds the Key to Lifelong Wellness


1. Reduce Body Pain And Improve General Well-Being As You Age


Weight training is one of the best ways to improve your overall well being as you age, especially because it reduces the aches and pains normally associated with aging. Some of my favourite things that I love hearing from ladies when they start my programs are:

-reduced back or neck pain,

-improved posture and confidence in how they move and stand,

-improved balance,

-greater strength for activities such as hiking, biking, skiing and other sports,

-an ability to move and exercise with much less pain,

-deeper, more comfortable sleep, and

-reduced frequency and severity of hot flashes.

All of these things are very important for longevity. Strong muscles also act as protective buffers around your joints. They help stabilize joints, reducing the risk of injury and wear and tear. This added joint support can ease pain and improve mobility.


2. Maintain Functional Independence In Your Senior Years


Loss of muscle will be one of the main reasons you lose independence when you are older. 


If you are over 40, you probably feel and see your body changing. We lose muscle naturally as we age and it’s estimated that this escalates to a loss of approximately 1%–2% of our muscle mass annually after the age of 50 and then increasing to approximately 3% annually after the age of 60. This loss of muscle, often referred to as sarcopenia, will be one of the biggest reasons you start losing independence in old age. I don’t know about you but I find it terrifying to think that I may not be able to look after myself at some point.

Maintaining muscle and strength is also key for preventing falls which is one of the most devastating things a senior can experience. When seniors have a fall they often subsequently experience a decline in health and mental well being due to reduced mobility, loss of confidence and pain. Being immobile or less active leads to further weakness, joint problems and physical decline.

In fact, it has been found that if you already have a deficiency in muscle mass and have a fall, which then leads to further muscle loss from being immobilized, that your chances of recovery are much worse. It’s estimated that over 50 per cent of women over 65 years who experience a fall never walk again.

You probably also have goals to be able to do certain activities as you get older – like hiking, golfing or keeping up with grandkids. I have a client who just turned 67 who has push up and plank contests with her grandkids. She is stronger than many 20-somethings. She credits her strength and energy to finding weight training in her 40s. The quality of her senior years is dramatically different than most ladies her age. You can have this too – if you train weights.


3. Improve Your Bone Health


Do you know if you are at risk for osteoporosis? If you have risk factors for low bone density – such as being thin or petite, having a family history of osteoporosis, or even just being post-menopausal – you should be concerned about your bone health. Sarcopenia and osteoporosis often happen concurrently, and loss of muscle puts you at greater risk of falls while osteoporosis increases your risk of fracture when you fall.

It’s well known that resistance exercise is really important for bone health. Muscles exert force on bones, contributing positively to bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Given that the prevalence of osteoporosis in women worldwide is estimated to be over 20 percent, this is a big concern and it’s not something you want to address after it develops. Prevention is preferable and any prevention program would include a proper weight training program to develop and maintain strength and balance.

If you are wondering what I mean by a “proper weight training program” – research suggests that the most effective exercise for bone health is lifting weights with the goal of progressively increasing strength. This means lifting heavy and always trying to improve and would include lifting at least a couple times a week and targeting your hips and spine when training. It sounds intimidating if you are new to all of this but remember I can help!


bulb flash icon If you want to skip ahead and get started, you can learn more about my most popular program here.


4. Prevent Common Diseases Associated With Aging


The amount of muscle mass you have influences your metabolic health which plays a crucial role in preventing chronic diseases as we age. 


Having muscle is extremely powerful when it comes to combatting some of the most common diseases and ailments we experience with age. Your body’s muscle mass influences insulin sensitivity and glucose regulation – or what is often referred to as “metabolic health.” Metabolic health plays a crucial role in preventing chronic diseases associated with aging, with diabetes being the most obvious example. Moreover, it helps counteract various age-related changes in the body, such as belly fat and weight gain in general. Lower body fat means less inflammation, improved joint health and mobility and better health overall.

In contrast, if you have poor metabolic health, you have a heightened risk of conditions like cancer and heart disease. There is also emerging evidence linking it to cognitive decline and the onset of dementia. Indeed, many experts in longevity emphasize the importance of maintaining good insulin sensitivity and glucose regulation for preserving cognitive health (and lifting weights is one of the top recommendations).

If you do end up sick or needing surgery, having a good baseline of muscle mass can help with recovery including speeding it up and making it more likely that you can get back on your feet again. Having low muscle mass is also correlated with an increased risk of mortality from cancer or an decreased likelihood of recovery from it.


5. Experience The Muscle Metabolic Advantage


The “muscle metabolic advantage” refers to the fact that muscle tissues burns more calories at rest than fat tissue.


Besides the metabolic health outcomes discussed above, having more muscle is better for what you probably traditionally think of as “metabolism.” Muscle tissue is metabolically active and requires more energy (calories) to sustain itself compared to fat tissue. As a result, individuals with a higher muscle mass tend to have a higher Resting Metabolic Rate (meaning they burn more calories at rest).

Moreover, weight training burns a lot of calories not just while you are lifting weights but in the post-workout recovery period as your body repairs itself from a hard training session.

While the exact numbers can vary from person to person, some estimates suggest that each pound of muscle may burn twice as many calories as a pound of fat. However, these numbers are approximate and can depend on factors like age, sex, genetics and quality of your nutrition.

It’s important to note that while muscle burns more calories at rest than fat, the overall impact on daily calorie expenditure is relatively small compared to other factors – especially having a good diet. Nonetheless, preserving and building muscle mass can contribute to improved metabolic health and make it easier to manage body weight and composition.


Shaping Your Way To A Better Future 


Aging often feels like Mother Nature’s cruel joke. We witness our loved ones succumb to frailty, and then we find ourselves on a similar path. The problem is that we often accept it as an inevitable fate or mistakenly believe that what we are currently doing is enough.

However, I want you to know that it’s not inevitable, and there’s so much more you can do to change the course of your own aging journey and your life as a senior. Through my work, I’ve had the privilege of positively influencing the life trajectory of countless women. I witness their transformations every day, and I know this is possible for you too.

I understand how daunting it can be to step out of your comfort zone. I also recognize that it might be challenging to appreciate the benefits of weight training if you haven’t experienced them firsthand. That’s why I’m here to help.

Whether you’re a beginner or at an advanced level, there’s more you could be doing. Start by checking out my programs designed to empower you as you age (linked below) and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

The best time to start is now! You’ll be amazed at the positive impact it can have on your life.



Learn more about TRAINING PROGRAMS here (just training, no nutrition).


The Key To Longevity: Why Building Muscle Matters

My Journey to FAI Hip Surgery for a Labrum Tear from a Real Patient – Jersey Girl Talk

My Journey to FAI Hip Surgery for a Labrum Tear from a Real Patient – Jersey Girl Talk

My Journey to FAI Hip Surgery for a Labrum Tear from a Real Patient – Jersey Girl Talk

For many people who suffer from lower back pain or hip pain you may find yourself on an endless journey trying to find answers. What starts as a pinching, pulling, nagging pain in the top part of your back on your hip bone, a constant pull or ache in your groan or side, or a numbness that just never goes away could be a labral tear in your hip. This is my story about my FAI journey – nearly a year of tests, diagnosis and then eventually surgery to repair a pincher bone impingement in my right hip and fixing and reattaching my labrum. If you landed here you likely are also searching for answers, so I hope this can help you get to recovery much faster than it took me.

For those of you who have been seeking out treatment, looking for answers or are getting ready to have FAI surgery yourself I hope this will be helpful for you to hear someone else’s story. Many times when I searched online all I found was endless medical journals, people trying to sell me an e-book about why not to get FAI surgery or just even more ambiguous answers to my pain. It was so hard to find anyone’s real life experience, so here is mine. I will also have follow up posts with the progress from my surgery, tips of what to buy and how to prepare and my journey back to lifting again.

Back Story: My name is Adrienne, I am 37 now but was 36 when this all began. I am 5’5″ tall and when this all started I was around 115lb and super fit and weight training all the time. I was in the gym five to six times a week doing strength training and it was just part of my DNA. (more about that can be found here). This is the first part of my ongoing documenting of my surgery and road to recovery. Long story short; I am not old or out of shape, I am very well educated in the world of health, nutrition, fitness and supplementation (I was a Senior Director at Vitamin Shoppe for 5 years so I know a thing or two about the body, nutrition, diet and fitness) – and I KNOW my body.

Many of you know me or found me due to my strength training for women posts which sadly went radio silent for a long time. So many of my readers and followers wondered where my workout guides and videos went and here’s the answer – I was suffering so bad, my form completely suffered, I lost confidence in my ability to train properly and with the energy I used to have that I had to give up training. I lost weight, all the hard earned muscle, all my motivation and became very sad that such a big part who I was and what loved was taken away. Every workout hurt, every squat, every step, sitting, sleeping – it all hurt so I finally have it all up and went on a hunt for answers. I figured it was best to not aggravate things more and just let my body rest until I was cleared to train again. Even when I took a month off and then went back to work out squats felt wrong, my legs were not equally strong and I’d come home in agony for days after. It was time to stop trying to be a “trooper”, to stop “just grin and bear it” and get some damn answers.

This is my FAI story Part 1: Leading up to surgery

Day of surgery to show my bandages and use of walker and crutches

The Journey to Answers:

Back in June of 2017 I started to have really terrible lower back pain that started in the top back part of my right hip. Obviously for this reason I was not sure if the pain was coming from a back issue or a hip issue. It felt like a constant pull in my lower back that radiated down into my glutes and hip bone. Below is where a lot of the locking felt and I’d sit in my chair and try to crack my back. If I put my hand on my back and around my side it made the shape of a “C” knows as the C sign or C curve which usually means a labrum or hip issue.

Labrum Hip Pain Area Back Lower

At night time, while sleeping, my hip would fall asleep or it would go numb. Some nights I would wake up feeling like I was sleeping on a heating pad, which is what I would call a “burning pain” that ran down my hip bone and felt like pain deep inside the glutes and hip. What was confusing is that it also felt like I had to crack my lower back and just couldn’t. I would lie on the floor twisting and turning, trying to push my body to crack in hopes that it would relieve some sort of pressure – but I could never push it far enough or get any relief. I even tried foam rolling, BenGay creams, anti inflammatory foods and supplements – no relief.

I remember in June going on vacation to the Bahamas and saying “wow this bed really is helping the pain in my back.” For that reason I thought maybe this was all due to my bed (as you can see I was searching for answers everywhere). I came home and replaced my current mattress with a super expensive Tempurpedic because I thought that would be the answers to my constant pain and aching. Granted the mattress was well worth the investment and I love it anyway, but the pins and needles continued. I would wake up feeling so broken and that everything needed to be popped and cracked. I would pop my hips each morning to relieve the pressure and it felt like my hips would be locked up if I didn’t. The sound was so loud and terrifying and I had to do this multiple times a day. (Be warned this clip sound so gross and disturbing but it happened every single day). It’s the loudest hip pop you’ve ever heard. Imagine this 3-4 times a day?! Click below


At that point my lower back started to feel really “off” and even though I was still going to the gym, I never felt confident lifting anything that required strength in my lower back or hips. Slowly I weight trained less and less and stayed active doing lighter lifts, conditioning and cardio. I couldn’t even do the stair master anymore because I hurt with every step up on my right leg.

I went from 115lb or so or much more strength and muscle to around 108 and loss of tone and flexibility in my hips and hip flexors.  I am a lover of going in and doing compound moves and pushing myself. I bought some DynaPro resistance bands to try to help my hip flexors stretch more which helped a bit, and was worth a shot, but again it only helped so much at the time.

I then woke up one morning a few weeks later and found myself laying on the hard floor in my bedroom in agony. I felt like I had thrown my lower back out and my hip was burning. Touching my lower back near the top of my hip was like daggers. I decided to call up the closest chiropractor in hopes that maybe I just needed an adjustment and I needed someone ASAP. That was the first step in my journey with doctors – chiropractic care. I went that moment on a mission to feel better or at least I hoped.

Chiropractor Visit & Care

I got in that day with Metropolitan Chiropractic Care and had an introductory appointment. On my first visit we did a set of X-Rays to see what was going on with my spine and that was done right in the office. Within 30 minutes there was my spinal column for me and the doctor to review.

It was clear that I had some major issues going on with the alignment of my spine, most notably in my lower back. It appeared that some of my discs were a bit compressed, which could be causing some nerve pain that was radiating down my one hip and leg. My L5 & L5 discs had degenerated and lost a lot of the some gel like material between them. Unfortunately the cushion between the discs is genetic and what you get is what you get and that’s it’s. But my spine had many bends likely from how I wear a heavy purse, how I shift when sitting and driving and my hips are not symmetrical. One sits higher than the other too. I saw these images and thought “Wow my spine is all sorts of messed up!”

My lower discs have lost fluids and gel between them causing some rubbing and nerve issues and I have some fluid and inflammation as well

The goal was to help get my spine more aligned and I was hoping he could relieve this constant pressure in my back and hip. I felt like I just wanted him to push it or twist it and make this ache go away. We started off with a 3X a week approach for 2 weeks, then 2X a week for 3 weeks and then 1X a week for maintenance. I enjoyed going to the chiropractor for the first 2-3 weeks, but it started to seem like he could never “crack” or “pop” my lower back or hips to relieve the pain I was feeling. Sure the visits helped with other pressure points, but it did not seem to be doing the trick for what my pain was, so I stopped going. I was discouraged, still in pain and now a month in of no relief.

At Home Remedies

After I did a month and a half, maybe two months, of chiropractic care I kind of wanted to take a break from the doctors. I took a few weeks to lay off working out completely and try to let my body rest a bit. I wanted to see if I did nothing at all if it would go away. I also wanted to make sure I was not causing inflammation because I didn’t need anyone saying “well it’s just overworked and inflammed”. Maybe I was just aggravating things? So the gym stopped and I took supplements, baths, foam rolling, stretching, simple diet, etc.

I started to up my intake of anti-inflammatory herbal supplements like Turmeric and also increased my dose of hyaluronic acid, Hydroplenish. I took hot baths each night using Epsom Salt and put on topical creams like Voltarin Gel (prescription only). I also used some Bengay and sore muscle Patches. It didn’t seem like any of these were getting rid of my pain and it was getting worse and worse. It was difficult to sit in a chair all day at work and drive in a car. I was constantly shifting my weight and my hip would burn all day long and pinch. At night I could not sleep at all. I would toss and turn and any pressure on my hip was miserable. I stretched a lot but it never went away.

Orthopedic Visits & Second Opinions

I couldn’t handle the discomfort anymore; it was effecting my love of lifting, my sleep and my life. All day long all I could think about was the pain and discomfort. Finally I decided to see the orthopedic surgeon/doctor that did my husband’s shoulder and hip surgery. All my symptoms mimicked my husbands labral tear and he said maybe we should see if this was a hip issue. I made an appointment and we did another X-Ray of my lower back since he thought my symptoms sounded like lower back pain. Again he found that my lower back appeared to have some degeneration between the lower discs, so he sent me to get a lower back MRI done. Another round of tests on my back. Another month of getting these done and going back to read them.

The results of that first MRI showed that I had lost the gel-like fluid in between discs L4&L5 which happens as that tissue degenerates (knew this already). Overtime you loose the soft cushion between those discs and that can impact nerves. Even though I knew this could be part of the issue, I was not ready to go and see a pain management doctor or get an injection in my spine which is what we recommended. He recommended PT and I was over it all, I didn’t need ANOTHER few weeks of trying something out,  I wanted answers sine this was now almost 5 months of NO RELIEF!

This was my spine after two months of chiropractor care in the orthopedic doctors office after my second imagining of my back. Some major improvement but still pain

My orthopedic doctor right away wanted to send me to get a shot in my back and I didn’t think this was the answer. He never even put me on the table to test my range of motion so I was my own advocate and said “I want you to hear my hip popping.” I wanted him to test my range of motion. I wanted to show him where this hurt. Finally he said maybe you are right.  Literally now a days you get 15 minutes with a doctor and that’s it. It’s awful. So he ordered a hip arthogram. Another visit to another facility, another day off of work….

Back to focus on the hip….Hip Arthogram & MRI

The MRI machine I went in after the dye was injected into my hip joint

I was sent to get a Hip Arthogram- that is when they inject a dye or contrast right into the hip joint to be able to see if there are any tears in your labrum or other areas of the hips soft tissue under an MRI. The hip arthogram is uncomfortable, but not painful. They numb the skin and then inject a very long needle into the front area of the hip all the way to the hip joint, then inject the dye/contrast and also inject some pain medicine. Below is an image of the dye that is placed right into the labrum area which looks like the band around the ball of the hip socket. They also use an ultrasound to ensure they place the contract properly.

It was numb but just felt like weird pressure. After that you go into the MRI machine and they do all the imaging and you go home and then make an appointment to meet your doctor to review the tests. I was really hoping to get some answers, even if those answers meant I had a torn labrum in my hip and needed surgery. He didn’t read my MRI in front of me but quickly said I have no tears, which is great news, but I do have tendonopothy in my gluteus minimum and gluteus maximus muslces which is causing major pain and discomfort. To be honest, when I heard that I didn’t think it made sense.

Sure I have some inflammation but I still don’t believe that is the source of all this pain for six months. I had stopped working out for over two months, don’t eat inflammatory foods and was taking anti inflammatory supplements. So I was not confident in this doctors reading or the fact he spent so little time with me and every appointment was spread out over weeks of me just living in pain. I was so frustrated.

hip arthogram injection dye MRI

When I had the arthogram done they also injected my hip joint with pain medicine. I was told “if you get relief from the medicine even for a few days it is an indication you have damage in your hip”. For three days after my injection I was pain free. It was the best feeling to not constantly be popping my hip, twisting to crack my lower back in my chair, shifting my weight while driving, standing or sitting. Yet my doctor said “he” saw no tear but I don’t even know if he read my MRI or his tech did. All I know is anytime I went to see him I’d wait in the waiting room for over two hours and he’d spend 10 minutes with me. So he saw no tear apparently and said go talk to the back doctor.

Back and Spine Doctor

I was then sent to a Pain Management center to talk to a back/spine. The entire place was a pain management place so everyone of course acts like you’re there with a fake injury looking for pain meds. I didn’t want pills I wanted answers! It felt cold, unwelcoming, it had over 40 people in the waiting room and I could tell the peoeple didn’t even read my charts. I brought all my discs, again, and she opened them in the room.

The lady spent all of ten minutes with me. She didn’t read up on my story and as soon as she walked it it was another “so tell me why you’re here”. I had a list of every single thing I had gone through for 10 months on paper to be OVERLY prepared to not let her tell me to try anything else, lady i’ve tried it all, and I was beyond upset the entire time. She read my back MRI and wanted to do injections right away. I showed her my pain spots and asked “are you sure this is my back or is it my hip”to which she replied “well we wont know til we do the injection to see if it helps your pain. If it does we know it’s your back”.Didn’t I just go through this with my hip?! Now I have to wait two weeks to get the injections, another 3 weeks for a follow up and even then you may not have answers. After I left they said they’d call to schedule me to get injected, and they never even called me. It was like God was telling me to skip it and go find a second opinion…which I did.

Third Time is a Charm – TriCounty Orthopedics

I was told about a doctor who performed a hip labrum surgery on my husbands boss and that she had a fantastic experience. His name was Dr. Hunt and he worked for TriCounty Orthopedics in New Jersey. From the moment I walked it I felt at peace, welcomed, calm, no long waits and no pressure at all to hurry up and rush me out of there.

He opened up my charts and started to point things out to me on my MRI. He went through every detail and found a FAI pincher bone spur/impingement and labrum tear, right there in front of my eyes. Third times a charm I suppose because the other doctor didn’t even read my MRI in front of me or wiht me. He showed me right on the MRI imaging and I saw it clear as day. We did motion tests and it all made sense.

So what is FAI?

Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition in which extra bone grows along one or both of the bones that form the hip joint — giving the bones an irregular shape. Because they do not fit together perfectly, the bones rub against each other during movement. Over time this friction can damage the joint, causing pain and limiting activity.

types of femoroacetabular impingement

There are three types of FAI: pincer, cam, and combined impingement.

I have a Pincer. This type of impingement occurs because extra bone extends out over the normal rim of the acetabulum. The labrum can be crushed under the prominent rim of the acetabulum. The goal of surgery is to repair the torn labrum and then reanchor it and shave off the excess bone.

We discussed trying physical therapy but honestly I was tired of waiting. I have never had this kind of surgery and was nervous but I knew I needed it. We discussed my options and a few days later I called back to schedule surgery. I was ready. I wanted to be pain free and this was not going to heal on their own. The date was lucky # June 13 and mentally I was prepared, but I had to get a lot in order and get time off from work since I would need to be out for at least 3-4 weeks.

So here I am after months of research and even though I am scared, it’s time. I am going to share my entire FAI surgery and recovery to help others. I hope this will help you all who may be dealing with this too. I will share my surgery itself so you know what to expect, what to buy prior to surgery, and then week by week how recovery is going for me. Overall I have to say that mentally it was challenging to prepare for surgery but I was also very excited to just get this chapter of my life over with and back on the road to good health again. A lot of it is a mental challenge and going in with a positive mindset is so important knowing that in the end this will all be worth it.

I hope this helps those of you suffering with pain right now and not getting the proper answers. I am a true believer in being your own health advocate and never stop searching for the truth and find doctors that you truly trust and believe in. I am so glad that I found the answers I was so desperately looking for and that now after surgery I’m already feeling so much better. Well surgery was not particularly the answer I was hoping for I’m just glad I got some answer of what I could do to fix things and make myself feel better.

Welcome to my FAI Journey and Story. I hope you will join me on this very interesting time of my life and I’m really happy to share it with all of you.

Stay tuned and check out my other posts.

If you have ANY questions please leave them in the comments below. And if you have an FAI surgery story please share it too to help anyone else reading


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arothogram, back pain, dr. hunt, fitness, glutes, hip, hip pain, hip tear, injection, injuriies, labral, labral tears, labrum, labrum recovery, lower, lower back, lower back pain, mri, needle, orthoscopic, outpatient, pain, pain top of hip, painful, scan, sciatic, sciatica, tear, tears, tendonitis, tendonopothy, tri county orthopedic, tricounty orthopedic


The writer and creator of JerseyGirlTalk.com – a blog dedicated to inspiring and helping readers to feel and look their very best both inside and out. I love writing, photography, makeup, fashion and fitness.

The End of Diets – For Good – Amodrn

The End of Diets – For Good – Amodrn

Ladies, grab your favorite snacks and gather around because we’re about to spill some piping hot tea on the diet industry. It’s a billion-dollar industry, and we’re all stuck in a never-ending cycle of trying one diet after another. But guess what? We keep returning for more, and it’s not because these diets work. 97% of dieters regain the weight and then some.

Brace yourselves for real talk about the diet industry’s dirty secrets and why it’s time for a change.

The End of Diets – For Good – Amodrn

Why Yo-Yo Dieting and Weight Regain Can Do More Harm Than Good

Raise your hand if you’ve ever embarked on a diet journey, only to find yourself back at square one a few months (or weeks) later. It’s called yo-yo dieting, and it’s the ultimate rollercoaster ride that none of us signed up for. Here’s the kicker: it might do more harm than good.

Yo-yo dieting messes with your body, mind, and confidence like no other. It’s like a cruel joke where you lose weight, gain it all back, and then some. But why does this happen, and what’s going on behind the scenes?

When you crash diet or follow overly restrictive plans, your body freaks out. It’s like a survival mode switch flips, and your metabolism slows down to conserve energy.

And when you inevitably give in to irresistible hunger and cravings (because, come on, who can resist chocolate forever?), your body stores those extra calories as fat, just in case the next famine hits. It’s a lose-lose situation that leaves you feeling defeated and frustrated.

Despite successfully losing the last 15 pounds for his wedding, co-author of The Ultimate Nutrition Bible, Matt Gallant’s aggressive approach led to chronic hunger and weight regain over two years. His hunger persisted until his weight returned to beyond its previous level.

Multiple studies confirm that when people yo-yo diet, they regain most or even more of their weight no matter what diet they follow.

Moreover, yo-yo dieting takes a toll on your mental health. You might beat yourself up for “failing” yet another diet. And the constant cycle of restriction and binging creates an unhealthy relationship with food. Your confidence takes a nosedive as you watch the number on the scale fluctuate like a yo-yo.

But here’s the real kicker: yo-yo dieting can mess with your body on a cellular level. It messes with your hormones, making it even harder to shed those pounds next time. So, it can even leave you worse off than if you never dieted.

People on yo-yo diets tend to have increased belly fat and triglyceride levels and become more insulin resistance.  All of these make the diet cycle even harder to break.

So, here’s the takeaway: yo-yo dieting isn’t just ineffective; it harms your physical and mental well-being. It’s time to break free from this cycle and discover a better way to nourish your body and soul. Not by giving up your goal of looking and feeling great for the rest of your life, but rather by abandoning short-term diet culture thinking for evidence-based long-term strategies.

The Ultimate Nutrition Bible Book
The Ultimate Nutrition Bible Book

After witnessing the diet industry shortfalls throughout their collective 60+ year careers as fitness professionals, Matt Gallant and Wade T. Lightheart decided to write The Ultimate Nutrition Bible, coming out Tuesday, September 26th, 2023.

They both have delivered epic transformations for hundreds of clients at all levels from morbidly obese and rehabbing addicts to physique competitors, professional athletes, and CEOs. Their evidence-based holistic approach considers things most diets ignore, such as personal nutritional needs, psychospiritual needs, nutrigenomics, gut flora, and even emotional traumas.

Although they’ve been best friends for 3 decades, Gallant started out as a keto devotee, while Lightheart is a lifelong vegan. They spent 15 years debating on whose diet is best until they realized that personalization truly is the key for anyone to long-term results on any diet.

No diet is best for everyone. Instead, choosing the right nutritional strategies for you, based on your current health status and goals, is a crucial piece.

The Ultimate Nutrition Bible distilled their collective wisdom, lessons from their mistakes and wins, and evidence-based findings from over 800 studies.

Here are some golden nuggets from the book:

1) Think Long-Term

You need to think long-term to find the right solution for your weight loss. Forget those quick fixes that promise to shed ten pounds in a week (because, spoiler alert, they WILL backfire in the long run). It’s all about shifting your perspective and making choices that set you up for success not just today but for a lifetime.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is going too aggressive with weight loss. You want results, and you want them fast, but that’s where you go wrong.

Extreme diets and drastic approaches activate the starvation survival mechanism in your body. It’s like your body’s way of saying, “Hey, I’m not getting enough food here! Time to slow down the metabolism, shut down reproductive functions, and store fat for the apocalypse.”

And let’s talk about those diets you don’t even enjoy. Why put yourself through the misery of eating foods you hate? The Ultimate Nutrition Bible encourages us to find a diet that we genuinely enjoy and can stick with. Spoiler alert: staying on track is much easier when savoring your meals.

So, think long-term, ditch the extreme approaches, and find a diet that sparks joy.

2) Ultimate Personalization

Okay, here’s where things get exciting. The Ultimate Nutrition Bible introduces you to the concept of ultimate personalization. It’s like having a tailor for your diet – no more one-size-fits-all nonsense.

In a world where no single diet fits everyone, the BiOptimizers Pyramid of Nutritional Decisions offers a roadmap to personalization. We’re all unique, with diverse physical, mental, and spiritual needs. This pyramid starts by honoring these individual aspects, providing a solid foundation for your personalized journey.

Next, you focus on your goals, whether it’s weight loss, muscle gain, increased energy, or overall well-being. The Ultimate Nutrition Bible unfolds the key diet optimizers to help you on your journey.

It begins with finding the right balance of calories and macros without obsessive counting. Nutrigenomics and your own health data become your guide, aligning your diet and supplements with what your body really needs.

Your gut microbiome takes center stage as you learn to support its health, while supplements provide additional nutritional support beyond food. Navigating food sensitivities, allergies, and intolerances empowers you to make choices that minimize food-related inflammation.

The ultimate goal is a sustainable diet tailored to you throughout your lifetime. So, if you’ve ever felt like diets don’t “work” for you, it’s time to embrace ultimate personalization and make your diet truly your own.

3) Diet Fail-Safe Strategies

the Ultimate Nutrition Bible Book with Reader

See also

Health tips

Alright, let’s talk about those moments when you’re THIS close to raiding the fridge and downing the whole ice cream bucket. We’ve all been there, right? The Ultimate Nutrition Bible has your back with a set of fail-safe strategies to keep you on track.

One strategy is to harness the power of dopamine for unparalleled success. By creating your personalized dopamine-driven reward loops, you can multiply your ability to achieve your goals and push yourself to superhuman levels of effort and endurance.

Another game-changer is to reframe your challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and wins. Instead of quitting when faced with weight loss plateaus or minor setbacks, embrace guidance to find your resilience and stay on course. This mindset shift allows you to extract valuable lessons from your experiences, even the ones that didn’t go as planned.

And let’s not forget shifting from self-judgment and shame to absolute self-acceptance. It’s a crucial step in breaking free from emotional eating and diet abandonment. Many individuals fall into a destructive cycle of self-criticism when they veer from their short-term goals, leading to a cascade of negative choices.

Embrace Matt’s journey, who transitioned from self-criticism to self-love, and recognize that beating yourself up offers no benefits. Instead, it’s time to focus on growth opportunities, lessons, gifts, and wins.

These are just a few examples of the strategies covered in the book, and there are many more where those came from. The key takeaway here is that it’s not about being perfect; it’s about having tools in your toolbox to navigate the challenges of dieting.

4) Always Having Post-Diet Goals and Plans

Alright, so what happens after you reach your goal weight? Spoiler alert: it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Too many people promptly revert to their old habits only to undo all their progress and then some. Gallant and Lightheart have tried-and-true solutions.

The Ultimate Nutrition Bible reminds us that it’s crucial to have post-diet goals and plans. It’s not just about reaching that magic number on the scale; it’s about what happens next. You need to shift your focus from losing weight to maintaining your progress and setting new goals.

Think about it like this: you’ve trained for a marathon, and once you cross the finish line, you don’t stop running, right? You set new goals, improving your time or conquering a more challenging race. The same principle applies to nutrition.

Post-diet goals keep us motivated and prevent us from slipping back into old habits. It’s about celebrating our achievements and leveling up for the next challenge.

The Ultimate Nutrition Bible guides you through creating a master plan based on your unique goals. You’ll learn about effective techniques like diet cycling, refeeds, and reverse dieting to bring your metabolism back to pre-diet levels.

Conclusion: Your Ultimate Nutrition Journey Starts Here

Ladies, if you’ve ever felt trapped in the diet industry’s web of deceit and yo-yo dieting, it’s time for a change. The Ultimate Nutrition Bible is here to rescue you from this vicious cycle and help you build a healthy, sustainable relationship with food.

This isn’t just another diet book; it’s a guide to a better way of living. It’s about:

  • Thinking long-term
  • Personalizing your nutrition
  • Having fail-safe mental and nutritional strategies in place
  • Setting the right goals and having after-goal plans

Ready to quit the diet spinning wheels for good? Check out The Ultimate Nutrition Bible book and the accompanying course here. It’s time to slay that nutrition game and ditch the diet industry’s nonsense for good. Take control of your nutrition journey and live your best, healthiest life.


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  2. Quinn DM, Puhl RM, Reinka MA. Trying again (and again): Weight cycling and depressive symptoms in U.S. adults. PLoS One. 2020;15(9):e0239004. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0239004
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