My FAI Journey – 2 Weeks Post Hip Surgery Tips and Lessons Learned – Jersey Girl Talk

My FAI Journey – 2 Weeks Post Hip Surgery Tips and Lessons Learned – Jersey Girl Talk

My FAI Journey – 2 Weeks Post Hip Surgery Tips and Lessons Learned – Jersey Girl Talk

Hi Everyone! I cannot believe that today, Wednesday June 27, marks 2 weeks since I went in for FAI Hip Surgery to repair a torn labrum, as well as a cam and pincer bone impingement. So much has happened in these last 14 days that I wanted to share with you, especially those of you who may be considering having hip surgery for a torn labrum in the future. I have done my best to write down how I was feeling each day after surgery for the first two weeks, taking photos and videos to recap this recovery period. They say the first few weeks post surgery are the most important and crucial to your long term recovery, so I’ve learned a TON going through this process; both what I shouldn’t have done and things I would recommend doing. Overall I will say I am so happy to be on the other side, to have this part of my journey behind me and moving closer every day to a life of health, happiness and being pain free!

The Backstory and Other Posts

In this post I will not go into much of the lead up to surgery, or the operation itself and first 24 hours since I have already covered that in previous posts. This post will focus on what you can expect day by day as you go into the first 2 weeks post surgery. If you’d like to read the other blog posts all about My FAI Journey I have listed them below:

  • My FAI Journey Begins – the entire backstory on what got me to the point of surgery (LINK)

Overall Thoughts on First Two Weeks

This is a quick summary of what I have learned and how the first two weeks have been collectively. At a high level, it has been exactly what I had expected and nothing that I was not expecting. Much of the research I did prior to surgery was a lot of medical speak, so I had to dig hard to find real people’s stories. Much of the time people didn’t go into depth day to day, so my best way to prepare for post surgery was remembering what my husband, John, went through when he had a torn labrum on his left hip a few years ago. I remembered his recovery, how much it hurt those first few days, how difficult it was to do basic things like go to the bathroom alone, get off the couch, get in and out of the car, etc. I remembered his work on the CPM machine and also just how tired he was. I used a lot of that experience caring for him after he had it done to remind myself that I can get through it too.

I can’t stress this enough, hire a house cleaning company or a house keeper to do a deep clean of your home BEFORE your surgery. It is going to be so difficult to clean in the weeks after surgery and you also need your home to be sanitary while healing. I used a great company called nacleco who are based in norther new jersey. They came and did a deep clean on my apartment and it was such a relief, and treat, to not worry about maintaining my house while in recovery. We still use them to this day and they are a great cleaning company in New Jersey.

Keeping in mind, everyone recovers differently. Everyone’s doctor has a different protocol for rehab and equipment, etc. It was really helpful though to go back in time to remember those tips and tricks from his surgery. When you read other people’s stories remember that everyone heals at different times, how healthy and strong you are before surgery helps you get back up and moving faster and I believe what you eat and the environment you are in also impacts how fast you get back to ‘normalcy’.

Recovery from FAI surgery is a 4-6 month journey, so don’t expect it to be in one month and you will feel good for a few days, then feel pain again, then feel great, then feel clicking and popping, so don’t get discouraged if it isn’t always smooth sailing – it’s not all uphill after surgery that’s for sure! I am just very surprised how quickly I have bounced back post surgery in only two weeks and am already starting to go down to one crutch at the 2 week mark!

Week 1 Post Surgery Diary

Wednesday June 13 – Surgery Day

A lot of this is covered in my post above all about the operation but overall the first day is a bit of a blur. I was still coming off of the anesthesia and had very little appetite. My entire lower body felt so heavy, swollen and sore. I was so puffy from all the IV fluids they gave me, I had a massive bandage on my hip which made clothes so difficult to wear that I put on my husbands large sweats instead. I lived with my ice machine on my couch and was still extremely cold.

I had compression socks on, a boot on my feet, had some chicken broth soup and did the CPM machine for a bit while I still had the nerve block allowing me to feel less pain. Took valium to help with muscle spasms and slept on the couch, which is where I slept the first 2 weeks. Surgery was 2 hours and included another 2 hours of post op until I was allowed to go home. Had bad dry mouth, sore throat and couldn’t lift my leg on my own up and off the couch and had trouble sitting up and down but could go to the bathroom on my own (yay!) Used a walker instead of crutches because they kept banging into my bandage and the walker just felt much more stable and sturdy. I made it out okay!

Thursday June 14 – Day #1

Woke up very sore and leg felt like lead. Still very puffy from all the fluids and at the same time felt very dehydrated. Slept okay and continued to use the CPM machine for a few hours. Pain was stronger the day after since the nerve block has worn off. Icing helps but it is kinda of pointless since the bandage is so bulky. My right calf (operated leg) is very sore and achy from putting pressure only on my toe when walking. I was nervous this meant I had a blood clot but I didn’t. Took my temperature a few times to ensure I had no fever or infection and was normal.

Throat is feeling better and hot soup broth makes it feel good as well as lozenges. Spent most of the day on the couch again. Arms are sore and back form putting some much weight in upper body on walker. Sleeping sitting up on couch sucks but manageable. Put on soft shorts to do CPM machine and was easier to move. Still have massive bandage. Lack of appetite again so made coffee and some soup.

Ordered meals to be delivered to make it easy for hubby to eat and me as well with some healthy snacks form Got a bit nauseous today with pain medicine so made sure to eat when taking any. Also taking Celebrex in AM & PM, aspirin and anti nausea medicine. A lot of icing today and resting off the medicines and realizing I need help to do basic things.

Friday June 15 – Day #2

Transitioning between my walker and crutches to get the hang of crutches. They are much less stable but the walker takes up a lot of room and makes so much noise. Arms are sore but getting used to partial weight bearing. Thank god I have a strong upper body to keep me mobile around the apartment on crutches. Feeling very sore inside my hip and slight movements I see stars.

Today I got to shower – yay! Took off the massive bandage which had blood on it, but that is normal. Put my shower stool in the shower and that was amazing.

Hot shower felt good and got to see my incisions for the first time – I only have TWO! My husband had 3 so I am so thankful I have only two. My leg is super swollen, and the side of my leg feels very numb, almost like Novocain on your face after dental work. That is normal the doctor said as nerves were likely impacted.

Tender to touch leg and around incision area, but just let soap and water run over them. Take a long shower, put new bandaids on and head back to couch to veg, rest and watch Netflix. Ice works so much better now that I don’t have massive bandage on and do that a lot today to remove swelling. Still taking pain medicine to help with break through pain. Still using compression socks to prevent clots. Moving around is a bit easier to do on crutches. Have belly ache from pain medicine so adding back in probiotics. Feels good to have that massive bandage off. Kombucha has helped a ton too – so many medicines that my body and belly are not happy with me.

Saturday June 16 – Day #3

Using some aromatherapy like eucalyptus and lavender to give me energy and help me to relax to go to sleep. Also loving the Mario Badescu aloe spray for my face to keep me feeling refreshed. My table tray has been amazing to have everything in arm’s reach once I sit down to rest. Overall my body aches, and my back and behind from sitting so much. I work to get up as much as I can to walk a bit and let the blood go down my body, and the fluids. You can’t sit for too long since you want to avoid getting any blood clots!

Leg is swollen, but my right foot is really swollen. It is sore and tender and was scared I had a blood clot. I called the doctor and left a message, he called and said it all sounds normal. I was shocked at first to see my foot was swollen, but it makes sense. I had so much medication and fluids pumped into me during surgery, and the inflammation and swelling travels down. Nothing hurt but my right side just felt super bloated, puffy and uncomfortable. If you do feel pain in my calves though call your doctor, it could be a blood clot. This is also why wearing compression socks is very important and I work thigh high ones most of the time the first few days

Doing CPM daily and my dog is the cutest. She just sits and lays with me while I do my daily routine on there. I tend to just sit and read or check my phone while on the machine.

Keeping an eye on my foot for next few days to see if swelling goes down. Using a bag of frozen peas and carrots to ice the inside of my thigh/groin which is hurting, as well as my ice pad.

Showering daily now that I am allowed and loving it. Removing band aids and reapplying them sucks and my skin is getting irritated and raw. Must find new pack of band aids. I think it ripped off so much skin its now red and tender.

Made homemade soup and loving soup so much. Eating berries each night as a treat and to get in more fiber. Starting to take my multivitamin again. I don’t have a huge appetite but I have to eat to take medicine. Soup and yogurt bowls have been my favorite.

Tried out new compression socks today that are not thigh highs or as tight. My dog also came home today which was not ideal, but no one could watch her any longer but she was very good and hyper aware of my injury, almost like she could sense it or smell it. She won’t leave my side and sleeps with me on the couch

Sunday June 17 – Day #4

I have been trying to sleep in everyday and wake up at like 7am. I wish I could get more sleep, sleep through, the night but I wake up a lot and am up for awhile until I get back to sleep.

Feet are still slightly swollen but going down. Sitting out on the balcony feels nice to have fresh air. Moved over to two crutches and ditched the walker completely. Using ice machine a lot and so glad I have one but reloading it is annoying. Still very little appetite and think I’ve lost a few pounds already.

Still very swollen and sore inside and limited range of motion. Can get legs up and off couch on my own but socks and shoes are really hard to do and painful to try to do. Relaxing today, doing some light cleaning in the kitchen but nothing crazy. Going to consider hiring cleaning service to come in a week to do deep cleaning since I can’t bend or scrub things. Also did a fun spa day for myself using some face masks from Freeman Beauty to not feel like such a slob.

Monday June 18 – Day #5

Felt like I was able to go back online for work today, been checking in periodically last few days but always so tired and light headed. Today the leg swelling and feet had me nervous again, doctor wanted to double check it wasn’t clots. It’s not, and is expected to be this swollen so I need to rest more and get off my feet since I’ve been up and walking too much.

Didn’t do CPM last 2 days, been so tired and swollen and sore. Doing ice everyday though and showering everyday. Love my rotating shower stool to allow me to spin around easily and not have to try to stand up!

Gram stopped by with uncle and brought us a ton of homemade food which was amazing and I’ve been loving her eggplant rollantini a ton! She also made me some homemade soup and it’s been great to have visitors though I don’t want many sine I am still so tired and want to just rest. Drinking kombucha to keep belly happy.

Tuesday June 19 – Day #6

Pretty uneventful day, a lot of the same feelings but slowly getting less pain when lifting legs, but range of motion is so limited. Physical Therapy was booked when I called so I can’t start until Thursday. I wanted to do 5-6 days after surgery but they can’t squeeze me in.

Decide to give CPM another go and my dog is so sweet with me on it and likes to come and lay with me on it. She knows mommy doesn’t feel well.

Still reapplying bandaids after every shower and my skin is raw so I try to find a way to get new bandaids. Tomorrow we may venture out to CVS to get new ones.

Reading books is hard because I can’t concentrate and am so tired. TV is much better and try to nap when I can to rest, but doing work now from home so taking calls and resting in between. Set myself up on the floor so I can work and do my exercises at the same time which is comfortable

Wednesday June 20 – Day #7 (1 week after surgery)

Feels like the first week was a total blur. A lot of pain, swelling, soreness, medication, milestones and learning to listen to my body. Most of everything I felt I expected and just trying not to overdo it, but I have a hard time sitting still. Still using my machine daily.

Living on soup and tiny meals, not very hungry at all. Sleeping decent on the couch but I miss my bed. Looking forward to physical therapy and getting active in my hip again. No pain in my back thank god, side is still numb and foot is no longer swollen!

I can’t believe this time a week ago I was having surgery, time flies. Also my work team sent me some Edible Arrangements and we ate all the fruit, was so good! I miss doing my usual tasks, going to work or gym, cooking, etc but I have to learn to just let myself heal!

Every day I feel like I’m getting stronger and able to lift my legs a little bit more but it’s still very challenging to do basic movements like wash the bottom of your feet are put on socks

Week 2 Post Surgery Diary

Thursday June 21 – Day #8

Today is my first time of physical therapy. I have it in the afternoon and have to go early to fill out paperwork. I am excited to get out of the house and into the real world again! I met my trainer, Paul, and we spent most of the time doing interview questions and discussing my surgery, the plan, etc. I had to take an uber to my appointment since I cannot possibly walk there or drive myself.

We walked around the gym on crutches and I used a scale to understand how much pressure I can start to put on my operated leg. I can put up to 50% weight on my feet so about 55lbs. I am also instructed to walk with a “heel to toe” approach to get the muscles firing. We do some stretches where he moves my leg in ways I haven’t done in a week and it is painful, awkward and slightly uncomfortable but good to see my range of motion limits. Tells me I can do some of these exercises at home and I have “homework” as well.

I can also start to do the bike if I feel comfortable but nothing past 90 degrees. I am still very swollen in my leg and have soreness and pain in the groin area. Still on both crutches. Finished watching The Staircase on Netflix which was awesome and now moving on to The Keepers.

Friday June 22 – Day #9

Decided to go to my home gym for the first time to get back into a routine/rhythm. Walked over there with my crutches and felt good to be back in there! Did the stationary bike and it felt awkward, took my time and after I warmed up for a few minutes it felt very good. I did around 15 minutes.

Did my PT Homework exercises with just my body and some abs to keep my core strong which helps to take the load off your injured leg. Felt very dehydrated and not drinking enough water. Leg still feels numb on the side. Overall was good to get moving again today!

Here are some of my thoughts regarding how you should think about going back to the gym and definitely what it’s going to be like starting from scratch.

Saturday June 23 – Day #10

Went back to my home gym today and the bike is my new best friend. It felt even better today to keep it moving and the motion was comfortable. I also did my homework exercises again but with a very light  resistance DynaPro band (use link and code JGT20OFF to get 20% off all dynapro products) to help with hip flexor activation. I also did some upper body exercises with the band to keep my arms and back strong while still using crutches.

Palms hurt from putting the pressure through my hands on the crutches. Hubby went out with the guys so it gave me time to catch up on some Netflix and relax. Tried to take some naps and ice my leg a lot today.

Sunday June 24 – Day #11

Slept in, finally! Woke up around 10:30 which was so nice.  Haven’t invited anyone over to visit other than family because I’m always so tired. Friends have been amazing checking in all week which is so nice! Bought some Airbone to help with immune system, woke up feeling like I had a bit of a cold. It also has probiotic in it which is good for belly. No more stomach aches from medicine which is good.

Went to the gym later in the day to do just the bike and that was it. Did about 30 minutes this time and it felt awesome, minus butt going numb on the seat.

Finally we went to the store and I got new bandaids, thank God. No more raw skin I hope, these are working out much better. I can’t wait to be off crutches and have my stitches out. Hip is starting to hurt inside the hip joint in the front. It almost feels like it wants to pop out of place or snap into place. The inside just feels “off” and uncomfortable and I feel like maybe I did too much that first week and am nervous. I was doing so well and feel like I’m going backwards a bit.

Monday June 25 – Day #12

Ordered more EatCleanBro meals because doing any cooking and cleaning has been tough. I did it a few days and I just felt like I paid for it later, so less time in the kitchen is better for me.

Still very sore in front and having weird feeling inside the hip joint. Still sleeping on the couch and did my CPM for the last time. Tomorrow is my post op visit and after that I don’t have to use that machine anymore! Nervous that I have this new soreness and pain in my front groin area, hoping I didn’t do any damage.

Still on crutches but dropping down to one in the kitchen or in small spaces since I feel like I can put some weight on my operated leg and just getting so frustrated using two.

Tuesday June 26 – Day #13

Post Op appointment day! My appointment was at 1pm and we had to drive almost an hour to get there. I did not feel comfortable driving and sitting that long in the car and my hip was burning and painful. Still using both crutches when walking around and I get tired when walking on them a lot outside of the house.

We removed the stitches which felt weird, but they come out easily an then steri strips were put on. Doctor says they are healing nicely and can those strips can come off on Saturday unless they fall off on their own before then. I can start to use Vitamin E or any scar cream after that if I like.

Got to look at the images of my surgery and inside of hip. Turns out I not only had a torn labrum repair and pincer bone impingement but also had to have a cam impingement shaved down as well called a femoroplasty. My labrum looked like shredded cheese! They fixed the labrum and then anchored it back the acetabular rim with 2 anchors. Doctor did some ROM (range of motion) exercises which felt uncomfortable, pushing my leg in different directions but he said I can start to do more at PT.

No gym today since I have PT at night time and we did a lot more this time with exercises. I did some calf stretches, hamstring stretches, leg raises, chair squats, bike and then exercises where I push and pull against my trainer to activate the muscles. I ice as soon as I get home and take a shower because I know I will be sore. Still working from home and drove myself a few blocks to PT, felt fine to do it but very awkward. I am no where near ready to drive far distance.

Wednesday June 27 – Day #14 (2 weeks after surgery)

I can’t believe it’s been two weeks already. It’s been a roller coaster but I am glad that is all behind me. I am on crutches for one more week, but can drop down to one whenever I feel comfortable. I can drive to the grocery store and do small trips alone and use the crutch to walk around. People are so nice when they see you on crutches, why can’t they always be that nice?!

I feel like I’ve lose weight in the last two weeks but haven’t weighed myself. I know I am holding on to fluids a bit and still swollen. My leg still feels a bit numb on the side but coming back more each day. My incisions hurt more than before, maybe now that the stitches are out, or from all the PT and stretches yesterday. Living on the bike.

I slept in my bed for the first time last night! I tried to sleep in my normal position prior to surgery on my right side (operated leg) but it felt like it was too much pressure and hurt and burned. Slept on my back and woke up with back pain but likely due to the flat position I have not done in two weeks. Was so nice to be back in a bed though with my hubby and dog. I slept very well did some basic stretched before getting out of bed.

Much easier to put on clothes, shoes and socks since PT and did the bike for 35 minutes today at home. Using 1 crutch when possible still but not ready to do no crutches. CPM machine got picked up today so that is gone, but keeping my ice machine one more week as a rental. Appetite is still not great, but going to work on eating more to stay strong and healthy. I miss taking a bath but shower is okay with stool. Did some light laundry today which was not too bad and getting around the house is much easier.

At the end of the two week mark top 10 things I have learned

  1. You don’t realize how much you use your hips to do everyday activities until you can’t use it comfortably anymore; like tying your own shoes or putting pants on or taking them off!
  2. I am so glad that I am relatively fit and strong year round, otherwise I can’t imagine how hard it would be to go through a procedure like this especially using your upper body so much to be on crutches and not bear all your weight
  3. If you are a “do-er” all the time around the house, this will be mentally challenging. I wanted to get back to cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc way too fast. I couldn’t just rest and relax most of the time and had to program my mind to just “let it go til later”
  4. Hire someone to come and do a deep house cleaning at the 2 week mark. We have a team of two ladies coming to do the stuff I simply refuse to try doing while healing (scrubbing the bath, getting on hands and knees, etc).
  5. Even if you have a strong stomach for blood and stuff, seeing your own body with incisions and swollen will make you ill. I almost fainted when I had to look at it the first few times
  6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Even if you think you are annoying people, if they love you they are more than happy to be there for you
  7. Enjoy the time being in sweats with no makeup and just vegging out. It was nice to not have to get dressed each day and my skin was actually really clear due to lack of stress and keeping up with my night time skin cleansing routine (I also started to use coconut oil on my skin around my incision to remove the goo from the bandages and it made my legs super soft! I started to use it more on my face at night and it was so clear!)
  8. My two favorite items to have were my rotating shower stool and side table. Without them life would be so challenging
  9. Take things day by day and have little milestones. Don’t expect too much too quick and be patient with your body
  10. Being able to walk without crutches and drive a car are things I will never take for granted again. You will get frustrated with being limited to what you can do, but it is all for your best interest.

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arothogram, back pain, cam impingement, dr. hunt, fai, femoroplasty, femuroplasty, fitness, glutes, hip, hip pain, hip surgery, hip tear, hips, impingement, injection, injuriies, injury, labral, labral tear, labral tears, labrum, labrum recovery, lower, lower back, lower back pain, mri, needle, orthopedic, orthoscopic, outpatient, pain, pain top of hip, painful, pincer bone, pincer hip, pincher hip, scan, sciatic, sciatica, surgery, tear, tears, tendonitis, tendonopothy, torn labrum


The writer and creator of – a blog dedicated to inspiring and helping readers to feel and look their very best both inside and out. I love writing, photography, makeup, fashion and fitness.


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