How to Reduce High Blood Pressure with Exercise

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure with Exercise

When a member asked me “What can I do with exercise to lower my blood pressure Trina, my doctor told me it’s too high, ” it reminded me how vital it is to prioritize our health, read my serious health story here. This will help keep your blood pressure in check so you can avoid future problems. Here are actionable steps that you can take now to keep blood pressure healthy through exercise and movement.

Lower your Blood Pressure with Exercise

#1 Write down your Why

Reflect on what motivated you to want a healthier lifestyle. Is it to have more energy, reduce stress or prevent future health issues. Write down your reasons why and keep them visible.  This serves as a powerful reminder on days when you lack motivation. Ask yourself:

How do you feel emotionally and physically when your blood pressure is high?

What activities do you miss or are not committing because of your current health?

How would a healthier lifestyle positively impact your life and relationships?

#2 Commit to Movement

Find exercise and movement that you like.  Here are some to consider:

1) Walk: Commit 10 to 30 minutes per day.  It doesn’t have to be all at once.  Track your walks to stay motivated. Trina’s Tidbit: march in place every time you are on social media and watch your steps add up!

2) Dance: Play your favourite songs and dance like nobody is watching for 10 minutes.

4) Group Fitness classes: Try a free online class with us, or sign up for private and group training

5) At Home Workouts: Check out our replay videos for At Home Workouts. Start with 15 minute class, everything adds up.

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure with Exercise

#3 Put it in your calendar

Schedule workouts like your most important appointments.  Consistency is the key to managing your health.  Here are some scheduling tidbits.

1) Set days and times: Be specific and block time in your calendar for exercise and treat it as a non-negotiable commitment.

2) Create a Routine: If possible, exercise at the same time daily to build a habit.  We ask our members for this commitment when they join classes.

3) Track it: Keep a journal or track with an app to record your workouts.  Celebrating small wins keeps you motivated.

Trina’s Additional Tidbits

Try a free online class with us, or sign up for private and group training.

Check out our replay videos for At Home Workouts. Start with 15 minute class, everything adds up.

Incorporate Strength Training:  We do this in all classes and super focus on this in small group training, here.

Hydrate properly:  This is key to overall health, click here for 5 Tips to Drink more water.

Listen to your body: Don’t push too hard, too fast.  Be kind to yourself.

Before You Go!

Join the inspiration and conversation on Facebook, Instagram and join Trina’s Weekly Tidbits here.  As always, thanks for reading xo

Trina Medves 



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