12 pound weight loss, 9.5 inches and I’m finally confident

12 pound weight loss, 9.5 inches and I’m finally confident

Patricia lost 9.5 inches, weight loss of 12.4 pounds and more than 6% body fat all during a struggle with perimenopause. “I gained so much confidence in myself and I am able to reframe my thoughts from negative to positive. My new favourite saying is “I don’t do that anymore” I’m no longer afraid of trying something new.”  Patricia has transformed into a confident athlete and leader. She found success in small Group Training and in Studio classes.

Weight loss, confidence and definition in my arms!

What programs have you found success in?

I found success in Trina’s small Group Training and In Studio classes.

When and why did you join Fit4Females?

I became a Fit4Females member in 2011 and rejoined in 2022 to become stronger, gain more energy, eat healthier, lose weight, build muscle mass, and gain confidence.

What made you stick with us?

From the moment you walk into a class with Trina, her team, and the members, you feel so welcome, like you are family. I love how every class is different and you are always given a modification if one is needed.

12 pound weight loss, 9.5 inches and I’m finally confident

What specific results have you seen since working with Fit4Females?

I have gained so much confidence in myself. I am able to reframe my thoughts to be positive. My new favourite saying is “I don’t do that anymore” I’m no longer afraid of trying something new.”

I am happier, stronger, and have definition in my arms, which I get complimented on all the time. Like Trina says “I am the new Patricia 2.0.”

Her Fit4Females tank top no longer fits, so we gave her a new one!

What do you love about Fit4Females and the Team Leaders?

I love the energy that each Team Leader brings to every class. Trina is so knowledgeable and will always have an answer for you. The Team Leaders are always around to help when you need them.

What has Fit4Females done to go above and beyond?

When I started my journey in perimenopause, I had a very rough two months. Trina was by my side every step of the way. Checking in on me, giving me positive encouragement and she would always tell me “this is just a phase, it will pass.” If it wasn’t for Trina, I would have given up on myself.

Brag about your wins, big and small!

Being able to row my PB (personal best), hip thrusters, flipping a tire, rowing and dead hangs. Who would have thought I would be able to do all of these and more!
I have gotten so many compliments on the muscle mass I have gained.


What would you tell another woman who is nervous to join?

Just do it, go for it, it will change your life! The community of women you meet at Fit4Females and become friends with is amazing.

Share your best “make it happen” Fit tip

Don’t wait any longer, do it. You won’t regret it. Make yourself a priority!

What do you want to accomplish in the next 90 days?

I have been working on a goal, to move more. I sit at a desk all day and now have a timer set for every hour to get up and walk around the office. It has made such a difference in how my body feels after a long work day.

I want you to know this!

Joining Fit4Females is the best thing I have done. Trina has become such an important part of my life. She has thought me the discipline I need to work harder and accomplish my goals. No one could top her as MY coach.

Trina’s Tidbits

More than the weight loss, Patricia went from low confidence to pushing hard, crushing goals she never thought were possible and inspiring our Members as a Leader herself. Leave a comment below for Patricia. Transformations from the inside out are long lasting. We can’t wait for your health journey to start with us. Her transformation is more than just weight and inches loss. Her confident stance is so powerful and translates to every aspect of her life.

Trina Medves


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