Exercise For Fertility – Getting Strong

Exercise For Fertility – Getting Strong

In the last part of our 3-part series on fertility, we’ll be chatting about exercise and how it might affect your fertility. Regardless of if you’re trying to get pregnant or not, exercise is an important piece of our overall health. According to the American Heart Association, it’s recommended for adults to 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity, or a combination of both, preferably spread throughout the week.

Mindset is Everything

So often when embarking on a healthier lifestyle, people adopt the “all or nothing” mindset. Working out 24/7 and never resting will not help you reach your goals, trying to conceive or not. This is especially true when trying to conceive. If you’re working out 24/7, then your body is in a constant state of trying to recover, which causes stress on your body, especially when trying to conceive. Consider shifting your mindset to focusing on daily movement, not necessarily the hardest workout you can do. There are times in your life where less is more and when trying to conceive can be one of those times. Remember, movement is loving your body, not punishing it.

Exercise & Your Cycle

There are 4 phases of your cycle, and with that your body has different needs during those times. Consider cycling your exercise with those phases. We want our energy to go towards your reproductive system while trying to conceive, so keeping exercise light and according to your cycle, more energy can be spent on your reproductive system vs. your visceral system. Plus, excessive exercise can cause you cortisol levels to rise. Keep in mind that too much high-intensity training mixed with other life stressors can end up messing with your cycle as well. Consider incorporating HIIT style training just 2-3 times per week according to your cycle.

Watch the full video with Elizabeth King, a certified international fertility coach, watch below!

Types of Exercise During Cycle Phases

  • Menstrual Phase: mostly rest, but nothing too intense. Consider walking, yoga, or stretching
  • Follicular Phase: HIIT training, strength training, and running
  • Ovulatory Phase: continue higher-intensity workouts like HIIT, strength training or running
  • Luteal Phase: can continue higher-intensity workouts. Keep in mind your energy levels might decrease as you get closer to your menstrual phase again

Your body needs to rest and recover and you’re the only one that knows exactly what your body needs. Listen to it, nourish it, and remember to love your body at every stage. If you’re looking for a safe and effective plan to follow from pre-pregnancy to postpartum, check out our Knocked-Up Fitness and Wellness Program.

Exercise For Fertility – Getting Strong


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