Recipe by a Known doctor to how to detoxify your body

Recipe by a Known doctor to how to detoxify your body

Doctor Victoria Semya is a renowned natural healing expert, and on this occasion she shared her recipe for radical cleaning of the gut.

According to her words, he is so strong and so well throws away the toxins of the body, that with regular consumption you can even prevent cancer.

The key is that most of the toxins are in the intestines, and because of these toxins in the body develop malignant diseases.


  • – 500 gr. carrots
  • 500 gr. beets
  • Hand dried apricots
  • Hand raisins
  • Spoon honey


Finely chop the vegetables and place them in an undamaged enameled pot. Pour boiling water so that it will be two fingers above the vegetables. Add a handful of chopped dried apricots and raisins on one hand. Place the pot on fire for the water to boil. As soon as it boils, remove the pot from the cooking zone.

When it cools a little, add one tablespoon of honey and let stand for 12 hours in a cool and dry place. Then the liquid was well evaluated. Drink the liquid, and the rest can be used in preparing the meal. Keep it in the refrigerator.


This amount will suffice for you in two days. Drink it half a glass (1-1.5 dl) three times a day before a meal.

When cleansing the intestines this recipe should be consumed for a month. Then, the intestines will be as reversed. This drink is useful for treating cancer, but also for cancer prevention.

For the best effect of this natural remedy, it would be ideal for all ingredients to be of organic origin.

Disclaimer: does not guarantee any specific results as a result of the procedures mentioned here and the results may vary from person to person. The topics in these pages including text, graphics, videos and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice.

Originally posted 2017-08-26 14:09:49.

Post Views: 2,760


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