Tips To Stay Healthy During This Holiday Season

Tips To Stay Healthy During This Holiday Season

Tips To Stay Healthy During This Holiday Season

With the COVID-19 pandemic and flu season approaching, it is important for everyone to take precautions and follow all guidelines established by state and local authorities. In compliance with Governor Brown’s most recent pause order, the gym will be temporarily closed until December 16th.  We will still be offering Virtual Classes, Virtual Personal Training, Outdoor Personal Training, Massage and Esthetician Services… all by appointment only. At NW Women’s Fitness, your health is our highest priority.

For more information about the temporarily close, please visit our website.

For many people, the holidays represent a time of year when they can relax and let themselves go a bit. However, with some minor adjustments in your habits, you can remain healthy while at the same time enjoy a few of your favorite indulgences. You do not want to experience a decrease in overall health that can extend beyond the holiday season.

Here are some great ways you can stay healthy during the upcoming holiday season:

  • Exercise is Essential: Staying in shape is another option to staying healthy this winter season. Keeping your body in tip-top shape is the best way to ensure that you are always at your best. For a strong immune system, try a balanced program with cardio vascular exercise combined with appropriate strength training.
  • Eat Healthy Foods: Practice the 80% rule — 80% of your diet should be based on balanced nutrition, with no more than 20% giving in to unhealthy holiday foods and drinks. We know it can be hard to eat healthy when you attend different holiday parties and dinners, but there are always options to limit yourself. With many delicious pumpkin spice and peppermint sweets at the table, it is important you limit your sugar intake. For example, you can opt for a piece of fruit instead of a second piece of pie.
  • Drink Plenty of Water: It is recommended that you drink half your body weight (pounds to ounces of water). Being sufficiently hydrated is crucial to staying healthy and maintaining the function of every system in your body, including your heart, brain, and muscles. Fluids carry nutrients to your cells, help to control blood pressure, and can even improve the appearance of your skin.
  • Practice Social Distancing: Staying at least 6 feet from other people in public will help stop the spread of COVID-19. To help limit numbers in the gym, we have been offering virtual group fitness classes and on-demand videos since March. We will continue to add content to these offerings throughout the season so you can stay healthy!
  • Wear a Mask: Your mask should cover your nose and mouth to prevent the virus and flu from spreading. When you sneeze and cough, covering your nose and mouth is essential so that germs are not passed on to those around you. At NW Women’s Fitness, we are committed to the safety of our members and staff. During the temporary pause, we will continue to ensure all employees and members wear face masks when entering the club for their massage and esthetician appointments.
  • Clean Surfaces: Bacteria can fester on a surface for days. Ensuring you clean all surfaces that are regularly touched is important. We continue to deeply sanitize and clean the club every evening and mid-day for safety. Frequent hand washing is also recommended.

Looking to stay fit, healthy and at your best this holiday season? Learn more about our Virtual Only Membership, Massage and Personal Training Sale and our Sunday Spa Day special and NEW Esthetic (Facial & Waxing) Services.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us. The gym, of course, will be closed and therefore not answering our phones. You can reach us via email or



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