We’re not even 6 months into 2020 yet so much has happened.

This year, humanity has learned a lot about Covid-19, and many of us have had to adjust our daily lives 

to deal with the consequences. For many, it hasn’t been an easy adjustment, though it has hit home for a lot

of us in many ways. In the midst of a pandemic, people all over the world have experienced a plethora of emotions such as fear, anxiety and sadness.

Covid-19 has also turned out to be the great equalizer because it does not discriminate. It doesn’t care about your social status, race, creed, color or appearance.

This brings me to the concept of unity. In addition to Covid-19, we watch thousands of people protesting and coming together in the streets around the globe. People of all ethnic backgrounds are fighting against social injustice, systemic racism and police brutality. Voices are being heard amongst a sea of signs denouncing

racism, injustice and supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. One sign that I saw said “All lives won’t matter until black lives matter” because collectively we are ALL. We all watched in horror as we saw an unarmed, handcuffed African American man suffocated to death at the hands of a Caucasian police officer in

broad daylight. We were exposed to the video repeatedly via social media and the news.The unity that we’ve seen

afterwards has been beautiful, and the majority of the protest have been peaceful. Though, outsiders have also joined in, introducing looting, violence and negativity for their own agendas. Overall, most of us have been experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions and I’m here to tell that it’s okay and it’s perfectly normal. It’s great to stay informed. In fact, it’s important to be aware of what’s going on around you. However, it is important to recognize when you are being consumed by it, as it can cause you a great deal of stress and depression which can affect other areas of your life and may lead to additional problems.

Here are some helpful stress relieving tips that may help you take care of your mental health during this time:

1.) Go for a walk, run or bike ride. Cardiorespiratory activities are an important part of your physical well being and experiencing the beauty of nature can help with overall relaxation.

2.) Limit your time watching the news. Instead, watch a feel-good comedy.

laughing is good for the soul.

3.) Take a break from social media. (Social media is designed to keep you scrolling through posts and 

deeply engaged!)

4.) Make a list of all of the things going well in your life! Keep a journal. Write about all the things you are grateful for. Gratitude and a positive mindset are key.

These are just a few tips to help you through this time. 2020 has been an interesting year so far, but it’s not over yet! Keep positive, Keep hopeful, and keep healthy!


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