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Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash
I hosted a podcast called Health Matters where I interviewed leading health experts. Jennifer Waddle is an author, speaker, and musician for Women’s Ministry. Her passion is to encourage women everywhere — in faith and in life. You can learn more about Jennifer at her website.
What does it mean to have all your ducks in a row?
“Well first, let me be very upfront about one thing: I do not have all of my ducks in a row. In fact, I am far from it. But you know, I really want to have them all in a row, especially under God’s divine order.
“I read an article, a very interesting article, about the life of ducks. I read that whenever a duckling is hatched whatever creature it sees first becomes its imprint. And that is the creature he will follow, sometimes over his own mother.
“So it got me thinking that when I came to know the Lord Jesus as my Saviour, He became my divine imprint, my first love, the one that I want to follow in life. Prioritize your life and get all your ducks in a row by following the imprint of God.
How can women find order in their lives when they are pulled in all kinds of different directions?
“You know that’s really tough, it’s tough for everyone. If you were to list all the roles that you play in life such as wife and mom and grandmother, sister, friend, neighbour, etc. that list can get really long and we can really feel overwhelmed.
“I think a lot of us go through life with our priorities out of line. So I really want to encourage women to get back to the basics and get back to starting their day with God, His Word and just listening to Him to see what He would have for their lives that day. It’s sort of a day-by-day thing.
Why is it so important to begin the day with God?
“I have a lot of friends, people I know, who have their best Bible study time in the evening and that’s fantastic, wonderful, and I think everyone should continue that.
“However, if we could just set aside those first few moments of the day to open up the Word, even to the Psalms. That’s my favorite place to go when I’m not sure what to read and just take it in and be silent before God.
“And maybe even to present our to-do list before Him and wait in expectation of what He might tell us to change on that to-do list or what He might prompt our heart to do that day. That might be different than what we thought we would do. That’s the importance of starting our day with God, even if it’s just a few minutes.
Is it possible to have all our ducks in a row and still not be living under God’s imprint?
“You know I really do think that is possible and what I have found in my own life is that when I am striving in my own flesh and in my own strength things can look pretty good on the outside but, boy I tell you, I’m usually a big mess on the inside.
“Because I’ve lost my focus and been distracted from what is truly important in life. And often it’s our relationships, not only with God but with other people that get all mixed up when we’re too orderly with things that people see on the outside.
“I just decided that it’s more important for me to be the girl that God made me to be even when nobody is looking. I think that’s really important in getting all our ducks in a row.
“And I do want to say, again, that I do not have all my ducks in a row all of the time, however, there is so much grace that God gives in that especially when we’re seeking to live our lives according to His will and not our own.”
Since talking with Jennifer, I’ve taken the time to start every day with reading my Bible. I read one page while drinking my coffee before I leave for work.
Although the podcast is no longer available, if you’d like a copy of the full interview transcript, please email me
This has been an excerpt from the Health Matters Podcast, believing that prayer & Bible study are to the spirit what exercise and healthy eating are to the body.
Blessings on your journey to health.
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